Table tables in Ant Design Vue integrate vue-draggable-resizable to implement scalable columns

The content in the table is too long and is hidden. I want to change the column width by dragging to display the content in the table.

The code is implemented as follows:

1. Add dependencies
Download plug-in dependencies:

npm install --save vue-draggable-resizable

Introduce plugin:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueDraggableResizable from 'vue-draggable-resizable'

Vue.component('vue-draggable-resizable', VueDraggableResizable)

2. Add bordered and components attributes to the table component

  <a-table bordered :columns="columns" :components="components" :data-source="list">
    <template v-slot:action>
      <a href="javascript:;">Delete</a>

3. Define components attribute code in data
Note: Width and (dataIndex/key) must be set for each column of columns. If the width attribute is not set, it will not take effect when dragging.
Note: Do not add the ellipsis attribute to columns, otherwise the header and table will be misaligned when dragged to the minimum width.

export default {<!-- -->
components: {<!-- -->
  data() {<!-- -->
    this.components = {<!-- -->
      header: {<!-- -->
        cell: (h, props, children) => {<!-- -->
          const {<!-- --> key, ...restProps } = props
          const col = this.columns.find((col) => {<!-- -->
            const k = col.dataIndex || col.key
            return k === key
          if (!col || !col.width) {<!-- -->
            return h('th', {<!-- --> ...restProps }, [...children])
          const dragProps = {<!-- -->
            key: col.dataIndex || col.key,
            class: 'table-draggable-handle',
            attrs: {<!-- -->
              w: 10,
              x: col.width,
              z: 1,
              axis: 'x',
              draggable: true,
              resizable: false,
            on: {<!-- -->
              dragging: (x, y) => {<!-- -->
                col.width = Math.max(x, 1)
          const drag = h('vue-draggable-resizable', {<!-- --> ...dragProps })
          return h('th', {<!-- --> ...restProps, class: 'resize-table-th' }, [...children, drag])
    return {<!-- -->
        {<!-- -->
          title: 'Date',
          dataIndex: 'date',
          width: 200
        {<!-- -->
          title: 'Amount',
          dataIndex: 'amount',
          width: 100
        {<!-- -->
          title: 'Type',
          dataIndex: 'type',
          width: 100
        {<!-- -->
          title: 'Note',
          dataIndex: 'note',
          width: 100
        {<!-- -->
          title: 'Action',
          key: 'action',
          width: 120,
          scopedSlots: {<!-- --> customRender: 'action' }

4. Add style
Note: style cannot add scoped attribute
Note: Add transform: none !important; position: absolute; to table-draggable-handle;
Note: Add position: relative; to resize-table-th;

<style lang="less">
.table-draggable-handle {<!-- -->
transform: none !important;
position: absolute;
height: 100% !important;
left: auto !important;
right: -5px;
cursor: col-resize;
touch-action: none;
bottom: 0;
.resize-table-th {<!-- -->
position: relative;

Final code:

  <a-table bordered :columns="columns" :components="components" :data-source="list">
    <template v-slot:action>
      <a href="javascript:;">Delete</a>