Android source code customization: Overlay directory customization | Debugging whether Overlay resources are effective


In the Android build system, there are some mechanisms and tools that can help us customize and optimize source code, such as:

  • overlay: This is a mechanism for modifying or replacing system resources such as strings, icons, layouts, etc. System resources can be customized and optimized without modifying the source code.

Android source code customization: remove useless lunch | create new lunch | customize
Android source code customization: MK file execution sequence | attribute override

In this article, the basic concepts and usage of these mechanisms and tools will be introduced, and some examples will be used to show how to use them to customize and optimize Android source code. We’ll also cover how to debug whether our modifications are taking effect, and how to view the details of our modifications.

1. How to customize the overlay directory

In Android, overlay is a mechanism used to modify or replace system resources (such as strings, icons, layouts, etc.). Overlay can customize and optimize system resources without modifying the source code. Overlays are usually located in device-related or manufacturer-related directories, such as:

  • device/rockchip/common/overlay
  • vendor/customize/rk3568_s_beta/overlay(This is a customized directory)

When the build system generates a system image, it will select the corresponding overlay directory according to different target platforms and products, and add it to the DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS variable. This variable is used to specify which directories contain overlay resources.

# This is the system default
DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS + = device/rockchip/common/overlay

Because my is included by device/rockchip/rk356x/, so I tested it in vendor/customize/ The result of printing $(LOCAL_PATH) in is device/rockchip/rk356x. If you want to use $(LOCAL_PATH) and make sure it points to the correct directory, you need to make sure no other Makefile modifies it before trying to access it, and that you call vendor/customize/customize directly from the build system .mk instead of including it from another Makefile.

So customize a variable MY_CUSTOM_PATH := $(TOP)/vendor/customize and print it out as ./vendor/customize

MY_CUSTOM_PATH := $(TOP)/vendor/customize
$(warning Enter $(MY_CUSTOM_PATH)/rk3568_s_beta)
# This sentence means to load the overlay path of the current device manufacturer./vendor/customize/rk3568_s_beta/overlay
DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS + = $(MY_CUSTOM_PATH)/rk3568_s_beta/overlay

In this way, when make is executed, the build system will add this directory to the search path for overlay resources.

When a system resource is modified or replaced in multiple overlay directories, they may conflict and overwrite. To avoid this situation, Android’s build system provides some rules and tools to check and handle resource conflicts and overrides.

The overwriting order of resources is determined by the directory order specified in the DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS variable. That is to say, the directory specified later will overwrite the resources of the same name and type in the directory specified earlier.

  • Let’s test it. For example, the system SettingsProvider is called def_bluetooth_on, which is used to specify whether Bluetooth is turned on by default. It is defined and assigned in the following places:
# This is in the system source code directory
ln28@ln28-pc:~/sourcecode/rk_android12.0_sdk/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider$ grep -rn "def_bluetooth_on"
src/com/android/providers/settings/ R.bool.def_bluetooth_on);
res/values/defaults.xml:39: <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">true</bool>

#Default overlay part of source code:
ln28@ln28-pc:~/sourcecode/rk_android12.0_sdk/device/rockchip$ grep -rn "def_bluetooth_on"
common/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml:22: <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">false</bool>
common/overlay_go/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml:26: <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">false</bool>
rk356x/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml:26: <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">false</bool>

# Customize the overlay part. I clearly wrote true here, but I compiled and tested and found that Bluetooth is still not turned on by default.
ln28@ln28-pc:~/sourcecode/rk_android12.0_sdk/vendor/customize$ grep -rn "def_bluetooth_on"
rk3568_s_beta/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml:27: <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">true</bool>

I suspect it’s because there are several overlays. Suspicious points: One is device/rockchip/
common/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml, the second is /vendor/customize/

  • In the device/rockchip/common/overlay directory, there is a resource file called defaults.xml, which is used to modify or replace system resources. It modifies the value of def_bluetooth_on to false in the following places:
device/rockchip/common/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml:22: <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">false</bool>
  • In the vendor/customize/rk3568_s_beta/overlay directory, I customized the overlay directory. There is also a resource file called defaults.xml, which is used to modify or replace system resources. It modifies the value of def_bluetooth_on to true in the following places:
rk3568_s_beta/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml:27: <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">true</bool>

My initial understanding is that when executing make, the build system will add the above directories to the search path for overlay resources, and follow them in the DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS variable The order in which resource coverage is handled. Because device/rockchip/common/overlay is specified first, and then vendor/customize/rk3568_s_beta/overlay is specified, the latter will overwrite resources with the same name and type in the former. . In other words, in the final generated system image, the value of def_bluetooth_on will be set to true, but the result will still be false. . .

The actual test later is not the same as the understanding at all, so I plan to comment out the original overlay directory in the system manufacturer directory and only use the customized overlay directory.

 + + + b/device/rockchip/rk356x/rk3568_s/
@@ -13,7 + 13,12 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.

 # First lunching is S, api_level is 31
@@ -26,7 + 31,7 @@ $(call inherit-product, device/rockchip/rk356x/
 $(call inherit-product, device/rockchip/common/
 $(call inherit-product, frameworks/native/build/
ln28@ln28-pc:~/sourcecode/rk_android12.0_sdk$ git diff device/rockchip/common/
diff --git a/device/rockchip/common/ b/device/rockchip/common/
index 4724a3bd46..d164031bf5 100755
--- a/device/rockchip/common/
 + + + b/device/rockchip/common/
-ifeq ($(filter atv box, $(strip $(TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM_PRODUCT))), )
-DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS + = device/rockchip/common/overlay
-ifneq ($(BOARD_HAS_RK_4G_MODEM), true)
-DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS + = device/rockchip/common/overlay_wifi_only
 + #ifeq ($(filter atv box, $(strip $(TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM_PRODUCT))), )
 + #DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS + = device/rockchip/common/overlay
 + #ifneq ($(BOARD_HAS_RK_4G_MODEM), true)
 + #DEVICE_PACKAGE_OVERLAYS + = device/rockchip/common/overlay_wifi_only
 + #endif
 + #endif

2. Debug whether the overlay resource is effective

After we modify or replace system resources, we may want to verify whether our modifications are correctly applied to the system image. In order to quickly debug this, you can use some tools to view the resource information in the system image and compare whether they are consistent with our overlay resources.

A commonly used tool is aapt, which is a command line tool for processing Android application packages. It can be used to view, add, delete or modify resources and metadata in the APK. You can use aapt to view the resource information in an APK file in the system image, for example:

aapt d resources out/target/product/rk3568_s/system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk

This command will print out all resource information in SettingsProvider.apk, including resource name, ID, type, value, size, reference, etc. If we want to view a specific resource, we can use the grep command to filter the output, for example:

aapt d resources out/target/product/rk3568_s/system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk | grep def_bluetooth_on

This command will print out resource information related to def_bluetooth_on, for example:

ln28@ln28-pc:~/sourcecode/rk_android12.0_sdk$ aapt d resources out/target/product/rk3568_s/system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk | grep def_bluetooth_on
      spec resource 0x7f02000d flags=0x00000000
        resource 0x7f02000d t=0x12 d=0xffffffff (s=0x0008 r=0x00)

This output indicates that def_bluetooth_on is a Boolean resource with a value of true (0xffffffff). You can use this output to determine whether our overlay resource is effective.

Modify def_bluetooth_on in vendor\customize\rk3568_s_beta\overlay\frameworks\base\packages\SettingsProvider\res\values\defaults.xml to true

After compiling you see the following output:

ln28@ln28-pc:~/sourcecode/rk_android12.0_sdk$ aapt d resources out/target/product/rk3568_s/system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk | grep def_bluetooth_on
      spec resource 0x7f02000d flags=0x00000000
        resource 0x7f02000d t=0x12 d=0xffffffff (s=0x0008 r=0x00)

This means that our overlay resources have taken effect. In the end, I also found in actual testing that Bluetooth is turned on by default when booting.

Modify def_bluetooth_on in vendor\customize\rk3568_s_beta\overlay\frameworks\base\packages\SettingsProvider\res\values\defaults.xml to false

ln28@ln28-pc:~/sourcecode/rk_android12.0_sdk$ aapt d resources out/target/product/rk3568_s/system/priv-app/SettingsProvider/SettingsProvider.apk | grep def_bluetooth_on
      spec resource 0x7f02000d flags=0x00000000
        resource 0x7f02000d t=0x12 d=0x00000000 (s=0x0008 r=0x00)

Then it means that the overlay resource is effective, but the result is that def_bluetooth_on is turned off.

In order to easily compare resource information under different overlay settings, a table is used to display it for easy comparison:

Resource name Resource ID Type Value Size Resource reference set to true) 0x7f02000d bool 0xffffffff (true) 0x0008 0x00 set to false) 0x7f02000d bool 0x00000000 (false) 0x0008 0x00
  • 0xffffffff usually means true in this context.
  • 0x00000000 means false.
  • r=0x00: This is a reference to the resource. In this case it is 0, which means the resource does not reference other resources.


Added in vendor\customize\rk3568_s_beta\overlay\frameworks\base\packages\SettingsProvider\res\values\defaults.xml. This purpose is to turn on wifi, Bluetooth, and default backlight 244 by default.

    <bool name="def_wifi_on">true</bool>
    <bool name="def_bluetooth_on">true</bool>
    <integer name="def_screen_brightness">244</integer>

Add default_wallpaper.png to vendor\customize\rk3568_s_beta\overlay\frameworks\base\core\res\res\drawable-sw720dp-nodpi. This purpose is to overlay the desktop wallpaper. .
OK, the compilation and burning test results are the same as before burning. This is because I know the burning results through aapt after compilation, and I no longer have to worry about the system’s default overlay overwriting. The code change is confusing.


This article introduces some mechanisms and tools for Android source code customization, including:

  • overlay: Introduces the concept and directory structure of overlay, and how to customize overlay directories and resources.
  • Debugging Tools: Introduces the use of the aapt tool and how to view resource information in the system image.

I hope this article can be helpful to you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message in the comment area. Thanks!