[Data structure – tree] Binary tree traversal (preorder, inorder, postorder, level order) iteration + recursion

Article directory

    • Binary tree definition
    • How to traverse a binary tree
      • Preorder traversal
        • Recursive DFS
        • Iteration (stack)
      • inorder traversal
        • Recursive DFS
        • Iteration (stack)
      • Postorder traversal
        • Recursive DFS
        • Iteration (stack)
      • level-order traversal
        • iterate(queue)

Definition of binary tree

Binary tree is a common tree-like data structure, which consists of a node called the root node (Root) and up to two pointers (left child node and right child node) pointing to other nodes.

 static class TreeNode{<!-- -->
        public char val;//node value
        public TreeNode left; //Left child node
        public TreeNode right;//right child node
        public TreeNode(char val){<!-- -->//Node assignment
            this.val = val;
        public TreeNode(char val,TreeNode left,TreeNode right){<!-- -->//When assigning node values, specify the left and right children
            this.val = val;
            this.left =left;
            this.right =right;

How to traverse a binary tree

  • Create a binary tree:
 public static TreeNode creatTree(){<!-- -->
        TreeNode A = new TreeNode('A');
        TreeNode B = new TreeNode('B');
        TreeNode C = new TreeNode('C');
        TreeNode D = new TreeNode('D');
        TreeNode E = new TreeNode('E');
        TreeNode F = new TreeNode('F');
        TreeNode G = new TreeNode('G');
        TreeNode H = new TreeNode('H');

        A.left = B;
        A.right = C;
        B.left = D;
        B.right = E;
        C.left = F;
        C.right = G;
        E.right = H;

        return A;

The picture shows:

Preorder traversal

Preorder traversal (left and right of the root) A B D E H C F G

Recursive DFS
 //Global list collection //Storage tree nodes
    static List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
     // dfs depth-first recursion
    private static void dfs(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if(root == null) return;//Used for null test, also used as recursive exit
Iteration (stack)

Method 1

 //Global list collection //Storage tree nodes
    static List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
     * Iteration method 1 + stack
     * Preorder traversal is around the root. First save the root node, then pop it off the stack, and then put the value into the list.
     * Then enter the right node, enter the left node and repeat the cycle,
     * That is, the left node is treated as the root node for operation (that is, the left subtree is operated), and the right subtree is operated after the left subtree is operated.
    private static void iteration1(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if (root == null) return;
        Deque<TreeNode> stack= new LinkedList<>();

        stack.push(root);//Push the root node onto the stack

        while(!stack.isEmpty()){<!-- -->
             root = stack.pop();//pop the traversed nodes
            //Push the right child node onto the stack first, and then push the left child node onto the stack, so that the left child node will be accessed first when popping it off the stack.
            if(root.right != null) stack.push(root.right);
            if(root.left != null) stack.push(root.left);

Method 2 (recommended)

//Global list collection //Stores the nodes of the tree
    static List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
     * Iteration method 2 + stack
     * Enter the root and then enter the left until there is no left, then pop the top of the stack (find the leftmost node),
     * Then find the right child of the leftmost node. At this time, the right child is the root node. Then loop the operation.
     * Key points: After the root node and left node are processed, treat the right node as the root node and start the operation from the beginning of the loop (that is, organize the entire right subtree).
    private static void iteration(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if (root == null) return;
        Deque<TreeNode> stack= new LinkedList<>();
        while(!stack.isEmpty() || root != null){<!-- -->
            while(root != null){<!-- --> // The left node is always pushed onto the stack and added to the list at the same time
                root = root.left;
            root = stack.pop();
            root = root.right;//Switch the right node to continue looping

In-order traversal

In-order traversal (left root right) D B E H A F C G

Recursive DFS
 //Global list collection //Storage tree nodes
    static List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
     * dfs recursive in-order traversal
    private static void dfs(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if(root == null) return;
Iteration (stack)

Method 1

 //Global list collection //Storage tree nodes
    static List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
     * Iteration method one + stack
    private static void iteration(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->

        if (root == null) return;

        Deque<TreeNode> stack = new LinkedList<>();

        while(!stack.isEmpty() || root != null){<!-- -->//Note that the stack may be empty. At this time, the left subtree of root has been traversed and continues to traverse root.right, so the condition root must be added. != null
            if (root != null) {<!-- --> // Pointer to access the node, access to the lowest level
                stack.push(root);//Put the visited node into the stack
                root = root.left; // left
            }else {<!-- -->
                root = stack.pop();
                list.add(root); // Medium
                root = root.right; // right

Method 2 (recommended)

 //Global list collection //Storage tree nodes
    static List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
     * Iteration method two + stack
    private static void iteration1(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if (root == null) return;

        Deque<TreeNode> stack = new LinkedList<>();

        while(!stack.isEmpty() || root != null) {<!-- -->//Note that the stack may be empty. At this time, the left subtree of root has been traversed and continue to traverse root.right, so the condition root must be added. != null
                while(root != null){<!-- -->
                    root = root.left;//Access the left subtree node to the lowest level
                root = stack.pop();//If the left subtree of the node is null, pop up and add to the list
                root = root.right;//Then access the left subtree of the pop-up node

Post-order traversal

Postorder traversal (left and right roots) D H E B F G C A

Recursive DFS
//Global list collection //Stores the nodes of the tree
    static List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
     * dfs postorder recursion (left and right roots) D H E B F G C A
    private static void dfs(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if(root == null) return;
Iteration (stack)

Method 1

//Global list collection //Stores the nodes of the tree
    static List<TreeNode> list = new ArrayList<>();
     * Iteration method 1 + stack (improved on pre-order traversal, exchange the order in which the left and right children of pre-order traversal are pushed into the stack, get the root right and left, and then reverse it, which is post-order traversal)
    private static void iteration1(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if(root == null) return;
        Deque<TreeNode> stack = new LinkedList<>();
        while(!stack.isEmpty() ){<!-- -->
             root = stack.pop();
             if(root.left != null) stack.push(root.left);//Compared to pre-order traversal, this changes the stacking order so that the right node pops out of the stack first (root right left---> left and right roots)
             if(root.right != null) stack.push(root.right);
        //What we get above is actually the reverse order of post-order traversal, so just reverse the list and it will be post-order traversal (root right and left ---> left and right roots)

Method 2 (recommended)

     * Iteration method two + stack
     * Keep pushing the middle left into the stack until there is no left side, and then check whether the top node of the stack has a right node. If not, pop it out of the stack and put it into the vector.
     * Otherwise, the right node is used as the root node to recycle (that is, the right part is directly treated as a tree).
    private static void iteration(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if (root == null) {<!-- -->
            return ;

        Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<>();
        TreeNode prev = null;
        while (root != null || !stack.isEmpty()) {<!-- -->
            while (root != null) {<!-- -->
                root = root.left;
                TreeNode peekNode = stack.peek();
                if (peekNode.right != null & amp; & amp; peekNode.right!= prev) {<!-- -->
                    // If the right child node exists and has not been visited, process the right subtree
                    root = peekNode.right;
                } else {<!-- -->
                    // Otherwise, it means that the left and right subtrees have been processed and the current node can be accessed.
                    prev = stack.pop();//Record the popped node, which is used to determine whether the right child node has been processed the next time the node is processed.


Level-order traversal

Level order traversal A B C D E F G H

Iteration (queue)
     * iteration + queue
     * @param root
    private static void iteration(TreeNode root) {<!-- -->
        if(root == null) return;
        Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();//queue
        while(!queue.isEmpty()){<!-- -->
            int size = queue.size();//Record the number of nodes in each layer
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i + + ) {<!-- -->//Get the nodes of each layer
                root = queue.poll();
                if(root.left != null) queue.offer(root.left);//If the child node of the current node is not empty, add it
                if(root.right != null) queue.offer(root.right);
