Based on Spark and Scala data statistics

Table of Contents Preface Spark Scala Data Sources process Preparation Download plugin Create a new normal Scala project Upload jsonl file to Hadoop Code (five indicator requirements) 1. Cinemas with statistical attendance rates higher than 50% The running results are as follows: 2. Count how many cinemas there are with the same name The running […]

Six Design Principles: Building Elegant, Maintainable, and Scalable Software

Six design principles: Build elegant, maintainable and scalable software Single Responsibility Principle Open-Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Dependency Inversion Principle Interface Segregation Principle Composite Reuse Principle Design principles are basic guidelines used in software engineering to guide and evaluate design decisions. Following these principles helps create software systems that are highly cohesive, low coupling, and […]

Yunchen Shooting Range Medium_Socnet The internal network is docker. There is no site agent. There is no privilege escalation method for gcc. Solve the problem that ldd is too high and cannot execute exp. Specify the so file.

First, we can scan the current intranet through arp-scan. But I don’t know why it can’t be scanned out. Then we can use fscan to get the survival The scan here generally only opens port 22. So we use nmap for information collection scanning nmap -sS -sV -A -p- Perform version service scanning through […]

Achieving kernel privilege escalation through conditional competition

Race Condition Vulnerability is a security issue that may cause incorrect behavior or data corruption when multiple threads or processes execute concurrently. This kind of vulnerability usually occurs when multiple threads or processes try to access and modify shared resources (such as memory, files, network connections, etc.). Due to the uncertain execution sequence or the […]

Windows Tip 02: Automatically mount the vhdx (supports bitlocker encryption) virtual disk with one click after booting and unlock bitlocker directly on the command line, automatically escalate the rights and run the bat script&&vhdx virtual disk file compression code as administrator

Take the script code below. It is recommended to use the third or fifth version of the code. Copy it into Notepad. Change the suffix of Notepad to bat file. Put this file in the same directory as the vhdx file and double-click to run it. Why should I use a virtual disk: 1. Used […]

Microservice governance: building scalable and highly available systems

Article directory What is microservice governance? 1. Service discovery and registration 2. Load balancing 3. Fault tolerance processing 4. Security 5. Logging and Monitoring 6. Version management Build a scalable microservices system 1. Horizontal expansion 2. Use load balancing 3. Automated expansion 4. Asynchronous communication 5. Caching Build a highly available microservice system 1. Fault-tolerant […]

Big data computing-Scala programming

1. Create a Person singleton and define a List in Person ((“xiaoming1″,”male”,18), (“xiaohua1″,”female”,20), (“xiaomeng”,”male” ,18), (“xiaoli1″,”female”,19), (“xiaoming2″,”male”,22), (“xiaoli2″,”female”,17), (“xiaoming4″,”male”,28 ) (1) Change everyone’s age to 3 times the previous one; (2) Filter out those aged less than 20; (3) Filter out women, especially women; (4) Calculate the total age of everyone; (5) Please sort by […]

04 | Closed classes: How to stop runaway scalability

The feature of closed classes was first released as a preview version in JDK 15. In JDK 16, improved enclosing classes are again released as a preview. Finally, closed classes were officially released in JDK 17. So, what is a closed class? The English word for closed classes is “sealed classes”. From the name, we […]

Achieving kernel privilege escalation through conditional competition

Race Condition Vulnerability is a security issue that may cause incorrect behavior or data corruption when multiple threads or processes execute concurrently. This kind of vulnerability usually occurs when multiple threads or processes try to access and modify shared resources (such as memory, files, network connections, etc.). Due to the uncertain execution sequence or the […]