Canvas draws simple raindrop collision effect

Canvas Example Application 100 + This column provides basic knowledge of canvas, advanced animation, related application extensions and other information.
As a part of HTML, canvas is an important foundation for the visualization of images, icons and maps. Learning canvas will be very important in other applications.

Article directory

    • renderings
    • source code
    • canvas basic properties
    • canvas basic methods

Realize moving graphics and play multiple static pictures downwards. The number of frames in one second must be greater than the screen refresh (60). That is, the function is executed every 1/60s to add a background color of white mask to the square drawn each time.


Source code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>Canvas raindrop effect</title>
        body {<!-- -->
            margin: 0;

        .rain {<!-- -->
            display: block;
            background-color: #000;

    <canvas class="rain"></canvas>
        // 1. Get the canvas and set the size
        var canvas = document.querySelector('.rain');
        var ctxWidth, ctxHeight; // Define the width and height of the canvas
        ~~function setResize() {<!-- --> // Change the width and height of the canvas in real time according to changes in the browser window, consistent with the browser
            window.onresize = arguments.callee;
            ctxWidth = window.innerWidth;
            ctxHeight = window.innerHeight;
            canvas.width = ctxWidth;
            canvas.height = ctxHeight;
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

        // 2. Draw a single moving raindrop, and perform the next raindrop object Rain processing based on the single raindrop.
        /* var y = 10;
        setInterval(function () {
            //Add a raindrop mask and use a transparent color to make the raindrops look gradually transparent upward.
            ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctxWidth, ctxHeight);
            //Draw a small rectangle of raindrops
            ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
            ctx.fillRect(10, y + + , 4, 10);
        }, 1000 / 60); */

        function random(min, max) {<!-- --> // Generate random numbers from min to max
            return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;

        // 3. Set the raindrop object
        function Rain() {<!-- --> };
        Rain.prototype = {<!-- -->
            init: function () {<!-- -->
                this.x = random(0, ctxWidth);
                this.y = 0;
                this.vY = random(4, 5); // The speed of raindrops moving on the Y axis
                this.h = random(0.8 * ctxHeight, 0.9 * ctxHeight); // The Y-axis position where the raindrops stop, 80%-90% of the height of the entire canvas
                this.r = 1; // Circle radius
                this.vR = 1; // The speed at which the radius of the circle changes
            draw: function () {<!-- -->
                if (this.y <= this.h) {<!-- -->
                    //Draw a small rectangle of raindrops
                    ctx.fillStyle = '#31f7f7';
                    ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, 4, 10);
                } else {<!-- -->
                    ctx.strokeStyle = '#31f7f7';
                    ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, Math.PI * 2);
            move: function () {<!-- -->
                if (this.y <= this.h) {<!-- -->
                    this.y + = this.vY;
                } else {<!-- -->
                    if (this.r <= 100) {<!-- -->
                        this.r + = this.vR;
                    else {<!-- -->


        // Create multiple raindrop functions and push the raindrops into arrRains
        var arrRains = [];

        function createRain(num) {<!-- -->
            // Generate a raindrop every 200ms
            for (var i = 0; i <= num; i + + ) {<!-- -->
                setTimeout(function () {<!-- -->
                    var rain = new Rain();
                }, 200 * i);


        setInterval(function () {<!-- -->
            //Add a raindrop mask and use a transparent color to make the raindrops look gradually transparent upward.
            ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctxWidth, ctxHeight);
            for (item of arrRains) {<!-- -->
        }, 1000 / 60); // Execute the function every 1/60 seconds


Basic properties of canvas

Property Property Property
canvas fillStyle filter
font globalAlpha globalCompositeOperation
height lineCap lineDashOffset
lineJoin lineWidth miterLimit
shadowBlur shadowColor shadowOffsetX
shadowOffsetY strokeStyle textAlign
textBaseline width

Basic methods of canvas

Method Method Method
arc() arcTo() addColorStop()
beginPath() bezierCurveTo() clearRect()
clip() close() closePath()
createImageData() createLinearGradient() createPattern()
createRadialGradient() drawFocusIfNeeded() drawImage()
ellipse() fill() fillRect()
fillText() getImageData() getLineDash()
isPointInPath() isPointInStroke () lineTo()
measureText() moveTo() putImageData()
quadraticCurveTo() rect() restore()
rotate() save() scale()
setLineDash() setTransform() stroke()
strokeRect() strokeText() transform()