C++ calculates the obb bounding box of a three-dimensional space point, including osg calls


C++ complete code for calculating obb bounding box, rendering using osg. Refer to how to generate an OBB (OrientedboundingBox) directional bounding box. The code flow is similar, but my code is smoother and includes the calling part. The matrix class in the original link is not suitable for C++, so some of it is replaced by arrays in this article. In addition, Math::Vec3f in the article is equivalent to osg::Vec3f. I haven’t had time to sort out the code carefully yet. I can optimize it again when I have time later. I’m not very proficient in mathematics. Please point out any errors or omissions.

The first step is to calculate the covariance matrix

/*Calculate covariance matrix */
    std::vector<std::vector<float>> computeConvarienceMatrix(const std::vector<Math::Vec3f> & amp; pVertices)
    {<!-- -->
        int numVertices = pVertices.size();
        std::vector<Math::Vec3f> pVectors(numVertices, Math::Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

        //Compute the average x,y,z
        Math::Vec3f avg(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i + + )
        {<!-- -->
            pVectors[i] = (Math::Vec3f)pVertices[i];
            avg + = pVertices[i];
        avg /= numVertices;
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i + + )
            pVectors[i] -= (avg);

        //Compute the covariance
        std::vector<std::vector<float>> covarianceMat(3, {<!-- --> 0.0,0.0,0.0 });
        for (int c = 0; c < 3; c + + )
        {<!-- -->
            float data[3] = {<!-- --> 0 };
            for (int r = c; r < 3; r + + )
            {<!-- -->
                float acc = 0.0f;
                for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i + + )
                {<!-- -->
                    data[0] = pVectors[i].x();
                    data[1] = pVectors[i].y();
                    data[2] = pVectors[i].z();
                    acc + = data[c] * data[r];
                acc /= numVertices;
                covarianceMat[c][r] = acc;
                covarianceMat[r][c] = acc; //Symmetric matrix
        return covarianceMat;

The second step is to calculate the feature vector

The calculated eigenvector is the axis vector;

/*Find the eigenvector */
    void jacobiSolver(std::vector<std::vector<float>> & amp; matrix, std::vector<Math::Vec3f> & amp; eVectors)
    {<!-- -->
        float eps = (float)1.0E-5;

        float p, q, spq;
        float cosa = 0, sina = 0; //cos(alpha) and sin(alpha)
        float s1 = 0.0f; //sums of squares of diagonal
        float s2; //elements

        bool flag = true; //determine whether to iterate again

        Math::Vec3f eValue(0, 0, 0);
        float data[3];
        float t[3][3] = {<!-- -->
            0,0,1.0f };//To store the product of the rotation matrices.
        {<!-- -->
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i + + )
            {<!-- -->
                for (int j = i + 1; j < 3; j + + )
                {<!-- -->
                    if (std::abs(matrix[i][j]) < eps)
                        matrix[i][j] = 0.0f;
                    {<!-- -->
                        q = std::abs(matrix[i][i] - matrix[j][j]);
                        if (q > eps)
                        {<!-- -->
                            p = (2.0f * matrix[i][j] * q) / (matrix[i][i] - matrix[j][j]);
                            spq = (float)std::sqrt(p * p + q * q);
                            cosa = (float)std::sqrt((1.0f + q / spq) / 2.0f);
                            sina = p / (2.0f * cosa * spq);
                            sina = cosa = (std::sqrt(2.0f)) / 2; //INV_SQRT_TWO root of 2

                        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k + + )
                        {<!-- -->
                            temp = t[k][i];
                            t[k][i] = temp * cosa + t[k][j] * sina;
                            t[k][j] = temp * sina - t[k][j] * cosa;
                        for (int k = i; k < 3; k + + )
                        {<!-- -->
                            if (k > j)
                            {<!-- -->
                                temp = matrix[i][k];
                                matrix[i][k] = cosa * temp + sina * matrix[j][k];
                                matrix[j][k] = sina * temp - cosa * matrix[j][k];
                            {<!-- -->
                                data[k] = matrix[i][k];
                                matrix[i][k] = cosa * data[k] + sina * matrix[k][j];
                                if (k == j)
                                    matrix[j][k] = sina * data[k] - cosa * matrix[j][k];
                        data[j] = sina * data[i] - cosa * data[j];

                        for (int k = 0; k <= j; k + + )
                        {<!-- -->
                            if (k <= i)
                            {<!-- -->
                                temp = matrix[k][i];
                                matrix[k][i] = cosa * temp + sina * matrix[k][j];
                                matrix[k][j] = sina * temp - cosa * matrix[k][j];

                                matrix[k][j] = sina * data[k] - cosa * matrix[k][j];

            s2 = 0.0f;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i + + )
            {<!-- -->
                eValue[i] = matrix[i][i];
                s2 + = eValue[i] * eValue[i];

            if (std::abs(s2) < (float)1.e-5 || std::abs(1 - s1 / s2) < eps)
                flag = false;
                s1 = s2;
        } while (flag);

        eVectors[0].set(t[0][0], t[0][1], t[0][2]);
        eVectors[1].set(t[1][0], t[1][1], t[1][2]);
        eVectors[2].set(t[2][0], t[2][1], t[2][2]);

        Math::Vec3f cross;
        cross = eVectors[0].cross(eVectors[1]);
        if (cross.dot(eVectors[2]) < 0.0f)
            eVectors[2] = -eVectors[2];


The third step: Schmidt orthogonalization of eigenvectors

/*Orthogonalization */
    void schmidtOrthogonal(Math::Vec3f & amp; v0, Math::Vec3f & amp; v1, Math::Vec3f & amp; v2)
    {<!-- -->
        v1 = v1 - ((v1 * v0) * v0);
        v2 = v0.cross(v1);

Step 4: Calculate the center point and half-length section

With the center point and half length and width, each vertex of the bounding box can be calculated

 //Calculate center point and half-field width
    void computeCenterNHalflength(std::vector<Math::Vec3f> & vecVertex, osg::Vec3f & amp; leftbottom, osg::Vec3f & amp; rightTop, osg::Vec3f & amp; rightbottom, osg::Vec3f & amp; leftTop)
    {<!-- -->

        std::vector<std::vector<float>> conMatrix3f = computeConvarienceMatrix(vecVertex);

        std::vector<Math::Vec3f> eVectors(3, Math::Vec3f(0, 0, 0)); //Feature vector
        jacobiSolver(conMatrix3f, eVectors);
        schmidtOrthogonal(eVectors[0], eVectors[1], eVectors[2]);

        float infinity = Base::POS_INFINITY32;
        Math::Vec3f minExtents(infinity, infinity, infinity);
        Math::Vec3f maxExtents(-infinity, -infinity, -infinity);

        std::vector<Math::Vec3f> vertices = vecVertex;
        int numVertices = vecVertex.size();

        //Find the center point position
        Math::Vec3f position(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i + + )
        {<!-- -->
            position + = vertices[i];
        position /= numVertices;

        for (int index = 0; index < numVertices; index + + )
        {<!-- -->
            Math::Vec3f displacement = vertices[index] - position;

            //Calculate the dot product of each point on the direction axis as the length
            minExtents[0] = std::min(minExtents.x(), displacement.dot(eVectors[0]));
            minExtents[1] = std::min(minExtents.y(), displacement.dot(eVectors[1]));
            minExtents[2] = std::min(minExtents.z(), displacement.dot(eVectors[2]));

            maxExtents.x() = std::max(maxExtents.x(), displacement.dot(eVectors[0]));
            maxExtents.y() = std::max(maxExtents.y(), displacement.dot(eVectors[1]));
            maxExtents.z() = std::max(maxExtents.z(), displacement.dot(eVectors[2]));
        Math::Vec3f offset = maxExtents - minExtents;
        offset /= (2.0f);
        offset + = (minExtents);
        //Correction center point
        position + = (eVectors[0] * (offset.x()));
        position + = (eVectors[1] * (offset.y()));
        position + = (eVectors[2] * (offset.z()));

        Math::Vec3f halfExtents;
        halfExtents.x() = (maxExtents.x() - minExtents.x()) / 2.0f;
        halfExtents.y() = (maxExtents.y() - minExtents.y()) / 2.0f;
        halfExtents.z() = (maxExtents.z() - minExtents.z()) / 2.0f;

        Math::Vec3f mleftbtm = position - halfExtents.x() * eVectors[0] - halfExtents.z() * eVectors[2];
        Math::Vec3f mrightbottom = position + halfExtents.x() * eVectors[0] - halfExtents.z() * eVectors[2];
        Math::Vec3f mrightTop = position + halfExtents.x() * eVectors[0] + halfExtents.z() * eVectors[2];
        Math::Vec3f mleftTop = position - halfExtents.x() * eVectors[0] + halfExtents.z() * eVectors[2];

        leftbottom.set(mleftbtm.x(), mleftbtm.y(), mleftbtm.z());
        rightTop.set(mrightTop.x(), mrightTop.y(), mrightTop.z());
        rightbottom.set(mrightbottom.x(), mrightbottom.y(), mrightbottom.z());
        leftTop.set(mleftTop.x(), mleftTop.y(), mleftTop.z());

Calling code

    void updateRectBox(std::vector<Math::Vec3f> vecVertex)
    {<!-- -->
        osg::Vec3f leftbottom, rightTop, rightbottom, leftTop;
        computeCenterNHalflength(vecVertex, leftbottom, rightTop, rightbottom, leftTop);

        //Draw the border
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geomLine = new osg::Geometry;
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> temVertex = new osg::Vec3Array();


        geomLine->setVertexAttribArray(0, temVertex);
        geomLine->setVertexAttribBinding(0, osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX);
        //color array
        osg::Vec4Array* vColors = new osg::Vec4Array;
        //Draw primitive attributes
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::DrawArrays> vPri = new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP, 0, temVertex->size());

        osg::Geode* pRectGeode = new osg::Geode;
        pRectGeode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);