Microservice governance: building scalable and highly available systems

Article directory

    • What is microservice governance?
      • 1. Service discovery and registration
      • 2. Load balancing
      • 3. Fault tolerance processing
      • 4. Security
      • 5. Logging and Monitoring
      • 6. Version management
    • Build a scalable microservices system
      • 1. Horizontal expansion
      • 2. Use load balancing
      • 3. Automated expansion
      • 4. Asynchronous communication
      • 5. Caching
    • Build a highly available microservice system
      • 1. Fault-tolerant design
      • 2. Multi-region deployment
      • 3. Automatic failover
      • 4. Data copy and backup
      • 5. Automatic monitoring and alerting
    • Conclusion

Welcome to the Architecture Design Column~Microservice Governance: Building a Scalable and Highly Available System

  • ☆* o(≧▽≦)o *☆Hi~I am IT·Chen Han
  • ?Blog homepage: IT·Chen Han’s blog
  • Column of this series of articles: Architecture design
  • Other columns: Java learning route, Java interview skills, Java practical projects, AIGC artificial intelligence, data structure learning
  • The author of the article has limited skills and level. If there are errors in the article, I hope everyone can correct them
  • Welcome everyone to pay attention!

As software development continues to evolve, microservices architecture has become the preferred choice for many organizations. This architectural style helps improve development speed and scalability by splitting the application into small, independent microservices. However, microservices are not a silver bullet and introduce new challenges, especially when it comes to microservice governance. This article will explore the importance of microservices governance and how to build a scalable and highly available microservices system.

What is microservice governance?

Microservices governance is a practice focused on the management, control, and monitoring of microservices architectures. Its goal is to ensure that the microservice system can run stably and efficiently. Microservices governance includes the following key aspects:

1. Service discovery and registration

Microservice governance needs to provide a mechanism to enable automatic registration and discovery of services. This enables services to find each other without the need for hard-coded configuration.

2. Load balancing

In a microservices architecture, there may be multiple instances running the same service. A load balancer distributes traffic to these instances to ensure high availability and performance.

3. Fault tolerance processing

Microservices can malfunction due to reasons such as network unreliability. Microservice governance needs to provide a fault-tolerant mechanism to ensure system stability.

4. Security

Communication between microservices needs to be securely encrypted. Microservice governance needs to provide authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect the system from malicious attacks.

5. Logging and monitoring

Monitoring the health of microservices is critical to troubleshooting issues and improving performance. Microservice governance should provide monitoring and logging capabilities.

6. Version management

Microservices may be updated frequently, so version management is part of microservice governance. It allows new versions to be deployed gradually to reduce risk.

Build a scalable microservice system

Scalability is a key consideration when building a microservices system. Scalability refers to the ability of a system to handle increasing loads efficiently. Here are some best practices on how to build a scalable microservices system:

1. Horizontal expansion

Microservices should be stateless, which means they should not save session state. This allows them to easily scale horizontally by adding more instances to handle more load. Containerization technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes, are ideal for horizontal scaling.

# Dockerfile example
FROM my-service-image:latest
CMD ["java", "-jar", "my-service.jar"]

2. Use load balancing

Use a load balancer to distribute traffic to different microservice instances. This helps ensure high availability and performance of the system. Common load balancers include Nginx and HAProxy.

# Nginx sample configuration
http {
    upstream my-service {
        server my-service-1:8080;
        server my-service-2:8080;
        # More examples...
    server {
        listen 80;
            proxy_pass http://my-service;

3. Automated expansion

Use automation tools to manage the scaling of microservices. Cloud providers such as AWS and Azure offer autoscaling groups that can automatically increase or decrease the number of instances based on load.

# AWS Auto Scaling Group Example
  desired_capacity: 2
  min_size: 2


4. Asynchronous communication

Use message queues for asynchronous communication to reduce dependencies between microservices. This helps to loosely couple the system while improving performance and scalability.

//Send messages using message queue
public void sendMessage(String message) {<!-- -->

5. Caching

Use caching to reduce load on databases and other backend services. Caching can store frequently accessed data to reduce the number of requests to the original data source.

//Use cache
public String getCachedData(String key) {<!-- -->
    String data = cache.get(key);
    if (data == null) {<!-- -->
        data = fetchDataFromDatabase(key);
        cache.put(key, data);
    return data;

Build a highly available microservice system

In addition to scalability, high availability is also a key aspect of microservices systems. High availability refers to the ability of a system to continue to provide services in the face of failures. Here are some best practices on how to build a highly available microservices system:

1. Fault-tolerant design

A microservice system should have a fault-tolerant design so that even if a microservice fails, the entire system can still work normally. This can be achieved by using the circuit breaker pattern (Circuit Breaker), which stops requests when the service is unavailable to avoid overload.

//Use Hystrix to implement circuit breaker
@HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallbackMethod")
public String callService() {<!-- -->
    // Call other microservices

public String fallbackMethod() {<!-- -->
    return "Fallback data";

2. Multi-region deployment

Deploy microservices to different areas to reduce the impact of a single area failure on the system. Cloud providers often offer support for multi-region deployments.

# Multi-region deployment example

3. Automatic failover

Using an automatic failover mechanism, when a certain microservice becomes unavailable, traffic can automatically switch to an alternate service. This can be achieved through service mesh.

//Use Istio to implement automatic failover
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: DestinationRule
  name: my-service
  host: my-service
      simple: RANDOM

4. Data copy and backup

Ensure that the database and persistent storage have data replication and backup mechanisms. This can be done at the data center level or across regions.

-- Database replication example

5. Automatic monitoring and alerts

Use monitoring tools to monitor the health of microservices in real time. Set alerts to take immediate action when a problem occurs, and automatically fix it when there is a problem.

# Use Prometheus and Alertmanager for monitoring and alerting
- name: prometheus
  image: prom/prometheus
    - /path/to/prometheus-config:/etc/prometheus
    - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

- name: alertmanager
  image: prom/alertmanager
    - /path/to/alertmanager-config:/etc/alertmanager
    - /bin/alertmanager
    - --config.file=/etc/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml


Microservices architecture is a powerful development paradigm, but it brings new challenges, especially in terms of microservices governance, scalability, and high availability. Through proper microservice governance, horizontal scaling, load balancing, automation, and high-availability design, you can build a stable, efficient, and scalable microservice system. Microservices architecture has been used successfully in many large organizations, and as long as you keep best practices in mind and flexibly adapt to changes, it can also be a powerful contributor to the success of your business.

Whether you are considering switching to a microservices architecture or are already using microservices, the advice in this article can help you better understand and address the challenges of microservices governance, scalability, and high availability. I hope your microservices journey is filled with success and innovation!


  1. https://microservices.io/
  2. https://aws.amazon.com/microservices/
  3. https://istio.io/
  4. https://prometheus.io/
  5. https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix

I hope this article was helpful, and if you have any other questions or need more in-depth information, please feel free to ask. I wish you all the best in your exploration of microservice architecture!

End Thank you for your support and encouragement!
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