There is a vulnerability in the third-party component used by Android APP. After rectification, an error is reported: ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljava/awt/Color;

Recently, the company’s app was detected to use third-party components containing vulnerabilities and needs to be rectified. Record: some problems encountered during the rectification process and their solutions.
1. The component commons-net-3.3.jar has a vulnerability CVE-2021-37533. According to the official website announcement, just upgrade to 3.10.0 or above.

build.gradle under app

implementation 'commons-net:commons-net:3.10.0'

Apache official website announcement:
Prior to Apache Commons Net 3.9.0, Net’s FTP client trusted hosts from PASV responses by default. A malicious server can redirect CommonsNet code to use another host, but the user must first connect to the malicious server. This could lead to information disclosure about services running on the client’s private network. The default in version 3.9.0 is now false to ignore such hosts.

2. The component excel-operation.jar version 3.9 has a vulnerability CVE-2019-12415. According to the official website version description, just upgrade to Apache POI 4.1.1 or above.

build.gradle under app

implementation 'org.apache.poi:poi:5.2.4'

Apache official website description:
When a user-supplied Microsoft Excel document is converted using the tool XSSFExportToXml, the specially crafted document could allow an attacker to read the file from the local file system or internal network resources via XML External Entity (XXE) processing.
Mitigation: Apache POI 4.1.0 and earlier: Users who do not use the tool XSSFExportToXml are not affected. Affected users are advised to update to Apache POI 4.1.1, which fixes this vulnerability.

Two problems were encountered after upgrading Apache POI:

1. After upgrading to apache.poi 5.2.4. The commons-codec class library will be imported synchronously, so if the original project depends on commons-codec-1.x.jar, it must be deleted.

2. Error reported during testing: (Packaging and compilation can pass, but when running the test)

ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljava/awt/Color;


I can’t find the Color class. Looking at the source code, it turns out that java.awt.Color is marked red. The compilation is successful because the jdk itself has the java.awt class library, so it can be compiled normally.

I took a look at the entire rt.jar, which is over sixty megabytes, unacceptable, give up the import one by one, the ultimate solution: create a new java.awt package in the java directory, then create a new class under the package, then go to rt.jar to find the Color class and copy the code to your newly created Color .java under. I copied it, you can also directly copy the code below and use it:

package java.awt;


 * @author GEEK
public class Color implements Serializable {
    public static final Color white = new Color(255, 255, 255);
    public static final Color WHITE;
    public static final Color lightGray;
    public static final Color LIGHT_GRAY;
    public static final Color gray;
    public static final Color GRAY;
    public static final Color darkGray;
    public static final Color DARK_GRAY;
    public static final Color black;
    public static final Color BLACK;
    public static final Color red;
    public static final Color RED;
    public static final Color pink;
    public static final ColorPINK;
    public static final Color orange;
    public static final Color ORANGE;
    public static final Color yellow;
    public static final Color YELLOW;
    public static final Color green;
    public static final Color GREEN;
    public static final Color magenta;
    public static final Color MAGENTA;
    public static final Color cyan;
    public static final Color CYAN;
    public static final Color blue;
    public static final Color BLUE;
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 118526816881161077L;
    private static final double FACTOR = 0.7D;

    static {
        WHITE = white;
        lightGray = new Color(192, 192, 192);
        LIGHT_GRAY = lightGray;
        gray = new Color(128, 128, 128);
        GRAY = gray;
        darkGray = new Color(64, 64, 64);
        DARK_GRAY = darkGray;
        black = new Color(0, 0, 0);
        BLACK = black;
        red = new Color(255, 0, 0);
        RED = red;
        pink = new Color(255, 175, 175);
        PINK = pink;
        orange = new Color(255, 200, 0);
        ORANGE = orange;
        yellow = new Color(255, 255, 0);
        YELLOW = yellow;
        green = new Color(0, 255, 0);
        GREEN = green;
        magenta = new Color(255, 0, 255);
        MAGENTA = magenta;
        cyan = new Color(0, 255, 255);
        CYAN = cyan;
        blue = new Color(0, 0, 255);
        BLUE = blue;

    int value;
    private float[] frgbvalue;
    private float[] fvalue;
    private float falpha;

    public Color(int var1, int var2, int var3) {
        this(var1, var2, var3, 255);

    public Color(int var1, int var2, int var3, int var4) {
        this.frgbvalue = null;
        this.fvalue = null;
        this.falpha = 0.0F;
        this.value = (var4 & amp; 255) << 24 | (var1 & amp; 255) << 16 | (var2 & amp; 255) << 8 | (var3 & amp; 255) << 0;
        testColorValueRange(var1, var2, var3, var4);

    public Color(int var1) {
        this.frgbvalue = null;
        this.fvalue = null;
        this.falpha = 0.0F;
        this.value = -16777216 | var1;

    public Color(int var1, boolean var2) {
        this.frgbvalue = null;
        this.fvalue = null;
        this.falpha = 0.0F;
        if (var2) {
            this.value = var1;
        } else {
            this.value = -16777216 | var1;


    public Color(float var1, float var2, float var3) {
        this((int) ((double) (var1 * 255.0F) + 0.5D), (int) ((double) (var2 * 255.0F) + 0.5D), (int) ((double) (var3 * 255.0F ) + 0.5D));
        testColorValueRange(var1, var2, var3, 1.0F);
        this.frgbvalue = new float[3];
        this.frgbvalue[0] = var1;
        this.frgbvalue[1] = var2;
        this.frgbvalue[2] = var3;
        this.falpha = 1.0F;
        this.fvalue = this.frgbvalue;

    public Color(float var1, float var2, float var3, float var4) {
        this((int) ((double) (var1 * 255.0F) + 0.5D), (int) ((double) (var2 * 255.0F) + 0.5D), (int) ((double) (var3 * 255.0F ) + 0.5D), (int) ((double) (var4 * 255.0F) + 0.5D));
        this.frgbvalue = new float[3];
        this.frgbvalue[0] = var1;
        this.frgbvalue[1] = var2;
        this.frgbvalue[2] = var3;
        this.falpha = var4;
        this.fvalue = this.frgbvalue;

    private static void testColorValueRange(int var0, int var1, int var2, int var3) {
        boolean var4 = false;
        String var5 = "";
        if (var3 < 0 || var3 > 255) {
            var4 = true;
            var5 = var5 + "Alpha";

        if (var0 < 0 || var0 > 255) {
            var4 = true;
            var5 = var5 + "Red";

        if (var1 < 0 || var1 > 255) {
            var4 = true;
            var5 = var5 + "Green";

        if (var2 < 0 || var2 > 255) {
            var4 = true;
            var5 = var5 + "Blue";

        if (var4) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color parameter outside of expected range:" + var5);

    private static void testColorValueRange(float var0, float var1, float var2, float var3) {
        boolean var4 = false;
        String var5 = "";
        if ((double) var3 < 0.0D || (double) var3 > 1.0D) {
            var4 = true;
            var5 = var5 + "Alpha";

        if ((double) var0 < 0.0D || (double) var0 > 1.0D) {
            var4 = true;
            var5 = var5 + "Red";

        if ((double) var1 < 0.0D || (double) var1 > 1.0D) {
            var4 = true;
            var5 = var5 + "Green";

        if ((double) var2 < 0.0D || (double) var2 > 1.0D) {
            var4 = true;
            var5 = var5 + "Blue";

        if (var4) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Color parameter outside of expected range:" + var5);

    public static Color decode(String var0) throws NumberFormatException {
        Integer var1 = Integer.decode(var0);
        int var2 = var1;
        return new Color(var2 >> 16 & amp; 255, var2 >> 8 & amp; 255, var2 & amp; 255);

    public static Color getColor(String var0) {
        return getColor(var0, (Color) null);

    public static Color getColor(String var0, Color var1) {
        Integer var2 = Integer.getInteger(var0);
        if (var2 == null) {
            return var1;
        } else {
            int var3 = var2;
            return new Color(var3 >> 16 & amp; 255, var3 >> 8 & amp; 255, var3 & amp; 255);

    public static Color getColor(String var0, int var1) {
        Integer var2 = Integer.getInteger(var0);
        int var3 = var2 != null ? var2 : var1;
        return new Color(var3 >> 16 & amp; 255, var3 >> 8 & amp; 255, var3 >> 0 & amp; 255);

    public static int HSBtoRGB(float var0, float var1, float var2) {
        int var3 = 0;
        int var4 = 0;
        int var5 = 0;
        if (var1 == 0.0F) {
            var3 = var4 = var5 = (int) (var2 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
        } else {
            float var6 = (var0 - (float) Math.floor((double) var0)) * 6.0F;
            float var7 = var6 - (float) Math.floor((double) var6);
            float var8 = var2 * (1.0F - var1);
            float var9 = var2 * (1.0F - var1 * var7);
            float var10 = var2 * (1.0F - var1 * (1.0F - var7));
            switch ((int) var6) {
                case 0:
                    var3 = (int) (var2 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var4 = (int) (var10 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var5 = (int) (var8 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                case 1:
                    var3 = (int) (var9 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var4 = (int) (var2 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var5 = (int) (var8 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                case 2:
                    var3 = (int) (var8 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var4 = (int) (var2 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var5 = (int) (var10 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                case 3:
                    var3 = (int) (var8 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var4 = (int) (var9 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var5 = (int) (var2 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                case 4:
                    var3 = (int) (var10 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var4 = (int) (var8 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var5 = (int) (var2 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                case 5:
                    var3 = (int) (var2 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var4 = (int) (var8 * 255.0F + 0.5F);
                    var5 = (int) (var9 * 255.0F + 0.5F);

        return -16777216 | var3 << 16 | var4 << 8 | var5 << 0;

    public static float[] RGBtoHSB(int var0, int var1, int var2, float[] var3) {
        if (var3 == null) {
            var3 = new float[3];

        int var7 = var0 > var1 ? var0 : var1;
        if (var2 > var7) {
            var7 = var2;

        int var8 = var0 < var1 ? var0 : var1;
        if (var2 < var8) {
            var8 = var2;

        float var6 = (float) var7 / 255.0F;
        float var5;
        if (var7 != 0) {
            var5 = (float) (var7 - var8) / (float) var7;
        } else {
            var5 = 0.0F;

        float var4;
        if (var5 == 0.0F) {
            var4 = 0.0F;
        } else {
            float var9 = (float) (var7 - var0) / (float) (var7 - var8);
            float var10 = (float) (var7 - var1) / (float) (var7 - var8);
            float var11 = (float) (var7 - var2) / (float) (var7 - var8);
            if (var0 == var7) {
                var4 = var11 - var10;
            } else if (var1 == var7) {
                var4 = 2.0F + var9 - var11;
            } else {
                var4 = 4.0F + var10 - var9;

            var4 /= 6.0F;
            if (var4 < 0.0F) {
                 + + var4;

        var3[0] = var4;
        var3[1] = var5;
        var3[2] = var6;
        return var3;

    public static Color getHSBColor(float var0, float var1, float var2) {
        return new Color(HSBtoRGB(var0, var1, var2));

    public int getRed() {
        return this.getRGB() >> 16 & 255;

    public int getGreen() {
        return this.getRGB() >> 8 & 255;

    public int getBlue() {
        return this.getRGB() >> 0 & 255;

    public int getAlpha() {
        return this.getRGB() >> 24 & 255;

    public int getRGB() {
        return this.value;

    public Color brighter() {
        int var1 = this.getRed();
        int var2 = this.getGreen();
        int var3 = this.getBlue();
        int var4 = this.getAlpha();
        byte var5 = 3;
        if (var1 == 0 & amp; & var2 == 0 & amp; & var3 == 0) {
            return new Color(var5, var5, var5, var4);
        } else {
            if (var1 > 0 & amp; & amp; var1 < var5) {
                var1 = var5;

            if (var2 > 0 & amp; & amp; var2 < var5) {
                var2 = var5;

            if (var3 > 0 & amp; & amp; var3 < var5) {
                var3 = var5;

            return new Color(Math.min((int) ((double) var1 / 0.7D), 255), Math.min((int) ((double) var2 / 0.7D), 255), Math.min((int ) ((double) var3 / 0.7D), 255), var4);

    public Color darker() {
        return new Color(Math.max((int) ((double) this.getRed() * 0.7D), 0), Math.max((int) ((double) this.getGreen() * 0.7D), 0 ), Math.max((int) ((double) this.getBlue() * 0.7D), 0), this.getAlpha());

    public int hashCode() {
        return this.value;

    public boolean equals(Object var1) {
        return var1 instanceof Color & amp; & amp; ((Color) var1).getRGB() == this.getRGB();

    public String toString() {
        return this.getClass().getName() + "[r=" + this.getRed() + ",g=" + this.getGreen() + ",b=" + this.getBlue() + "]" ;

    public float[] getRGBComponents(float[] var1) {
        float[] var2;
        if (var1 == null) {
            var2 = new float[4];
        } else {
            var2 = var1;

        if (this.frgbvalue == null) {
            var2[0] = (float) this.getRed() / 255.0F;
            var2[1] = (float) this.getGreen() / 255.0F;
            var2[2] = (float) this.getBlue() / 255.0F;
            var2[3] = (float) this.getAlpha() / 255.0F;
        } else {
            var2[0] = this.frgbvalue[0];
            var2[1] = this.frgbvalue[1];
            var2[2] = this.frgbvalue[2];
            var2[3] = this.falpha;

        return var2;

    public float[] getRGBColorComponents(float[] var1) {
        float[] var2;
        if (var1 == null) {
            var2 = new float[3];
        } else {
            var2 = var1;

        if (this.frgbvalue == null) {
            var2[0] = (float) this.getRed() / 255.0F;
            var2[1] = (float) this.getGreen() / 255.0F;
            var2[2] = (float) this.getBlue() / 255.0F;
        } else {
            var2[0] = this.frgbvalue[0];
            var2[1] = this.frgbvalue[1];
            var2[2] = this.frgbvalue[2];

        return var2;

    public float[] getComponents(float[] var1) {
        if (this.fvalue == null) {
            return this.getRGBComponents(var1);
        } else {
            int var3 = this.fvalue.length;
            float[] var2;
            if (var1 == null) {
                var2 = new float[var3 + 1];
            } else {
                var2 = var1;

            for (int var4 = 0; var4 < var3; + + var4) {
                var2[var4] = this.fvalue[var4];

            var2[var3] = this.falpha;
            return var2;

    public float[] getColorComponents(float[] var1) {
        if (this.fvalue == null) {
            return this.getRGBColorComponents(var1);
        } else {
            int var3 = this.fvalue.length;
            float[] var2;
            if (var1 == null) {
                var2 = new float[var3];
            } else {
                var2 = var1;

            for (int var4 = 0; var4 < var3; + + var4) {
                var2[var4] = this.fvalue[var4];

            return var2;

    public int getTransparency() {
        int var1 = this.getAlpha();
        if (var1 == 255) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return var1 == 0 ? 2 : 3;

3. There is a vulnerability in the component because Baidu Map SDK uses libpng and libjpeg C language libraries for processing PNG and JPEG format image data.

So I went to Baidu Map official website to search, and finally found the update log of Baidu Map v4.2.1: the basemap rendering libpng library was upgraded, but no log of the upgrade of the libjpeg library was found.

However, the 6.4.0 version I am using still has detected vulnerabilities: libjpeg library vulnerability numbers CVE-2020-14153, CVE-2020-14152; libpng library vulnerability numbers CVE-2018-14550, CVE-2019-7317. These vulnerabilities may be new vulnerabilities that appeared after Baidu Map SDK-v4.2.1. Although I did not find the subsequent update log of Baidu Map official website, I still upgraded the Baidu SDK. The latest version is 7.5.9.

Baidu Map SDK official website update log:
Regarding the rectification of libpng vulnerabilities, update log: V4.2.1-Upgrade the basemap rendering libpng library to solve possible vulnerabilities in the old version.


*A good memory is not as good as a bad writing. *

*Welcome to correct any deficiencies. *
