windows privilege escalation – database privilege escalation

windows privilege escalation – database privilege escalation 1. Mysql privilege escalation 0X01udf privilege escalation Understanding UDF UDF (user-defined function) is an extended interface of MySQL, which can also be called a user-defined function. It is a technical means used to expand MySQL and can be said to be an extension of database functions. By defining […]

Table tables in Ant Design Vue integrate vue-draggable-resizable to implement scalable columns

The content in the table is too long and is hidden. I want to change the column width by dragging to display the content in the table. The code is implemented as follows: 1. Add dependencies Download plug-in dependencies: npm install –save vue-draggable-resizable Introduce plugin: <script> import Vue from ‘vue’ import VueDraggableResizable from ‘vue-draggable-resizable’ Vue.component(‘vue-draggable-resizable’, […]

Go Interfaces – Build scalable Go applications

1. Introduction Why should we learn the Go interface Interface is a crucial concept in the Go programming language. It is not only a type abstraction, but also a reflection of programming paradigm and design ideas. Understanding and mastering the Go interface helps us have a deeper understanding of the Go language itself and how […]


Testing for Privilege Escalation ID WSTG-ATHZ-03 Summary This section describes the issue of escalating privileges from one stage to another. During this phase, the tester should verify that it is not possible for a user to modify their privileges or roles inside the application in ways that could allow privilege escalation attacks. Privilege escalation occurs […]

E044-Service vulnerability exploitation and reinforcement-Using redis unauthorized access vulnerability to escalate privileges

Task implementation: E044-Service vulnerability exploitation and reinforcement-Using redis unauthorized access vulnerability to escalate privileges Task environment description: Server scenario: p9_kali-6 (username: root; password: toor) Server scenario operating system: Kali Linux Server scenario: p9_linux-6 (username: root; password: 123456) Server scenario operating system: Linux ————————————————– ————————————————– ————————– Experimental Level: intermediate Task scenario: 【Task Scenario】 Panshi […]

Several indicator statistics about SparkRdd and SparkSql, scala language, packaging and uploading to spark cluster, running in yarn mode

need: ? Requirements: Use SparkRDD and SparkSQL programming methods to complete the following data analysis, compare performance with webUI monitoring, and give a rational explanation for the results. 1. Count the number of users, gender, and occupation respectively: 2. Check the statistical age distribution (divided into 7 segments according to age) 3. Check the statistical […]

Target drone Raven2 / UDF privilege escalation

Raven2 Information collection Survival detection Detailed scan Background scanning dirsearch -u -x 403 # Filter background pages with status code 403 Webshell Vulnerability discovery Access the scanned background page /vendor page Found that the website uses PHPMailer PHPMailer is a PHP library for sending emails. It provides a simple and flexible way to send […]