C# lunar calendar and solar calendar related tool conversion class

I need to take out things from a long time ago and sort them out after using them again. relatively forgetful Gregorian calendar to lunar calendar //Under this namespace using System.Globalization; //There is a class dedicated to calculating the Chinese lunar calendar ChineseLunisolarCalendar cnsc = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar(); ChineseLunisolarCalendar cnsc = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar(); DateTime jrLDate = […]

Vue makes your own weekly schedule calendar component

Requirements: I want a weekly schedule to record daily plans. Click to view details. Customizable time period can be obtained through the background to display the time period analyze: According to the demand, the class schedule of the Super Course Schedule App is very similar to this demand, except that the time period in the […]

java – date(date,calendar)

1. Date The number of milliseconds since a fixed time. (1) Advantages: 1. Quickly compare the size of two times 2. Calculate time area based on duration 3. Small storage space, only one long data is needed (2) Disadvantages 1. The year, month, day and second information cannot be obtained quickly and needs to be […]

Calendar (implemented in HTML, CSS and JavaScript)

I wrote a calendar and only used (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) to implement it. Implement a calendar in the most native way. The calendar effect is as follows: 1.HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”zh-CN”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <title>My Calendar</title> <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”index.css”> </head> <body> <!– Calendar container –> <div class=”calendar”> <!– Calendar header –> <div id=”head”> […]

@fullcalendar/react use

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from ‘react’ import FullCalendar from ‘@fullcalendar/react’ // must go before plugins import dayGridPlugin from ‘@fullcalendar/daygrid’ let calendarApi = null; function Contact() { const calendarRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { calendarApi = calendarRef.current.getApi(); // Get the api, use the built-in method FullCalendarDate(calendarApi.view.title, ‘month’); // calendarApi.view.title gets the current time […]

js calendar full version

<template> <div id=”calendar”> <!– year month –> <div class=”title”> <div class=”label”>Event Calendar</div> <div class=”total”>Current active {<!– –>{<!– –> list.length }} fields</div> </div> <div class=”content”> <ul class=”month”> <!–Clicking will trigger the pickpre function and refresh the current date @click (vue v-on:click abbreviation) –> <li class=”arrow”> <span @click=”pickPre(currentYear, currentMonth, ‘year’)” style=”margin-right: 20px” ></span > <span @click=”pickPre(currentYear, currentMonth, […]

calendar: Python calendar processing and generation

Foreword The calendar library allows you to output calendars, and it also provides other calendar-related utility functions. In this article, we will explain in detail the usage rules of the calendar library. prmonth() and TextCalendar() prmonth() is a simple function that generates formatted text output of the month. The specific usage is as follows: import […]

Pta jmu-java-Use of date class: making work calendar

Author Zheng Rubin Unit Jimei University If you want to create a work calendar based on a given date and week number, it has the following 3 functions. Function 1: Need to create a work calendar. Given a specified date and a duration of n weeks, a working calendar of n weeks will be generated […]