8. Data interaction axios

Data interaction axios 1. Introduction to axios 2. Basic syntax of axios 2. 1 axios({}) 2. 2 axios.get(url,{}) 2. 3 axios.post(url,{}) 3. Basic cases 3.1 Local call axios 3. 2 Call axios globally ==4. How to solve cross-domain problems== 4. 1 Method 1 (simple) 4.1 Method 2 (recommended) ==5. Post parameter (request) format== ==6. Interface […]

SpringBoot and Axios asynchronous network request library implement file download (too damn pitfalls)

Preparation: Import the maven jar package <dependency> <groupId>org.webjars.npm</groupId> <artifactId>axios</artifactId> <version>1.5.1</version> </dependency> Step 1: Write the front-end page <!doctype html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0″> <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”ie=edge”> <title>Download Center</title> <style> .txt { color: green; } </style> </head> <body> <div id=”app”> <h1>Download Center</h1> <ol> <li><span class=”txt”>WeChat Mini Program Project</span> […]

ajax-axios sends a get request or sends a post request with request body parameters

/* axios v0.21.1 | (c) 2020 by Matt Zabriskie */ !function(e,t){“object”==typeof exports & amp; & amp;”object”==typeof module?module.exports=t():”function”==typeof define & amp; & amp; define.amd?define([],t):”object”==typeof exports?exports.axios=t():e.axios=t()}(this,function(){return function(e){function t(r){if(n[r])return n[r].exports;var o=n[r]={exports:{},id:r,loaded:!1};return e[r]. call(o.exports,o,o.exports,t),o.loaded=!0,o.exports}var n={};return t.m=e,t.c=n,t.p=””,t(0) }([function(e,t,n){e.exports=n(1)},function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){var t=new i(e) ,n=s(i.prototype.request,t);return o.extend(n,i.prototype,t),o.extend(n,t),n}var o=n(2),s=n (3),i=n(4),a=n(22),u=n(10),c=r(u);c.Axios=i,c.create=function(e){return r( a(c.defaults,e))},c.Cancel=n(23),c.CancelToken=n(24),c.isCancel=n(9),c.all=function(e){return Promise. all(e)},c.spread=n(25),c.isAxiosError=n(26),e.exports=c,e.exports.default=c},function(e,t,n){“use strict”;function r(e){return”[object Array]”===R.call(e)}function o(e){return”undefined”==typeof e}function s(e){return null! ==e & amp; […]

ts simple encapsulation of axios, unified API

Article directory Why encapsulation Target File structure Encapsulate common request methods Get type hints http method File Upload Usage example Instantiate post request type hints File Upload Summarize Complete code: Why encapsulation axios itself is already very easy to use, and the seemingly multiple encapsulation is to decouple axios from the project.For example, if you […]

Understanding of Fetch, Axios, and Ajax

1. Basic concepts Fetch, Axios, and Ajax are all tools or technologies used by the front end to send HTTP requests: Fetch: A modern network request method that uses Promise to handle asynchronous operations, simply and intuitively sending HTTP requests and processing responses, and supports various functions and APIs, such as setting request headers, passing […]

Secondary packaging of axios

Structural description We usually create a request.js file like this for secondary encapsulation of axios The most basic demonstration Here is a simple demonstration //Introduce files import axios from “axios” //Global configuration const request=axios.create({<!– –> baseURL:”http://localhost:3000″, //Root path timeout:8000 //Request timeout time }) export default request <template> <div> <button @click=”emitget”>Send get request</button> </div> </template> <script> […]

axios backend request tool class encapsulation

<template> <div class=”login-container”> <el-form ref=”formRef” :rules=”rules” :model=”form” class=”login-form” > <div class=”title-container”> <h3 class=”title”>Java1234Mall-Administrator login</h3> </div> <el-form-item prop=”userName”> <!– <el-icon :size=”20″ class=”svg-container”>–> <!– <edit/>–> <!– </el-icon>–> <svg-icon icon=”user” class=”svg-container”></svg-icon> <el-input v-model=”form.userName” placeholder=”Please enter username…”/> </el-form-item> <el-form-item prop=”password”> <!– <el-icon :size=”20″ class=”svg-container”>–> <!– <edit/>–> <!– </el-icon>–> <svg-icon icon=”password” class=”svg-container”></svg-icon> <el-input v-model=”form.password” type=”password” placeholder=”Please enter your password..”/> </el-form-item> […]

axiosBasic use of axios

1. Introduction to Axios 1. What is Axios? Axios is a promise-based HTTP library, similar to jQuery’s ajax, for http requests. It can be applied to the browser and node.js, and can be used for both the client and the server written in node.js. 2., Axios features Support PromiseAPI Intercept requests and responses, for example: […]