4 OpenCV implements multi-view 3D reconstruction (incrementally generates sparse point clouds from multiple pictures) [source code attached]

This article is based on OpenCV4.80. The configuration of the environment may be discussed separately later. Let me mention vcpkg first. It is really easy to use.

1 General process

Sparse point clouds are gradually generated from multiple images. This process usually includes the following steps:

  1. Initial rebuild:

    The selection of the initial two pictures is very important. This is the basis of the entire process. Subsequent additions will be based on these two pictures.

    • For the input image, feature points need to be extracted first (for example, SIFT, SURF or ORB feature points). Then, by matching the feature points in different images, establish the correspondence between them
    • Estimate the camera’s extrinsic parameter matrix (rotation matrix R and translation vector T) through the essential matrix E between the two images, and then use < strong>TriangulationCalculate some initial 3D points

    For specific operations, please check my previous blog

  2. Incremental reconstruction:

    From here, gradually add images and gradually expand the 3D point cloud

    • Add new image: Load a new image into the rebuild process
    • Feature extraction and matching: extract feature points from new images and match them with previous images to obtain new matching relationships
    • Pose estimation: Estimate the camera pose of the new image relative to the previous image, usually using PnP (Perspective-n-Point) – within the known camera parameters K, use the three-dimensional points (object_points) at this angle and their corresponding image points (image_points) coordinates to estimate the shooting time location information
    • 3D point triangulation: Use new matching pairs and estimated poses (R, T) to triangulate to generate new 3D points .
    • Point cloud merging: Merge newly generated 3D points with previous point clouds to build a larger sparse point cloud
  3. Global point cloud optimization: After the sparse point cloud has been generated, global point cloud optimization techniques, such as Bundle Adjustment, can be used to improve the accuracy of the point cloud.

2 Prepare code

In the previous article, we said that all the code was squeezed into the main function, which was very unsightly. Now let’s optimize the code.

I just learned C++, so please forgive me for the comparison.

2.1 Include.h

All used header files and macros are included here for easy use later.

Since Bundle Adjustment will be used later, ceres is introduced. After configuring the specific environment, it may be said (it is really troublesome, and vcpkg is highly recommended) strong> ), a large number of #define and #pragma warning(disable: 4996) are about ceres errors

#ifndef INCLUDES_H
#define INCLUDES_H

#define NOMINMAX
#pragma warning(disable: 4996)

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <ceres/ceres.h>
#include <ceres/rotation.h>

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
#endif // !INCLUDES_H

#pragma once

2.2 Constructor

Constructor class, which contains functions for several key steps of 3D reconstruction:

  • findCamera: The initial construction uses the E matrix and R, T (including RANSAC)
  • maskoutPoints: Filter points through the interior point mark mask
  • pointsReconstruct: Triangulate to generate a three-dimensional point cloud by matching points with R and T



#include "Includes.h"
#include "Images.h"

class Constructor
{<!-- -->
//Input K, matching points in Figure 1, matching points in Figure 2; output R, T; points are filtered
static void findCamera(Mat K, vector<Point2f> & point1, vector<Point2f> & point2, Mat & output_R, Mat & output_T, vector<uchar> & mask);
//Input the matching point of the graph, and mark the interior point as mask; return the vector<Point2f> matching point after mask
static void maskoutPoints(vector<Point2f> & amp; input_points, vector<uchar> & amp; input_mask);

//Input R, T, matching points in Figure 1, R, T, matching points in Figure 2; return vector<Point3f> three-dimensional points
static vector<Point3d> & pointsReconstruct(const Mat & K, Mat & R1, Mat & T1, Mat & R2, Mat & T2, vector<Point2f> & points1, vector<Point2f> & amp; points2);

#endif // !CONSTRUCTOR_H

#pragma once


#include "Constructor.h"

void Constructor::findCamera(Mat K, vector<Point2f> & point1, vector<Point2f> & point2, Mat & output_R, Mat & output_T, vector<uchar> & mask)
{<!-- -->
vector<uchar> inliers;

Mat F;
F = findFundamentalMat(point1, point2, inliers, FM_RANSAC, 1, 0.5);
Mat E = K.t() * F * K;

//Mat E = findEssentialMat(point1, point2, K, RANSAC, 0.6, 1.0, inliners);
mask = inliers;

// Filter out new matching points based on internal points
Constructor::maskoutPoints(point1, inliers);
Constructor::maskoutPoints(point2, inliers);

// Decompose the E matrix and obtain the R and T matrices
int pass_count = recoverPose(E, point1, point2, K, output_R, output_T);

void Constructor::maskoutPoints(vector<Point2f> & amp; input_points, vector<uchar> & amp; input_mask)
{<!-- -->
vector<Point2f> temp_points(input_points);

for (int i = 0; i < temp_points.size(); + + i)
{<!-- -->
if (input_mask[i])
{<!-- -->

vector<Point3d> & amp; Constructor::pointsReconstruct(const Mat & amp; K, Mat & amp; R1, Mat & amp; T1, Mat & amp; R2, Mat & amp; T2, vector<Point2f> & amp; points1, vector<Point2f> & amp; points2)
{<!-- -->
//Construct projection matrix
Mat proj1(3, 4, CV_32FC1);
Mat proj2(3, 4, CV_32FC1);

// Combine the rotation matrix and translation vector into the projection matrix
R1.convertTo(proj1(Range(0, 3), Range(0, 3)), CV_32FC1);
T1.convertTo(proj1.col(3), CV_32FC1);

R2.convertTo(proj2(Range(0, 3), Range(0, 3)), CV_32FC1);
T2.convertTo(proj2.col(3), CV_32FC1);

//Multiply the internal parameter matrix and the projection matrix to get the final projection matrix
Mat fK;
K.convertTo(fK, CV_32FC1);
proj1 = fK * proj1;
proj2 = fK * proj2;

//Triangulate to get homogeneous coordinates
Mat point4D_homogeneous(4, points1.size(), CV_64F);
triangulatePoints(proj1, proj2, points1, points2, point4D_homogeneous);

//Convert homogeneous coordinates to three-dimensional coordinates
vector<Point3d> point3D;
for (int i = 0; i < point4D_homogeneous.cols; + + i)
{<!-- -->
Mat<float> col = point4D_homogeneous.col(i);
col /= col(3);
point3D.push_back(Point3d(col(0), col(1), col(2)));

// Store the three-dimensional coordinates in the Point3d vector and return
return point3D;

2.3 Image

In order to add images, we need to store the corresponding points in space for each feature point in the image – correspond_struct_idx

Image class, which has member variables:

  • Mat image–Storage image
  • vector keyPoints–Storage feature points
  • Mat descriptor–Storage feature descriptor
  • vector correspond_struct_idx–The index of the spatial point corresponding to the matching point in the point cloud
  • vector matchedPoints–Storage matching points
  • vector colors – stores the color information of matching points
  • Mat R, T–Storage the rotation matrix and translation vector of the camera

There are also several important functions for image processing:

  • Images: Constructor, which extracts feature points when reading the image.
  • matchFeatures: Match feature points
  • findColor: Extract color information
  • getObjPointsAndImgPoints: Find the points in the current match that are already in the point cloud, get object_points, and image_points – for PnP strong> Prepare


#ifndef IMAGES_H
#define IMAGES_H

#include "Includes.h"

class Images
{<!-- -->
Mat image; // store image
vector<KeyPoint> keyPoints; //Storage feature points
Mat descriptor; //Storage feature descriptor
vector<int> correspond_struct_idx; //The index of the spatial point corresponding to the matching point in the point cloud
vector<Point2f> matchedPoints; // store matching points
vector<Vec3b> colors; //Storage color information of matching points
Mat R, T; //Storage the rotation matrix and translation vector of the camera

vector<Point3f> object_points; // Three-dimensional points corresponding to the matching points in the previous picture
vector<Point2f> image_points; //The corresponding pixels in the current image

//Constructor, read the image from the specified path and extract SIFT feature points and descriptors
Images(string const image_paths);

// Feature matching function, match the current image with another image
void matchFeatures(Images & amp; otherImage, vector<DMatch> & amp; outputMatches);

//Extract color information from matching points
void findColor();

// Traverse the current match, find the points in the current match that are already in the point cloud, and obtain object_points and image_points
void getObjPointsAndImgPoints(vector<DMatch> & amp; matches, vector<Point3d> & amp; all_reconstructed_points, Images & amp; preImage);

#endif // !IMAGES_H
#pragma once


#include "Images.h"

Images::Images(string const image_path)
{<!-- -->
// read image
this->image = imread(image_path);
if (this->image.empty())
{<!-- -->
cout << "Could not read image: " << image_path << endl;

//Extract SIFT feature points and descriptors
Ptr<SIFT> sift = SIFT::create(0, 17, 0.0000000001, 16);
sift->detectAndCompute(this->image, noArray(), this->keyPoints, this->descriptor);

for (int i = 0; i < keyPoints.size(); i + + )
{<!-- -->

void Images::findColor()
{<!-- -->
// Traverse all matching points
for (Point2f & amp; Points : this->matchedPoints)
{<!-- -->
// Get the color of the pixel
Vec3b color = this->image.at<Vec3b>(Points.y, Points.x);

// Store color in color vector

void Images::matchFeatures(Images & amp; otherImage, vector<DMatch> & amp; outputMatches)
{<!-- -->
//Clear matching points

vector<vector<DMatch>> matches;
FlannBasedMatcher matcher;

// Use FlannBasedMatcher for feature matching
matcher.knnMatch(this->descriptor, otherImage.descriptor, matches, 2);

// Calculate the minimum distance
float min_dist = FLT_MAX;
for (int r = 0; r < matches.size(); + + r)
{<!-- -->
// If the nearest neighbor distance is greater than 2.5 times the second nearest neighbor distance, skip the matching point
if (matches[r][0].distance < 2.5 * matches[r][1].distance)
{<!-- -->
// Calculate the minimum distance
float dist = matches[r][0].distance;
if (dist < min_dist)
{<!-- -->
min_dist = dist;

// Filter out good matching points
for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i + + )
{<!-- -->
if (matches[i][0].distance < 0.76 * matches[i][1].distance & amp; & amp; matches[i][0].distance < 8 * max(min_dist, 10.0f))
{<!-- -->

// Store the matching points in the matchedPoints vector
for (int i = 0; i < outputMatches.size(); + + i)
{<!-- -->

// Get three-dimensional space points and image points from matching points
void Images::getObjPointsAndImgPoints(vector<DMatch> & amp; matches, vector<Point3d> & amp; all_reconstructed_points, Images & amp; preImage)
{<!-- -->
// Clear object_points and image_points

// Traverse all matching points
for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i + + )
{<!-- -->
// Get the index of the three-dimensional space point corresponding to the matching point in the previous image
int matched_world_point_indices = preImage.correspond_struct_idx[matches[i].queryIdx];

// If the matching point exists in the corresponding three-dimensional space point in the previous image
if (matched_world_point_indices > 0)
{<!-- -->
// Add it (the three-dimensional point in the previous image) to object_points

// Add matching points (2D points of this new image) to image_points

3 Specific implementation

Based on the construction of the initial three-dimensional point cloud of the previous two pictures, we will implement the incremental construction of multiple pictures.

3.1 Initial build

It has been described in detail in the previous blogs: matching, using the method of calculating the E matrix to obtain the camera external parameters R and T, and performing triangulation to construct a point cloud.

Special: For the subsequent image reconstruction, we need to record the relationship between each point and the point cloud of the initial two images

void initConstruction(vector<Images> & amp; initImages, vector<Point3d> & amp; all_reconstructed_points, vector<Vec3b> & amp; all_points_colors)
{<!-- -->
    initImages.push_back(*(new Images(INIT_IMG_PATH1)));
    initImages.push_back(*(new Images(INIT_IMG_PATH2)));

    vector<DMatch> matches;
    initImages[0].matchFeatures(initImages[1], matches);

    vector<uchar> mask;
    Constructor::findCamera(K, initImages[0].matchedPoints, initImages[1].matchedPoints, initImages[1].R, initImages[1].T, mask);
    initImages[0].R = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1);
    initImages[0].T = Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1);
    all_reconstructed_points = Constructor::pointsReconstruct(K, initImages[0].R, initImages[0].T, initImages[1].R, initImages[1].T, initImages[0].matchedPoints, initImages[1].matchedPoints );
    for (int i = 0; i < initImages[1].colors.size(); i + + )
    {<!-- -->

    // Record the relationship between each point and point cloud of the initial two pictures according to the mask
    int idx = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i + + )
    {<!-- -->
        if (mask[i])
        {<!-- -->
            initImages[0].correspond_struct_idx[matches[i].queryIdx] = idx;
            initImages[1].correspond_struct_idx[matches[i].trainIdx] = idx;

3.2 Incremental Build

  1. Create subImageBag and then add initImages[1] to the container, which represents the second image in initImages (array index is 1) Will be compared with the subsequent ones (otherwise the next picture will be added to match with whom)

  2. Loop through the image file paths in the sub_image_paths container

  3. Within the loop, create a new Images for each image file path and add it to the subImageBag container. In this way, the container subImageBag contains multiple images, where the first image is the second of the initial image pair, and the remaining images are added step by step

  4. Call the addImageConstruction function, passing subImageBag as parameters, as well as all_reconstructed_points for storing sparse point clouds and all_points_colors< for point cloud colors. /code>

    • Loop through each image in the subImageBag container, starting at index 1 (because the first image is the initial image and is used for the initial build, skip it)

    • For each pair of adjacent images, do the following:

      • Use the matchFeatures method to find the feature point matching relationship between two adjacent images and store the matching results in the matches container

      • Use the getObjPointsAndImgPoints method to obtain the three-dimensional points and image points corresponding to the matching feature points - prepare for PnP

      • Through RANSAC filtering, use the findCamera method to filter matching points and generate a mask to mark valid matching points (just for filtering)

      • Use the solvePnPRansac method to estimate the camera pose of the new image and obtain R, T

      • Convert the rotation vector to a rotation matrix (solvePnPRansac results in an r vector)

      • Use the pointsReconstruct method to reconstruct the three-dimensional points between the new image and the previous image, and store the results in new_restructure_points

      • Use the findColor method to obtain the color information of the points in the new image

      • Record the relationship between each point and point cloud of the initial two pictures:

        Traverse matches, record the relationship between the newly generated point and each point and point cloud of the initial two images according to the tag in mask, and maintain the relationship between the point and the point cloud. correspondence between

      • Finally, add the newly generated three-dimensional points new_restructure_points and their color information to all_reconstructed_points and all_points_colors to continuously expand the point cloud

void addImageConstruction(vector<Images> & amp; subImageBag, vector<Point3d> & amp; all_reconstructed_points, vector<Vec3b> & amp; all_points_colors)
{<!-- -->
    for (int i = 1; i < subImageBag.size(); i + + )
    {<!-- -->
        cout << i << endl;
        vector<DMatch> matches;
        subImageBag[i - 1].matchFeatures(subImageBag[i], matches);

        subImageBag[i].getObjPointsAndImgPoints(matches, all_reconstructed_points, subImageBag[i - 1]);

        // Just for RANSAC filtering matching points and obtaining mask
        vector<uchar> mask;
        Mat discardR, discardT;
        Constructor::findCamera(K, subImageBag[i - 1].matchedPoints, subImageBag[i].matchedPoints, discardR, discardT, mask);

        solvePnPRansac(subImageBag[i].object_points, subImageBag[i].image_points, K, noArray(), subImageBag[i].R, subImageBag[i].T);
        Rodrigues(subImageBag[i].R, subImageBag[i].R);

        vector<Point3d> new_restructure_points;
        new_restructure_points = Constructor::pointsReconstruct(K, subImageBag[i - 1].R, subImageBag[i - 1].T, subImageBag[i].R, subImageBag[i].T, subImageBag[i - 1].matchedPoints, subImageBag[i].matchedPoints);


        //Record the relationship between each point and point cloud of the initial two pictures
        int idx = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < matches.size(); k + + )
        {<!-- -->
            if (mask[k])
            {<!-- -->
                subImageBag[i - 1].correspond_struct_idx[matches[k].queryIdx] = all_reconstructed_points.size() + idx;
                subImageBag[i].correspond_struct_idx[matches[k].trainIdx] = all_reconstructed_points.size() + idx;

        for (int k = 0; k < new_restructure_points.size(); k + + )
        {<!-- -->

3.3 Complete main.cpp

// Define the image file path and the path to save the results
//#define INIT_IMG_PATH1 "test_img\images\100_7103.jpg"
//#define INIT_IMG_PATH2 "test_img\images\100_7104.jpg"
#define INIT_IMG_PATH1 "test_img\First stage\B25.jpg"
#define INIT_IMG_PATH2 "test_img\First stage\B24.jpg"
#define PLY_SAVE_PATH "test_img\results\output.ply"

#include "Includes.h"
#include "Images.h"
#include "Constructor.h"

//const Mat K = (Mat_(3, 3) << 2905.88, 0, 1416, 0, 2905.88, 1064, 0, 0, 1);
const Mat K = (Mat_(3, 3) << 719.5459, 0, 0, 0, 719.5459, 0, 0, 0, 1);

//const vector sub_image_paths = { /*"test_img\images\100_7100.jpg", "test_img\images\100_7101.jpg", " test_img\images\100_7102.jpg",*/ /*"test_img\images\100_7103.jpg", "test_img\images\ 100_7104.jpg",*/ "test_img\images\100_7105.jpg", "test_img\images\100_7106.jpg", "test_img\\ \images\100_7107.jpg", "test_img\images\100_7108.jpg", "test_img\images\100_7109.jpg"/*, "test_img\images\100_7110.jpg"*/ };

const vector sub_image_paths = { "test_img\First stage\B23.jpg", "test_img\First stage\B22.jpg ", "test_img\First stage\B21.jpg" };
void initConstruction(vector<Images> & amp; initImages, vector<Point3d> & amp; all_reconstructed_points, vector<Vec3b> & amp; all_points_colors)
{<!-- -->
    initImages.push_back(*(new Images(INIT_IMG_PATH1)));
    initImages.push_back(*(new Images(INIT_IMG_PATH2)));

    vector<DMatch> matches;
    initImages[0].matchFeatures(initImages[1], matches);

    vector<uchar> mask;
    Constructor::findCamera(K, initImages[0].matchedPoints, initImages[1].matchedPoints, initImages[1].R, initImages[1].T, mask);
    initImages[0].R = Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1);
    initImages[0].T = Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_64FC1);
    all_reconstructed_points = Constructor::pointsReconstruct(K, initImages[0].R, initImages[0].T, initImages[1].R, initImages[1].T, initImages[0].matchedPoints, initImages[1].matchedPoints );
    for (int i = 0; i < initImages[1].colors.size(); i + + )
    {<!-- -->

    // Record the relationship between each point and point cloud of the initial two pictures according to the mask
    int idx = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i + + )
    {<!-- -->
        if (mask[i])
        {<!-- -->
            initImages[0].correspond_struct_idx[matches[i].queryIdx] = idx;
            initImages[1].correspond_struct_idx[matches[i].trainIdx] = idx;

void addImageConstruction(vector & amp; subImageBag, vector & amp; all_reconstructed_points, vector & amp; all_points_colors)
    for (int i = 1; i < subImageBag.size(); i + + )
        cout << i << endl;
        vector matches;
        subImageBag[i - 1].matchFeatures(subImageBag[i], matches);

        subImageBag[i].getObjPointsAndImgPoints(matches, all_reconstructed_points, subImageBag[i - 1]);

        // Just for RANSAC filtering matching points and obtaining mask
        vector mask;
        Mat discardR, discardT;
        Constructor::findCamera(K, subImageBag[i - 1].matchedPoints, subImageBag[i].matchedPoints, discardR, discardT, mask);

        solvePnPRansac(subImageBag[i].object_points, subImageBag[i].image_points, K, noArray(), subImageBag[i].R, subImageBag[i].T);
        Rodrigues(subImageBag[i].R, subImageBag[i].R);

        vector new_restructure_points;
        new_restructure_points = Constructor::pointsReconstruct(K, subImageBag[i - 1].R, subImageBag[i - 1].T, subImageBag[i].R, subImageBag[i].T, subImageBag[i - 1].matchedPoints, subImageBag[i].matchedPoints);


        //Record the relationship between each point and point cloud of the initial two pictures
        int idx = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < matches.size(); k + + )
            if (mask[k])
                subImageBag[i - 1].correspond_struct_idx[matches[k].queryIdx] = all_reconstructed_points.size() + idx;
                subImageBag[i].correspond_struct_idx[matches[k].trainIdx] = all_reconstructed_points.size() + idx;



        for (int k = 0; k < new_restructure_points.size(); k + + )


int main()
        vector initImages;
        vector all_reconstructed_points;
        vector all_points_colors;

        initConstruction(initImages, all_reconstructed_points, all_points_colors);

        vector subImageBag;
        for (auto & amp; image_path : sub_image_paths)

        addImageConstruction(subImageBag, all_reconstructed_points, all_points_colors);
        // Manually output point cloud ply file
        std::ofstream plyFile(PLY_SAVE_PATH);

        // ply header information
        plyFile << "ply\\
        plyFile << "format ascii 1.0\\
        plyFile << "element vertex " << all_reconstructed_points.size() << "\\
        plyFile << "property float x\\
        plyFile << "property float y\\
        plyFile << "property float z\\
        plyFile << "property uchar blue\\
        plyFile << "property uchar green\\
        plyFile << "property uchar red\\
        plyFile << "end_header\\

        //Write point cloud data
        for (int i = 0; i < all_reconstructed_points.size(); + + i)
            cv::Vec3b color = all_points_colors[i];
            cv::Point3f point = all_reconstructed_points[i];
            plyFile << point.x << " " << point.y << " " << point.z << " "
                << static_cast(color[0]) << " "
                << static_cast(color[1]) << " "
                << static_cast(color[2]) << std::endl;

        return 0;
    catch (Exception e)
        cout << e.msg << endl;

4 Summary notes

Source code That is Include.h, Constructor.h, Constructor.cpp, Image.h, Image.cpp, main.cpp given above

Before incrementally adding pictures (construction of two initial pictures):


After incremental graph construction:



At present, only the basic process has been completed. There are many places that need to be optimized, such as

  • Parameter settings for SIFT
  • Parameter settings for RANSAC
  • Initial image selection (very important)
  • Settings for ratio test in matchFeatures
  • Other optimization measures can also be added to eliminate outrageous points
  • The most important BA hasn’t joined yet!
  • ·······

At present, the results are not good, the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!

Multi-view 3D reconstruction based on OpenCV and C++
OpenCV implements SfM (3): multi-view 3D reconstruction

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