[Solved] [Problem solving] Solve the conflict between Androidx and other third-party libraries when compiling

The new project in Android Studio uses the Androidx library. If the old version of the Support library is included in the third-party library used at this time, a conflict error will be reported.

`Your project has set `android.useAndroidX=true`, but configuration `:app:debugAnnotationProcessorClasspath` still contains legacy support libraries, which may cause runtime issues.
This behavior will not be allowed in Android Gradle plugin 8.0.
Please use only AndroidX dependencies or set `android.enableJetifier=true` in the `gradle.properties` file to migrate your project to AndroidX (see https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/migrate for more info).
The following legacy support libraries are detected:
:app:debugAnnotationProcessorClasspath -> com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.8.1 -> com.jakewharton:butterknife-annotations:8.8.1 -> com.android.support:support-annotations:25.3.0

The solution is to add in gradle.properties in the project main directory
