Deep Neural Networks – Convert PyTorch Classification Model and Launch OpenCV v4.8.0 with OpenCV C++

Previous tutorial: Convert a PyTorch classification model and publish with OpenCV Python

Original author Anastasia Murzova
Compatibility OpenCV >= 4.5


In this tutorial you will learn how to

  • Convert PyTorch classification model to ONNX format
  • Run the converted PyTorch model using the OpenCV C/C++ API
  • Provide model inference

We will discuss the above points using the ResNet-50 architecture as an example.


Let’s briefly review the key concepts involved in the process of converting a PyTorch model using the OpenCV API. The first step in converting a PyTorch model to cv::dnn::Net is to convert the model to ONNX format. ONNX aims to enable the interchange of neural networks between different frameworks. There is a built-in function in PyTorch for converting ONNX: torch.onnx.export. The resulting .onnx model is then passed into cv::dnn::readNetFromONNX or cv::dnn::readNet.


To experiment with the code below, you need to install a set of libraries. For this we will use a virtual environment with python3.7+:

virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 <env_dir_path>
source <env_dir_path>/bin/activate

To build OpenCV-Python from source, follow the appropriate instructions in **Introduction to OpenCV**.

Before you start installing the library, you can customize requirements.txt to exclude or include (for example, opencv-python) certain dependencies. The following line installs the startup requirements into the previously activated virtual environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt


In this part we will cover the following points:

  1. Create a classification model transformation pipeline
  2. Provide inference and process prediction results

Model conversion pipeline

The code in this section is located in the samples/dnn/dnn_model_runner module and can be executed from the following command line:

python -m dnn_model_runner.dnn_conversion.pytorch.classification.py_to_py_resnet50_onnx

The following code contains instructions for the following steps:

  1. Instantiate a PyTorch model
  2. Convert PyTorch model to .onnx
# Initialize PyTorch ResNet-50 model
original_model = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
# Get the path converted to ONNX PyTorch model
full_model_path = get_pytorch_onnx_model(original_model)
print("PyTorch ResNet-50 model conversion successful:", full_model_path)

The get_pytorch_onnx_model(original_model) function is called based on torch.onnx.export(...):

# Define the saving directory for further converted models
onnx_model_path = "models" # Define names for further converted models
# Define names for further converted models
onnx_model_name = "resnet50.onnx" # Create a directory for further converted models
# Create directories for further converted models
os.makedirs(onnx_model_path, exist_ok=True)
# Get the full path of the converted model
full_model_path = os.path.join(onnx_model_path, onnx_model_name)
# Generate model input
generated_input = Variable(
    torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)
# Export the model to ONNX format

After successfully executing the above code, we will get the following output:

PyTorch ResNet-50 model has been successfully converted: models/resnet50.onnx

With the dnn/samples module dnn_model_runner we can reproduce the above transformation steps for the following PyTorch classification models:

  • alexnet
  • vgg11
  • vgg13
  • vgg16
  • vgg19
  • resnet18
  • resnet34
  • resnet50
  • resnet101
  • resnet152
  • squeezenet1_0
  • squeezenet1_1
  • resnext50_32x4d
  • resnext101_32x8d
  • wide_resnet50_2
  • wide_resnet101_2

To get the converted model, the following line should be executed:

python -m dnn_model_runner.dnn_conversion.pytorch.classification.py_to_py_cls --model_name <pytorch_cls_model_name> --evaluate False

For the ResNet-50 case, the following line should be run:

python -m dnn_model_runner.dnn_conversion.pytorch.classification.py_to_py_cls --model_name resnet50 --evaluate False

The default root directory for converted model storage is defined in the CommonConfig module:

class CommonConfig:
    output_data_root_dir: str = "dnn_model_runner/dnn_conversion" (output data root directory)

Therefore, the converted ResNet-50 will be saved in dnn_model_runner/dnn_conversion/models.

Inference Pipeline

We can now use models/resnet50.onnx for inference via the OpenCV C/C++ API. The implemented pipeline can be found in samples/dnn/classification.cpp. After building the sample (the BUILD_EXAMPLES flag value should be ON), the corresponding example_dnn_classification executable is provided.

To provide model inference, we will use the following photo of a squirrel corresponding to ImageNet class ID 335 (licensed under CC0 license):

Fox squirrel, Eastern fox squirrel, Sciurus niger

Classification model input image

In order to label decode the predictions, we also need the imagenet_classes.txt file, which contains the complete list of ImageNet classes.

In this tutorial, we will run the inference process of the converted PyTorch ResNet-50 model in the build (samples/build) directory:

./dnn/example_dnn_classification --model=../dnn/models/resnet50.onnx --input=../data/squirrel_cls.jpg --width=224 --height=224 --rgb=true - -scale="0.003921569" --mean="123. 675 116.28 103.53" --std="0.229 0.224 0.225" --crop=true --initial_width=256 --initial_height=256 --classes=../data/ dnn/classification_classes_ILSVRC2012.txt

Let’s explore the key points of classification.cpp step by step:

  1. Use cv::dnn::readNet to read the model and initialize the network:
net = readNet(model,config,framework);

Model parameter values are taken from the --model key. In our case it is resnet50.onnx.

- Preprocess the input image:
if (rszWidth != 0 & amp; & rszHeight != 0)
{<!-- -->
    resize(frame, frame, Size(rszWidth, rszHeight));
//Create 4D blob from frame
blobFromImage(frame, blob, scale, Size(inpWidth, inpHeight), mean, swapRB, crop);
// Check std value.
if (std.val[0] != 0.0 & amp; & amp; std.val[1] != 0.0 & amp; & amp; std.val[2] != 0.0)
{<!-- -->
    // Divide blob by std.
    divide(blob, std, blob);

In this step, we prepare the model input using the cv::dnn::blobFromImage function. We set Size(rszWidth,rszHeight), where --initial_width=256 --initial_height=256 is used to adjust the initial image size, as in thePyTorch ResNet inference pipeline as described in .

Note that the average value in cv::dnn::blobFromImage is subtracted first, and only then the pixel value is multiplied by the scale. Therefore, we use --mean="123.675 116.28 103.53", which is equivalent to [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] multiplied by 255.0 to re- The original image preprocessing sequence of the PyTorch classification model:

img /= 255.0
img -= [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
img /= [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
  • Make a prequel:
Mat prob = net.forward();
  • Process prediction results:
Point classIdPoint;
double confidence;
minMaxLoc(prob.reshape(1, 1), 0, & amp;confidence, 0, & amp;classIdPoint);
int classId = classIdPoint.x;
  • Here we select the most likely object class. The classId result for this example is 335 – Fox Squirrel, Eastern Fox Squirrel, Sciurus niger:

ResNet50 OpenCV C++ inference output