Ajax_3 Ajax principle + (XMLHttpRequest + Promise) + encapsulate an axios plug-in library to realize the function.

Ajax_3 Ajax principle

01-Ajax principle-XMLHttpRequest

Using XMLHttpRequest


  1. Create an XMLHttpRequest object
  2. Configure the request method request url URL
  3. Listen to the loadend event and accept the response result
  4. make a request

Requirement: Communicate with the server using the XMLHttpRequest object

Code example
 // 1. Create an XMLHttpRequest object
 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()

 // 2. Configure the request method and request url address
 xhr.open('GET', 'http://hmajax.itheima.net/api/province')

 // 3. Listen to the loadend event and receive the response result
 xhr. addEventListener('loadend', () => {<!-- -->
   console. log(xhr. response)
   // string to object
   const data = JSON. parse(xhr. response)
   console. log(data. list)
   // array to string
   // insert into the page
   document.querySelector('.my-p').innerHTML = data.list.join('<br>')

 // 4. Initiate a request
 xhr. send()

02-XMLHttpRequest-query parameters

Definition: The browser provides additional information to the server, allowing the server to return the results the browser wants.

  1. ?Parameter name 1 = value 1 & amp; parameter name 2 = value 2 (after the question mark, multiple values are connected with & amp;)

The parameter name is set in the interface document!

Requirement: Use XHR to carry query parameters to display a list of cities under a certain province

Code example
// 1. Create an xhr instance object
 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
 // 2. Initiate a request
 xhr.open('GET', 'http://hmajax.itheima.net/api/city?pname=Jiangxi Province')
 xhr. addEventListener('loadend', () => {<!-- -->
   console. log(xhr. response)
   // object to string
   const data = JSON. parse(xhr. response)
   console. log(data)
   // array to string, separated by newlines
   // Insert rendering
   document.querySelector('.city-p').innerHTML = data.list.join('<br>')
 xhr. send()


03-Region query

Requirement: According to the name of the province and city, query the list of corresponding regions

Code example
 // register click event
 document.querySelector('.sel-btn').addEventListener('click', () => {<!-- -->
   // 2. Collect province and city names
   const pname = document.querySelector('.province').value
   const cname = document.querySelector('.city').value

   // 3. Organize the string of query parameters
   const qObj = {<!-- -->
   // convert query parameter object -> query parameter string
   const paramsObj = new URLSearchParams(qObj)
   // Use the toString() method to convert the instance object to a string
   const queryString = paramsObj.toString()
   console. log(queryString)

   // 1. Create an xhr instance object
   const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
   // 2. Send a request to the server
   xhr.open('GET', `http://hmajax.itheima.net/api/area?${<!-- -->queryString}`)
   // 3. The listening function listens to the server response information
   xhr. addEventListener('loadend', () => {<!-- -->
     console. log(xhr. response)
     // Convert the returned result object to a string
     const data = JSON. parse(xhr. response)
     console. log(data. list)
     // Map the data in the array to the label through the map array, remember to convert the array into a large string
     const htmlStr = data.list.map(item => {<!-- -->
       return `<li class="list-group-item">${<!-- -->item}</li>`
     console. log(htmlStr)
     document.querySelector('.list-group').innerHTML = htmlStr
   // 4. Send request
   xhr. send()



04-XMLHttpRequest-submit data

Requirements: Submit username and password through XHR to complete the registration function

Code example
 document.querySelector('.reg-btn').addEventListener('click', () => {<!-- -->
   const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
   xhr.open('POST', 'http://hmajax.itheima.net/api/register')
   xhr. addEventListener('loadend', () => {<!-- -->
     console. log(xhr. response)
   // Configure the request parameters yourself
   xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
   // ready to submit data
   const userObj = {<!-- -->
     username: 'liubuzhu',
     password: '7654321'
   //Convert the parameter object to a string request body
   const userStr = JSON. stringify(userObj)
   // Set the request body: make a request
   xhr. send(userStr)

Whether it is a request or a query, you need to configure the object yourself to operate after conversion through the API

Query parameters use the path to pass parameters after?.

After submitting the request parameters, configure the request object by yourself, in xhr.send (request parameters)

05-Know Promise

Definition: The promise object is used to represent the final completion (or failure and result) of an asynchronous operation

Benefits of promise
  1. clearer logic
  2. Understand the inner workings of axios functions
  3. Can solve the callback function below the problem
  1. Create a promise object, pass resolve and reject parameters
  2. Execute the asynchronous task and pass the result, successfully passed to resolve, failed to pass to reject
  3. Accept the result: success then method, failure catch method
Code example
const p = new Promise((resolve,reject) => {<!-- -->
    // 2. Execute asynchronous code
    setTimeout(() => {<!-- -->
      // If successful, directly pass the actual parameters to resolve
      resolve('Simulate the successful result of Ajax request')

      // If it fails, pass the actual parameter directly to reject
      reject('Simulate Ajax request failure result')
  // 3. Get the result
  p.then(result => {<!-- -->
    console. log(result)
  }).catch(error => {<!-- -->
    console. log(error)

  • Note the use of the second step.

06-Three states of the Promise object

  1. Understand how Promise objects are associated with handler functions, and the order in which code is executed.
  1. pending state (pending) new Promise() : initial state, neither fulfilled nor rejected
  2. fulfilled state (fulfilled) .then (callback function): means, the operation completed successfully
  3. rejected status (rejected) .catch(callback function): means, the operation failed
  • Note: Once a Promise object is fulfilled or rejected, it has been finalized and its state cannot be changed.
Code example
// When the Promise object is created (pending state), the code here will be executed
      console.log('Promise object starts execution')
      // 2. Execute asynchronous code, wait for the execution result to return to the actual parameter, and then cash out or reject the result
      setTimeout(() => {<!-- -->
        // After resolve is called, the fulfilled state - fulfilled then()
        resolve('Simulate AJAX request - success result')

        // After reject is called, rejected status - rejected catch()
        reject(new Error('Simulate AJAX request - failure result'))
      }, 2000)

To understand the execution timing of the three states, first execute the synchronous statement in the Promise, then call the two states of fulfillment and rejection, and wait until the asynchronous code is executed and the results are returned to the two states.

07-Use Promise + XHR to get the list of provinces


* 1. Create a Promise object

* 2. Execute the XHR asynchronous code to get the list of provinces

* 3. Associate the success or failure function for subsequent processing

Code example
        // 1. Create a Promise object
    const p = new Promise((resolve,reject) => {<!-- -->
      // 2. Execute the XHR asynchronous code to get the list of provinces
      const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
      xhr.open('GET', 'http://hmajax.itheima.net/api/province')
      xhr.addEventListener('loadend',() => {<!-- -->
        // Check the response status code
        // console. log(xhr. status)
        if (xhr.status >= 200 & amp; & amp; xhr.status < 300) {<!-- -->
          resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.response)) //string to object
        } else {<!-- -->
          // Error We need to create an error instance object and pass the error message to the constructor. When the implementation is passed to the swap function
          reject(new Error(xhr. response))
      xhr. send()

    // 3. Associate the success or failure function for subsequent processing
    p.then(result => {<!-- -->
      document.querySelector('.my-p').innerHTML = result.list.join('<br>')
    }).catch(error => {<!-- -->
      // The error message returned by the server is returned to the page
      document.querySelector('.my-p').innerHTML = error.message



08-Encapsulate simple axios-query, request, submit

Requirement: Based on Promise + XHR, encapsulate the myAxios function to obtain the list of provinces.

  • Goal: Encapsulation_simple axios function_get list of provinces
    1. Define the myAxios function, receive the configuration object, and return the Promise object
    * 2. Initiate an XHR request, the default request method is GET
    * 3. Call success/failure handler
    * 4. Use the myAxios function to get the list of provinces to display
Code example
function myAxios(config) {<!-- -->
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {<!-- -->
    const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
    if (config.params) {<!-- -->
      const paramsObj = new URLSearchParams(config.params)
      const queryString = paramsObj.toString()
      config.url + = `?${<!-- -->queryString}`
    xhr.open(config.method || 'GET', config.url)
    xhr. addEventListener('loadend', () => {<!-- -->
      if (xhr.status >= 200 & amp; & amp; xhr.status < 300) {<!-- -->
        resolve(JSON. parse(xhr. response))
      } else {<!-- -->
        reject(new Error(xhr. response))
    if (config.data) {<!-- -->
      const jsonStr = JSON. stringify(config. data)
      xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
      xhr. send(jsonStr)
    } else {<!-- -->
      xhr. send()
//Call the function directly below (just use the same as axios() first) to configure according to actual needs
      myAxios({<!-- -->
        url: 'http://hmajax.itheima.net/api/register',
        method: 'POST',
        data: {<!-- -->
          usename: 'myaxios010',
          password: '99999999'
      }).then(result => {<!-- -->
        console. log(result)
      }).catch(error => {<!-- -->

August 7, 2023 15:38:27

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