Vite+Vue3+TS packages an npm component and supports the IDE’s code prompt function

1. Development components

1.1 Create a new project

Create a new project using vite

npm create vite@latest

Select Vue and Typescript

Need to install the following packages:
[email protected]
Ok to proceed? (y)
√ Project name: ... vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc
√ Select a framework: ? Vue
√ Select a variant: ? TypeScript

Scaffolding project in D:\coding\study\vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc...

Done. Now run:

  cd vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc
  npm install
  npm rundev

I have created a new demo project with the project name vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc;

1.2 Write a component

Create a new directory packages under src. The directory name can be arbitrary, but I am more accustomed to this directory structure. I can just create it based on personal preference;

We create a new component under this folder. Generally, each component should create a separate folder. The vue file and other content used to support this component are stored in the folder. I have created one here. vv3-test.vue component and a support.ts;

In support.ts, the Prop attribute of vv3-test is defined:

export interface Vv3TestProps{<!-- -->
    name?: string;
    age?: number;

vv3-test.vue component is relatively simple

<script setup lang="ts">
import {<!-- -->Vv3TestProps} from "./support.ts";

withDefaults(defineProps<Vv3TestProps>(), {<!-- -->
  name: "fjc",
  age: 18,


  <div class="">
    <h2>name: {<!-- -->{ name }}</h2>
    <h2>age: {<!-- -->{ age }}</h2>

1.3 Export components

Add an index.ts file in packages to export all components;

import {<!-- -->App} from "vue";
import Vv3Test from "./vv3-test/vv3-test.vue";

 * An install method supported by vue is exported by default here.
 * You can import components globally in main.ts using the following method
 * import ViteVue3TsTestFjc from "vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc"
 * .....
 * app.use(ViteVue3TsTestFjc);
export default {<!-- -->
    install(app: App) {<!-- -->
        app.component("Vv3Test", Vv3Test);
        // If there are more components that need to be registered, you can continue to add them here
        // app.component("Vv3Test1", Vv3Test1);
        // app.component("Vv3Test2", Vv3Test2);

 * The component is exported here so that it can be introduced on demand when using the component alone.
 * To support future use like this on demand import {Vv3Test} from "vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc";
 * Add as many components as there are components
export {<!-- -->Vv3Test};

 * Here is the key point, these components need to be declared as global components in ts;
declare module "vue" {<!-- -->
    export interface GlobalComponents {<!-- -->
        Vv3Test: typeof Vv3Test

Note: Be sure to add declare module "vue" at the bottom. This mainly tells ts that the following components are also global components;

2. Packaging configuration

2.1 Configuration vite.config.ts

In order to correctly export all types of ts (xxx.d.ts) files, we need to install the vite-plugin-dts plug-in:

npm install -D vite-plugin-dts

Then modify vite.config.ts

import {<!-- -->defineConfig} from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import dts from "vite-plugin-dts";

export default defineConfig({<!-- -->
    plugins: [
        //The vite-plugin-dts plug-in must be introduced here, otherwise the d.ts file will not be generated
        dts({<!-- -->
            // This defines the directory where the d.ts file needs to be generated. If there are multiple directories, you can use an array.
            include: ["src/packages/**/*.{vue,ts}"],
    // Packaging configuration
    build: {<!-- -->
        // Packaged file output directory
        outDir: "dist",
        lib: {<!-- -->
            //Specify component compilation entry file
            entry: "./src/packages/index.ts",
            // component library name
            name: "ViteVue3TsTestFjc",
            // file name
            fileName: "vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc",
        rollupOptions: {<!-- -->
            // Make sure to externalize dependencies that you don't want to package into the library
            external: ["vue"],
            output: {<!-- -->
                exports: "named",
                // Provide a global variable for these externalized dependencies in UMD build mode
                globals: {<!-- -->
                    vue: "Vue",

2.2 Modify package.json

{<!-- -->
  "name": "vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc",
  // Whether it is a private component, this needs to be changed to false
  "private": false,
  // Version needs to be modified before each submission, otherwise the submission will fail.
  "version": "1.0.1",
  //The type must be module
  "type": "module",
  // This component points to the path by default
  "main": "dist/vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc.js",
  //Default target when introduced in a similar import manner, such as; import xxx from "vite-vue3-test-fjc";
  "module": "dist/vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc.umd.cjs",
  // Type definition file, this must be written, otherwise it will not be automatically prompted.
  "types": "dist/index.d.ts",
  // When running npm publish, files that need to be submitted to npm
  "files": [
  // author
  "author": "FJC",
  // license
  "license": "MIT",
  // Source code warehouse
  "repository": {<!-- -->
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  // bug submission address
  "bugs": {<!-- -->
    "url": ""
  // Home page address, usually the readme of the source code
  "homepage": "",
  // describe
  "description": "Project for testing packaging prompts",
  // Keywords to search in npm
  "keywords": [
  "scripts": {<!-- -->
    "dev": "vite",
    "build": "vue-tsc & amp; & amp; vite build",
    "build-noEmiit": "vue-tsc --noEmit & amp; & amp; vite build",
    "preview": "vite preview"
  "dependencies": {<!-- -->
    "vue": "^3.3.4"
  "devDependencies": {<!-- -->
    "@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^4.2.3",
    "terser": "^5.24.0",
    "typescript": "^5.0.2",
    "vite": "^4.4.5",
    "vite-plugin-dts": "^3.6.3",
    "vue-tsc": "^1.8.5"

2.3 Package and upload to npm

Run the packaging command:

npm run build

After the packaging is completed, you can see the packaging completion file and the .d.ts declaration file of ts in the /dist directory;

Login npm

npm login

There will be a pause when logging in. Let us go to the web page to authorize the login. After the web page authorizes the login, it will prompt that the login is successful;

PS D:\coding\study\vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc> npm login
npm notice Log in on
Login at:
Press ENTER to open in the browser...
# There will be a pause and blocking here. After copying the above URL to the browser to complete the authorization, it will automatically prompt that the login is successful;

# Prompt for successful login
Logged in on

login interface

Then just enter the submit command directly:

npm publish

Submitted successfully:

PS D:\coding\study\vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc> npm publish
npm notice
npm notice package: [email protected]
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 133B
npm notice 806B dist/index.d.ts
npm notice 596B dist/vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc.js
npm notice 782B dist/vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc.umd.cjs
npm notice 1.5kB dist/vite.svg
npm notice 71B dist/vv3-test/support.d.ts
npm notice 1.2kB dist/vv3-test/vv3-test.vue.d.ts
npm notice 1.1kB package.json
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name: vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc
npm notice version: 1.0.1
npm notice filename: vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc-1.0.1.tgz
npm notice package size: 3.2 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 6.2 kB
npm notice shasum: a5b84cdcbec5195cd272148072096df1ea168f96
npm notice integrity: sha512-mE/zT6lAYHdjg[...]W + RVsNN7gO/Sw==
npm notice total files: 8
npm notice
npm notice Publishing to with tag latest and default access
 + [email protected]

3 Install components in the project

3.1 Installing components

Run the installation command

npm install vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc

Import components in main.js

import {<!-- --> createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import ViteVue3TsTestFjc from "vite-vue3-ts-test-fjc"
// If the component has global styles, import them as well.


3.2 Use components and enjoy being prompted by the IDE

4 Summary

There are two key steps for the IDE to prompt:

  1. Add global component declaration in packages/index.ts:
 * Here is the key point, these components need to be declared as global components in ts;
declare module "vue" {<!-- -->
    export interface GlobalComponents {<!-- -->
        Vv3Test: typeof Vv3Test
  1. Add the vite-plugin-dts plug-in to vite.config.js to automatically export .d.ts
export default defineConfig({<!-- -->
    plugins: [
        //The vite-plugin-dts plug-in must be introduced here, otherwise the d.ts file will not be generated
        dts({<!-- -->
            // This defines the directory where the d.ts file needs to be generated. If there are multiple directories, you can use an array.
            include: ["src/packages/**/*.{vue,ts}"],
    // ...