Canvas implementation of progress bar display statistics example

Canvas Example Application 100 + This column provides basic knowledge of canvas, advanced animation, related application extensions and other information.
As a part of HTML, canvas is an important foundation for the visualization of images, icons and maps. Learning canvas will be very important in other applications.

Article directory

    • renderings
    • source code
    • canvas basic properties
    • canvas basic methods

Canvas can draw histograms. The following is an example, which mainly uses lineWidth, beginPath, lineCap and other knowledge points.


Source code

    <title>Line Chart Demo</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <header>Number of people making reservations (<span id="hosUnitDiv"></span>)</header>
    <canvas id="canvas2">Your browser does not support canvas, please change to a higher version of the browser! </canvas>
    <script type="text/javascript" >
/*Progress bar chart*/
var progressChart = {<!-- -->
  // draw chart
  drawChart: function(canvas2, data, padding, marginRight, ygap, bgLineColor, scaleColor) {<!-- -->
    this.canID2 = document.getElementById("canvas2");
    this.content2 = this.canID2.getContext("2d");
    // this.canID2.width = 400;
    var canRealWidth = this.canID2.width - marginRight; // The real width of the image (a certain distance from the right canvas
    var dataMax = this.getArrayMax(data); //The largest value in the data
    var unit = this.getUnitByDataMax(dataMax); // unit
    var xlimt = this.getXLimtByNewData(dataMax / (unit.number)); // x-axis scale array
    var xgap = (canRealWidth - padding) / (xlimt.length - 1); // x-axis scale spacing
    var newData = this.getNewDataByUnit(data, unit.number);
    var ymove = 5; // Move the y-axis of the entire graph downward to solve the problem of incomplete display when 0 is reached.
    this.canID2.height = ygap * (data.length) + ymove * 4;
    // Draw x-axis scale
    for(var i=0; i<xlimt.length; i + + ) {<!-- -->
      // console.log(i*xgap + padding);
      this.content2.fillStyle = scaleColor;
      // this.content2.textAlign = "left";
      //The if statement solves the last scale problem by aligning the right end of the image
      if(i === xlimt.length -1) {<!-- -->
        this.content2.fillText(xlimt[i],i*xgap + padding - 16, ygap*data.length + ygap);
      } else {<!-- -->
        this.content2.fillText(xlimt[i],i*xgap + padding, ygap*data.length + ygap);
    for(var i=0; i<data.length; i + + ) {<!-- -->
      // draw horizontal line
      this.content2.strokeStyle=bgLineColor;//stroke color
      this.content2.moveTo(padding, ygap*i + ymove);
      this.content2.lineTo(canRealWidth, ygap*i + ymove);
      this.content2.lineCap = 'round';
      // y-axis scale
      this.content2.fillStyle = scaleColor;
      this.content2.textAlign = "left";//The y-axis text is written to the right
      // this.content2.textBaseline = "middle";//Adjustment of the center line of text
      this.content2.font = '12px PingFang HK';
      this.content2.fillText(data[i].y, 0, ygap*i + 10);

      //Draw the real data line
      /* Draw gradient color lines */
      var linear_gradient = this.content2.createLinearGradient(0,0, canRealWidth,50);
      linear_gradient.addColorStop(0, '#5c80cd');
      linear_gradient.addColorStop(1, '#ac92d3');
      this.content2.strokeStyle = linear_gradient;
      this.content2.lineJoin = 'round';
      this.content2.lineWidth = 8;
      this.content2.strokeRect(padding, ygap*i + ymove, newData[i].x * (canRealWidth - padding) / xlimt[xlimt.length - 1], 0);
    return unit;
  // Judgment unit based on the largest data on the x-axis params: the largest value in the original data
  getUnitByDataMax: function(maxData) {<!-- -->
    if(maxData > 1000 & amp; & amp; maxData <= 10000) {<!-- -->
      return unit = {<!-- -->text: 'hundred people', number: 100};
    } else if(maxData > 10000) {<!-- -->
      return unit = {<!-- -->text: '千人', number: 1000};
  // Get the x-axis scale params: the maximum value of the original data after unit processing
  getXLimtByNewData: function(handleByUnitNewdataMax) {<!-- -->
    if (handleByUnitNewdataMax > 0 & amp; & amp; handleByUnitNewdataMax <= 50) {<!-- -->
      return xlimt = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
    } else {<!-- -->
      return xlimt = [0, 20, 40, 60,80, 100];
  //Process the original data according to the unit and obtain new data
  getNewDataByUnit: function(data, unit) {<!-- -->
    var canvas2NewData = [];
    // var canvas2NewData = {<!-- -->
    // item.x = item.x /unit;
    // }); ? Why can't map
    for (var i = 0; i < canvas2Data.length; i + + ) {<!-- -->
      canvas2NewData[i] = {<!-- -->y: canvas2Data[i].y, x:canvas2Data[i].x / unit};
    return canvas2NewData;
  // Get the maximum value of the x-axis
  getArrayMax: function(array) {<!-- -->
    return array.reduce(function(prev, next) {<!-- -->
      if (prev.x > next.x) {<!-- --> return prev.x;} else {<!-- -->return next.x};
      /*Progress bar chart*/
      var canvas2Data = [
        {<!-- -->x:520, y:'January'},
        {<!-- -->x:1000, y:'February'},
        {<!-- -->x:600, y:'March'},
        {<!-- -->x:2100, y:'April'},
        {<!-- -->x:3400, y:'May'},
        {<!-- -->x:3600, y:'June'},
        {<!-- -->x:4000, y:'July'},
        {<!-- -->x:6000, y:'August'},
        {<!-- -->x:7000, y:'September'},
        {<!-- -->x:9000, y:'October'}

      var hosUnit = progressChart.drawChart(canvas2, canvas2Data, 30, 10, 13, '#bcc0c7', '#fff');
      document.getElementById('hosUnitDiv').innerText = hosUnit.text;

Basic properties of canvas

Properties Properties Properties
canvas fillStyle filter
font globalAlpha globalCompositeOperation
height lineCap lineDashOffset
lineJoin lineWidth miterLimit
shadowBlur shadowColor shadowOffsetX
shadowOffsetY strokeStyle textAlign
textBaseline width

Basic methods of canvas

method method method
arc() arcTo() addColorStop()
beginPath() bezierCurveTo() clearRect()
clip() close() closePath()
createImageData() createLinearGradient() createPattern()
createRadialGradient() drawFocusIfNeeded() drawImage()
ellipse() fill() fillRect()
fillText() getImageData() getLineDash()
isPointInPath() isPointInStroke() lineTo()
measureText() moveTo() putImageData()
quadraticCurveTo() rect() restore()
rotate() save() scale()
setLineDash() setTransform() stroke()
strokeRect() strokeText() transform()