Canvas draws simple raindrop collision effect

Canvas Example Application 100 + This column provides basic knowledge of canvas, advanced animation, related application extensions and other information. As a part of HTML, canvas is an important foundation for the visualization of images, icons and maps. Learning canvas will be very important in other applications. Article directory renderings source code canvas basic properties […]

Forward Collision Warning Using Sensor Fusion

This example of Forward Collision Warning Using Sensor Fusion in the matlab autonomous driving toolbox shows how to track objects in front of the vehicle by fusing data from visual and radar sensors to achieve forward collision detection. Development and verification of collision warning systems. 1 Overview Forward Collision Warning (FCW) is an important function […]

[SCM Graduation Project] [cl-002] Emergency Stop | Anti-collision System | Ultrasonic Ranging | Reversing Detection

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of emergency parking system based on microcontroller System design of anti-collision system based on microcontroller Design of ultrasonic ranging system based on microcontroller Design of reversing detection system based on single-chip microcomputer Project number: mcuclub-cl-002 Microcontroller type: STC89C52, STM32F103C8T6 Specific functions: 1. Measure the temperature through DS18B20 and use […]

Unity’s collision detection (1)

(1) Preparation work before testing 1. Create two game objects, named “Player” and “Enemy“, and a game named “Player” The object setting tag is also “Player“, both of which are shown in Figure 1 in the scene: Figure 1 Green is Enemy, red is Player 2. Write the script component “TriggerTest” and mount it on […]

Ray and collision detection in Unity 3D

Xiaomengchanjun pays attention to IP jurisdiction: Fujian 0.4362016.05.03 21:59:36 Word Count 2,265 Reads 41,742 This article comes from a CSDN blog I wrote two years ago. I didn’t write much on the CSDN blog to begin with, and now I mostly stick to short books. So please feel free to bypass it. In our game […]

Hash collisions and consistent hashing

Article directory Hash collision Handle hash collisions 1. Open Address Law 2.Rehash method 3.Chain address method 4 Create a public overflow area consistent hashing Ordinary hash algorithm Defects of ordinary hash algorithms Consistent Hash Algorithm Advantages of consistent hash algorithm Hash ring skew and virtual nodes Hash collision Hash function, also known as “hash function”, […]

Hash tables and hash collisions

Table of Contents Hash table Hash collision 1. Conflict occurs 2. More common hash functions 3. Load factor adjustment (key point) Load factor concept for hash tables The relationship between load factor and conflict rate Collision-Resolution-Closed Hash Linear detection secondary detection conflict-resolution-open-hash end We explained earlier that the bottom layer of TerrMap (Set) is a […]

[Basic Knowledge] What is a hash collision?

1. What is a hash table A Hash Table is a data structure that can quickly find, insert, and delete data in large amounts of data. A hash table maps a key to a location using a hash function, and then stores or looks up data at that location. The function of the hash function […]