springboot breakpoint upload, resume upload, instant upload implementation

Springboot implements breakpoint upload, resume upload, and instant upload.
The saving method provides local upload (stand-alone) and minio upload (can be clustered)
This article is mainly about the back-end implementation solution. The database persistence uses jpa.

1. Implementation ideas
The front-end generates file md5, and checks the file block upload progress or seconds based on md5.

Files that need to be uploaded in shards Upload sharded files

Upload the shards to the server after merging

2. Database table objects

AbstractDomainPd is a public field, such as id, creator, creation time, etc. You can modify it according to your own framework.
clientId application id is used to isolate different application attachments, not required
Attachment table: Attachment information uploaded successfully

@Table(name = "gsdss_file", schema = "public")
public class AttachmentPO extends AbstractDomainPd<String> implements Serializable {<!-- -->
     * relative path
    private String path;
     * file name
    private String fileName;
     * File size
    private String size;
     * File MD5
    private String fileIdentifier;

Sharding information table: records the uploaded shard data of the current file

@Table(name = "gsdss_file_chunk", schema = "public")
public class ChunkPO extends AbstractDomainPd<String> implements Serializable {<!-- -->
     * application id
    private String clientId;
     * File block number, starting from 1
    private Integer chunkNumber;
     * File identifier MD5
    private String fileIdentifier;
     * file name
    private String fileName;
     * relative path
    private String path;

2. Business input objects
Check file block upload progress or pass in seconds parameter object

package com.gsafety.bg.gsdss.file.manage.model.req;

import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Hidden;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;

import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

public class ChunkReq {<!-- -->
     * File block number, starting from 1
    private Integer chunkNumber;
     * File identifier MD5
    private String fileIdentifier;
     * relative path
    private String path;
     *Block content
    privateMultipartFile file;
     * application id
    private String clientId;
     * file name
    private String fileName;

Upload fragment input parameters

public class CheckChunkReq {<!-- -->
     * application id
    private String clientId;
     * file name
    private String fileName;
    private String fileIdentifier;

Slice merge into parameters

public class FileReq {<!-- -->
    privateMultipartFile file;
     * file name
    private String fileName;
     * File size
    private Long fileSize;
    private String path;
    private String fileIdentifier;
     * application id
    private String clientId;

Check file block upload progress or return results in seconds

public class UploadResp implements Serializable {<!-- -->
     * Whether to skip uploading (already uploaded items can be skipped directly to achieve the effect of instant upload)
    private boolean skipUpload = false;
     * The file block number that has been uploaded can be skipped and resumed at a breakpoint.
    private List<Integer> uploadedChunks;
     *File information
    private AttachmentResp fileInfo;

3. Local upload implementation

    private S3OssProperties properties;
    private AttachmentService attachmentService;
    private ChunkDao chunkDao;
    private ChunkMapping chunkMapping;
     * Upload fragmented files
     * @param req
    public boolean uploadChunk(ChunkReq req) {<!-- -->
        BizPreconditions.checkArgumentNoStack(!req.getFile().isEmpty(), "The uploaded fragment cannot be empty!");
        BizPreconditions.checkArgumentNoStack(req.getPath().endsWith("/"), "url parameter must end with /");
        //File name-1
        String fileName = req.getFileName().concat("-").concat(req.getChunkNumber().toString());
        //Directory address of the fragmented file upload server Folder address/chunks/file md5
        String filePath = properties.getPath().concat(req.getClientId()).concat(File.separator).concat(req.getPath())
        try {<!-- -->
            Path newPath = Paths.get(filePath);
            //Folder address/md5/file name-1
            newPath = Paths.get(filePath.concat(fileName));
            if (Files.notExists(newPath)) {<!-- -->
            Files.write(newPath, req.getFile().getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE);
        } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
            log.error("Attachment storage failed", e);
            throw new BusinessCheckException("Attachment storage failed");
        //Storage shard information
        return true;
     * Check file blocks
    public UploadResp checkChunk(CheckChunkReq req) {<!-- -->
        UploadResp result = new UploadResp();
        //Query database records
        //First determine whether the entire file has been uploaded. If so, tell the front end to skip uploading and achieve instant upload.
        AttachmentResp resp = attachmentService.findByFileIdentifierAndClientId(req.getFileIdentifier(), req.getClientId());
        if (resp != null) {<!-- -->
            //Save current file information
            AttachmentResp newResp = attachmentService.save(AttachmentReq.builder()
            return result;
        //If the complete file does not exist, go to the database to determine which file blocks have been uploaded, tell the result to the front end, skip the upload of these file blocks, and implement breakpoint resume uploading.
        List<ChunkPO> chunkList = chunkDao.findByFileIdentifierAndClientId(req.getFileIdentifier(), req.getClientId());
        //Return the chunkNumber list of existing chunks to the front end, and the front end will avoid these chunks
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(chunkList)) {<!-- -->
            List<Integer> collect = chunkList.stream().map(ChunkPO::getChunkNumber).collect(Collectors.toList());
        return result;
     * Merge shards
     * @param req
    public boolean mergeChunk(FileReq req) {<!-- -->
        String filename = req.getFileName();
        String date = DateUtil.localDateToString(LocalDate.now());
        //The attachment server stores the merged file storage address
        String file = properties.getPath().concat(req.getClientId()).concat(File.separator).concat(req.getPath())
        //Server fragment file storage address
        String folder = properties.getPath().concat(req.getClientId()).concat(File.separator).concat(req.getPath())
        //Merge files to local directory and delete fragmented files
        boolean flag = mergeFile(file, folder, filename);
        if (!flag) {<!-- -->
            return false;
        //Save file record
        AttachmentResp resp = attachmentService.findByFileIdentifierAndClientId(req.getFileIdentifier(), req.getClientId());
        if (resp == null) {<!-- -->
        //After successfully inserting the file record, delete the corresponding record in the chunk table to free up space.
        chunkDao.deleteAllByFileIdentifierAndClientId(req.getFileIdentifier(), req.getClientId());
        return true;
     * File merge
     * @param targetFile The file address to be formed
     * @param folder Fragmented file storage address
     * @param filename The name of the file
    private boolean mergeFile(String targetFile, String folder, String filename) {<!-- -->
        try {<!-- -->
            //First determine whether the file exists
            if (FileUtils.fileExists(targetFile)) {<!-- -->
                //File already exists
                return true;
            Path newPath = Paths.get(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(targetFile, File.separator));
                    .filter(path -> !path.getFileName().toString().equals(filename))
                    .sorted((o1, o2) -> {<!-- -->
                        String p1 = o1.getFileName().toString();
                        String p2 = o2.getFileName().toString();
                        int i1 = p1.lastIndexOf("-");
                        int i2 = p2.lastIndexOf("-");
                        return Integer.valueOf(p2.substring(i2)).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(p1.substring(i1)));
                    .forEach(path -> {<!-- -->
                        try {<!-- -->
                            //Write to file in append form
                            Files.write(Paths.get(targetFile), Files.readAllBytes(path), StandardOpenOption.APPEND);
                            //Delete the block after merging
                        } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
                            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                            throw new BusinessException("File merge failed");
            //Delete empty folders
        } catch (IOException e) {<!-- -->
            log.error("File merge failed: ", e);
            throw new BusinessException("File merge failed");
        return true;

3. minio upload implementation

private MinioTemplate minioTemplate;
private AttachmentService attachmentService;
private ChunkDao chunkDao;
private ChunkMapping chunkMapping;

 * Upload fragmented files
public boolean uploadChunk(ChunkReq req) {<!-- -->
    String fileName = req.getFileName();
    BizPreconditions.checkArgumentNoStack(!req.getFile().isEmpty(), "The uploaded fragment cannot be empty!");
    BizPreconditions.checkArgumentNoStack(req.getPath().endsWith(separator), "url parameter must be / ends");
    String newFileName = req.getPath().concat("chunks").concat(separator).concat(req.getFileIdentifier()).concat(separator)
             + fileName.concat("-").concat(req.getChunkNumber().toString());
    try {<!-- -->
        minioTemplate.putObject(req.getClientId(), newFileName, req.getFile());
    } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
        throw new BusinessException("File upload failed");
    //Storage shard information
    return true;

 * Check file blocks
public UploadResp checkChunk(CheckChunkReq req) {<!-- -->
    UploadResp result = new UploadResp();
    //Query database records
    //First determine whether the entire file has been uploaded. If so, tell the front end to skip uploading and achieve instant upload.
    AttachmentResp resp = attachmentService.findByFileIdentifierAndClientId(req.getFileIdentifier(), req.getClientId());
    if (resp != null) {<!-- -->
        //Save current file information
        AttachmentResp newResp = attachmentService.save(AttachmentReq.builder()
        return result;
    //If the complete file does not exist, go to the database to determine which file blocks have been uploaded, tell the result to the front end, skip the upload of these file blocks, and implement breakpoint resume uploading.
    List<ChunkPO> chunkList = chunkDao.findByFileIdentifierAndClientId(req.getFileIdentifier(), req.getClientId());
    //Return the chunkNumber list of existing chunks to the front end, and the front end will avoid these chunks
    if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(chunkList)) {<!-- -->
        List<Integer> collect = chunkList.stream().map(ChunkPO::getChunkNumber).collect(Collectors.toList());
    return result;

 * Merge shards
 * @param req
public boolean mergeChunk(FileReq req) {<!-- -->
    String filename = req.getFileName();
    //Merge files to local directory
    String chunkPath = req.getPath().concat("chunks").concat(separator).concat(req.getFileIdentifier()).concat(separator);
    List<Item> chunkList = minioTemplate.getAllObjectsByPrefix(req.getClientId(), chunkPath, false);
    String fileHz = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));
    String newFileName = req.getPath() + UUIDUtil.uuid() + fileHz;
    try {<!-- -->
        List<ComposeSource> sourceObjectList = chunkList.stream()
                .map(l -> ComposeSource.builder()
        ObjectWriteResponse response = minioTemplate.composeObject(req.getClientId(), newFileName, sourceObjectList);
        //Delete sharded buckets and files
        minioTemplate.removeObjects(req.getClientId(), chunkPath);
    } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
        throw new BusinessException("File merge failed");
    //Save file record
    AttachmentResp resp = attachmentService.findByFileIdentifierAndClientId(req.getFileIdentifier(), req.getClientId());
    if (resp == null) {<!-- -->
    //After successfully inserting the file record, delete the corresponding record in the chunk table to free up space.
    chunkDao.deleteAllByFileIdentifierAndClientId(req.getFileIdentifier(), req.getClientId());
    return true;

MinioTemplate reference

Check file upload progress in chunks or in seconds
Query the attachment information table according to the file md5, and if it exists, return the attachment information directly.
There is no query shard information table. Query the current file shard upload progress and return the shard number that has been uploaded.

Upload shards
The upload address of the fragmented file needs to be unique, and the file MD5 can be used as an isolation
Save multipart upload information after uploading
minio has a size limit for merging fragmented files. Except for the last fragment, the size of other fragmented files must not be less than 5MB. Therefore, minio fragmented upload requires a minimum fragment size of 5MB, and obtaining fragments needs to be sorted by fragment file size. , put the last fragment at the end and merge it

Shard merge
Merge the fragmented files into new files to the final file storage address and delete the fragmented files
Save the final file information to the attachment information table
Delete the corresponding shard information table data

Reference article: http://blog.ncmem.com/wordpress/2023/10/29/springboot-breakpoint upload, resume upload, and instant transfer implementation/
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