DOM node operations & M-side events

1. What is a DOM node?

1.1. DOM node: Each content in the DOM tree is called a node.

1.2. Classification of DOM nodes :

  • Element node such as div tag
  • Attribute node such as class attribute
  • Text node For example, the text in the label


2. Find nodes

Any node in the DOM tree does not exist in isolation. They are either a parent-child relationship or a brother relationship. Not only that, we can Find relationships between nodes.


  • Parent Node Find: parentNode attribute, return the most recent parent node. If not found, return null.
    Child element.parentNode
  • Child Node Find:
  • childNodes Get all child nodes, including text nodes (spaces, newlines), comment nodes, etc.
    children attribute (emphasis)
    Only get all element nodes, what is returned is still a pseudo array?
    Parent element.children
      <button class="btn1">All child nodes</button>
      <!-- Get the child nodes of ul -->
        <li>JavaScript basics</li>
        <li>Web APIs</li>
        const btn1 = document.querySelector('.btn1')
        btn1.addEventListener('click', function () {
          // parent node
          const ul = document.querySelector('ul')
          // all child nodes
          // Contains only element child nodes
  • Brotherhood Find :
  1. next sibling node
    nextElementSibling property
  2. Previous sibling node
    previousElementSibling property
    <li>JavaScript basics</li>
    <li>Web APIs</li>
    // Get all li nodes
    const lis = document.querySelectorAll('ul li')

    //Add event listeners to all li nodes
    for(let i = 0; i < lis.length; i + + ) {
      lis[i].addEventListener('click', function () {
        // previous node
        //Next node

3. Add nodes


3.1. Create nodes

That is, create a new web page element and then add it to the web page. Generally, a node is created first and then the node is inserted;
Create element node method:

//Create a new element node
document.createElement('New Label')

3.2. Adding nodes

  • If you want to see it on the interface, you have to insert it into a parent element
  • Insert into the last child element of the parent element:
// To be inserted at the end of this parent element
Parent element.appendChild (element to be inserted)
  <h3>Insert node</h3>
  <p>Insert new element nodes based on the existing dom structure</p>
  <!-- Ordinary box -->
  <div class="box"></div>
  <!-- Click the button to insert a node into the box -->
  <button class="btn">Insert node</button>
    // Click the button to insert the node into the web page
    const btn = document.querySelector('.btn')
    btn.addEventListener('click', function () {
      // 1. Get a DOM element node
      const p = document.createElement('p')
      p.innerText = 'New p tag created'
      p.className = 'info'
      //Copy the original DOM node
      const p2 = document.querySelector('p').cloneNode(true) = 'red'

      // 2. Insert box box box

Insert in front of a child element in the parent element

// To be inserted in front of a child element
Parent element.insertBefore (the element to be inserted, which element is before it)
  <h3>Insert node</h3>
  <p>Insert new element nodes based on the existing dom structure</p>
  <button class="btn1">Insert before any node</button>
    // Click the button to insert a new node into the existing DOM
    const btn1 = document.querySelector('.btn1')
    btn1.addEventListener('click', function () {

      // 2nd li element
      const relative = document.querySelector('li:nth-child(2)')

      // 1. Dynamically create new nodes
      const li1 = document.createElement('li') = 'red'
      li1.innerText = 'Web APIs'

      //Copy existing node
      const li2 = document.querySelector('li:first-child').cloneNode(true) = 'blue'

      // 2. Insert before relative node
      document.querySelector('ul').insertBefore(li1, relative)
      document.querySelector('ul').insertBefore(li2, relative)

3.3. Clone node

Under special circumstances, we add a new node and do as follows:

  1. Copy an original node
  2. Place the copied node inside the specified element
//Clone an existing element node

cloneNode will clone an element that is the same as the original tag, and pass in a Boolean value in the brackets

  • If true, it means that descendant nodes will be included in the clone when cloning.
  • If false, it means that descendant nodes will not be included when cloning.
  • Default is false

4. Delete node

  • Goal: Be able to delete nodes as needed
  • If a node is no longer needed in the page, you can delete it
  • In JavaScript native DOM operations, elements must be deleted through the parent element


Parent element.removeChild (element to be deleted)


  • If there is no parent-child relationship, the deletion will be unsuccessful
  • There is a difference between deleting nodes and hidden nodes (display:none): hidden nodes still exist, but if deleted, the nodes will be deleted from html

M terminal events (mobile terminal)

Goal: Understand common events on the M side: M sideCommon events