JAVA-Experiment 1-4: There are two libraries in a certain town. Please follow the following requirements and tips to help these two libraries realize electronic lending of books.


(1) Follow the prompts in the code to complete this class. This category mainly provides functions such as borrowing books, returning books, checking the borrowing status of books, and obtaining book titles. When running this code, the output is:

Title (should be The Da Vinci Code): The Da Vinci Code

Rented? (should be false): false

Rented? (should be true): true

Rented? (should be false): false

(2) Complete, the main() method in this class has been given. But class members and class methods need to be improved. Please note the following requirements when completing this class:

A. There are class member methods and instance member methods in this class;

B. The content of the main() method cannot be changed.

The output of the C.main() method is:

Library hours:

Libraries are open daily from 9am to 5pm.

Library addresses:

10 Main St.

228 Liberty St.

Borrowing The Lord of the Rings:

You successfully borrowed The Lord of the Rings

Sorry, this book is already borrowed.

Sorry, this book is not in our catalog.

Books available in the first library:

The Da Vinci Code

Le Petit Prince

A Tale of Two Cities

Books available in the second library:

No book in catalog

Returning The Lord of the Rings:

You successfully returned The Lord of the Rings

Books available in the first library:

The Da Vinci Code

Le Petit Prince

A Tale of Two Cities

The Lord of the Rings

The code is as follows:

1.Book class:

public class Book {

    String title;
    boolean borrowed;

    // Creates a new Book
    public Book(String bookTitle) {
        // Implement this method
        this.title = bookTitle;
        borrowed = false;

    // Marks the book as rented
    public void rented() {
        // Implement this method
        borrowed = true;

    // Marks the book as not rented
    public void returned() {
        // Implement this method
        borrowed = false;

    // Returns true if the book is rented, false otherwise
    public boolean isBorrowed() {
        // Implement this method
        return borrowed;

    // Returns the title of the book
    public String getTitle() {
        // Implement this method
        return title;

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        // Small test of the Book class
        Book example = new Book("The Da Vinci Code");
        System.out.println("Title (should be The Da Vinci Code): " + example.getTitle());
        System.out.println("Borrowed? (should be false): " + example.isBorrowed());
        System.out.println("Borrowed? (should be true): " + example.isBorrowed());
        System.out.println("Borrowed? (should be false): " + example.isBorrowed());

2.Libarary class:

public class Library {

    String address;
    Book[] books = new Book[5];

    //Add the missing implementation to this class
    public Library(String adress) {
        address = adress;
        books = new Book[5];

    public static void printOpeningHours() {
        System.out.println("Libraries are open daily from 9am to 5pm.");

    public void printAddress() {

    public void addBook(Book b) {
        for (int i = 0; i < books.length; i + + ) {
            if (books[i] == null) {
                books[i] = new Book(b.getTitle());
                books[i].borrowed = false;

    public void borrowBook(String name) {
        int i = 0;
        int cnt = 1;
        for (i = 0; books[i] != null; i + + ) {
            if (name.equals(books[i].getTitle())) {
                cnt = 0;

        if (cnt != 0) {
            System.out.println("Sorry, this book is not in our catalog.");
        } else {
            if (books[i].isBorrowed()) {
                System.out.println("Sorry, this book is already borrowed.");
            } else {
                System.out.println("You successfully borrowed " + name);

    public void printAvailableBooks() {
        int cnt = 0;
        for (int i = 0; books[i] != null; i + + ) {
            if (!books[i].isBorrowed()) {
                cnt + + ;
        if (cnt == 0) {
            System.out.println("No book in catalog");

    public void returnBook(String name) {
        for (int i = 0; books[i] != null; i + + ) {
            if (name.equals(books[i].getTitle())) {
                System.out.println("You successfully returned " + name);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create two libraries
        Library firstLibrary = new Library("10 Main St.");
        Library secondLibrary = new Library("228 Liberty St.");

        // Add four books to the first library
        firstLibrary.addBook(new Book("The Da Vinci Code"));
        firstLibrary.addBook(new Book("Le Petit Prince"));
        firstLibrary.addBook(new Book("A Tale of Two Cities"));
        firstLibrary.addBook(new Book("The Lord of the Rings"));

        // Print opening hours and the addresses
        System.out.println("Library hours:");

        System.out.println("Library addresses:");

        // Try to borrow The Lords of the Rings from both libraries
        System.out.println("Borrowing The Lord of the Rings:");
        firstLibrary.borrowBook("The Lord of the Rings");
        firstLibrary.borrowBook("The Lord of the Rings");
        secondLibrary.borrowBook("The Lord of the Rings");

        // Print the titles of all available books from both libraries
        System.out.println("Books available in the first library:");
        System.out.println("Books available in the second library:");

        // Return The Lords of the Rings to the first library
        System.out.println("Returning The Lord of the Rings:");
        firstLibrary.returnBook("The Lord of the Rings");

        // Print the titles of available from the first library
        System.out.println("Books available in the first library:");

Run results:

1.Book class:

2.Library class:

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