Six Design Principles: Building Elegant, Maintainable, and Scalable Software

Six design principles: Build elegant, maintainable and scalable software Single Responsibility Principle Open-Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Dependency Inversion Principle Interface Segregation Principle Composite Reuse Principle Design principles are basic guidelines used in software engineering to guide and evaluate design decisions. Following these principles helps create software systems that are highly cohesive, low coupling, and […]

Microservice governance: building scalable and highly available systems

Article directory What is microservice governance? 1. Service discovery and registration 2. Load balancing 3. Fault tolerance processing 4. Security 5. Logging and Monitoring 6. Version management Build a scalable microservices system 1. Horizontal expansion 2. Use load balancing 3. Automated expansion 4. Asynchronous communication 5. Caching Build a highly available microservice system 1. Fault-tolerant […]

Table tables in Ant Design Vue integrate vue-draggable-resizable to implement scalable columns

The content in the table is too long and is hidden. I want to change the column width by dragging to display the content in the table. The code is implemented as follows: 1. Add dependencies Download plug-in dependencies: npm install –save vue-draggable-resizable Introduce plugin: <script> import Vue from ‘vue’ import VueDraggableResizable from ‘vue-draggable-resizable’ Vue.component(‘vue-draggable-resizable’, […]

Go Interfaces – Build scalable Go applications

1. Introduction Why should we learn the Go interface Interface is a crucial concept in the Go programming language. It is not only a type abstraction, but also a reflection of programming paradigm and design ideas. Understanding and mastering the Go interface helps us have a deeper understanding of the Go language itself and how […]

Spring Cloud Gateway: Create a scalable microservice gateway

Article directory What is a microservices gateway? Advantages of Spring Cloud Gateway Build a microservice gateway using Spring Cloud Gateway Step 1: Add dependencies Step 2: Create routing configuration Step 3: Create filter Step 4: Run the application Explore further in conclusion Welcome to the architecture design column~Spring Cloud Gateway: Create a scalable microservice gateway […]

Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners

Paper link: [] Abstract This paper demonstrates that MAE is a scalable self-supervised learner for computer vision The method is simple: mask random patches of the input image and reconstruct the missing pixels Based on two cores, we first develop an asymmetric encoder-decoder architecture, in which an encoder operates only on the visible subset of […]

Using Redis to implement vector similarity search: solving variable and scalable similarity matching problems between text, images and audio

SUM function In MySQL, the SUM function is an aggregate function used to calculate the sum of numeric columns. It accepts a numeric column as argument and returns the sum of all values in the column. Here is an example using the SUM function: Suppose we have a table named “orders”, which has two fields: […]

3.0 Dubbo’s scalable mechanism SPI source code analysis

1. Dubbo SPI architecture diagram 2. Demo ExtensionLoader<Protocol> extensionLoader = ExtensionLoader.getExt ensionLoader(Protocol.class); Protocol http = extensionLoader.getExtension(“dubbo”); System.out.println(http); The above Demo is the usual way of writing Dubbo, which means to obtain the Protocol extension point corresponding to “dubbo”. Protocol is an interface. There is a static ConcurrentHashMap inside the ExtensionLoader class to cache the data […]