“Amazon Cloud Technology Product Review” event call for papers | Quickly build a docker environment based on aws ec2

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We sometimes encountered such a problem in our previous development: after developing a function locally, it was deployed to the server, or when others pulled it to the local and continued development, the function would become unusable.

And it usually takes a long time for us to build the environment. For team collaboration, every time a new person comes in, this avoidable time needs to be wasted. Moreover, when setting up the environment, various problems often occur, causing the project code to run abnormally.

If Docker is used, only the first person needs to write the development container, and others only need to pull it down to complete the construction of the project environment, which can effectively avoid meaningless waste of time.

So today I will talk about how to deploy docker on the server and simply run it

Prepare cloud server

Click My Account->aws Management Console. Can jump to the login page

If you are a new user, you can register first. New users can use the server for free for 1 year

  • After entering the console, click Service->Compute->EC2
  • Create instance
    After selecting the region where you want to create an instance, click Start a new instance.

    Just select the default system here. If you want another system, you can select the system you want.

    Configure the login key. This file must be saved as it will be used for subsequent logins.

    You can modify the size of the configuration storage, because 30G is given to free users, but the default is only 8G.

    After configuring the basic information, just click Start Instance on the right. Be careful not to exceed the scope of the free package.
    You can see that the list already has server information.
  • Connect to instance

Method 1: Use the system package manager

Special Note: Because I chose Amazon Linux 2023, I used the following command to install it

sudo yum install -y docker

If it’s Amazon Linux 2, run the following command:

 sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker

After the installation is complete, check the docker version

docker -v # Check docker version

Start and join boot

sudo systemctl start docker #start
sudo systemctl enable docker #Start automatically after booting

Check the docker status

Method 2: Install using binary files

Download binaries
You can select the binary file you want to download from https://download.docker.com/linux/static/stable/

#Download binary installation package
 wget https://download.docker.com/linux/static/stable/x86_64/docker-20.10.7.tgz
#Unzip the compressed package
 tar -zxvf docker-20.10.7.tgz
 #Copy all the files in the unzipped docker directory to /usr/bin
 cp docker/* /usr/bin/

Manage docker with systemd

Add docker group

groupadd docker

Install two unit files (service and socket) into /usr/lib/systemd/system/

cat > /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service << EOF
Description=Docker Application Container Engine
After=network-online.target firewalld.service
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
cat > /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.socket << EOF
Description=Docker Socket for the API

I used systemctl start docker and it failed to start.

Tip: Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status docker.service” and “journalctl -xeu docker.service” for details.

When starting with dockerd & amp;, the prompt “failed to start daemon: Error initializing network controller: error obtaining controller instance: failed to create NAT chain DOCKER: Iptables not found”

Description: Iptables is not installed. Install Iptables.

yum install iptables -y

Re-execute systemctl start docker and the startup is successful.

Docker is now installed and running

We verify that Docker is installed correctly by running the hello-world image.

You can see that the operation was successful, so we successfully installed docker using the binary file.

Easy to use

Use docker to deploy a redis service

  • Pull redis image
sudo docker pull redis:7.0.12

Here we pulled a redis image of version 7.0.12

  • Start the redis container
sudo docker run --restart=always -p 6379:6379 --name myredis -d redis:7.0.12 --requirepass redispwd

– restart always Automatically restart the container when it exits
– name myredis Specify a name for the container, here it is “myredis”
– requirepass redispwd sets the password of the Redis server
-p 6379:6379: Map port 6379 on the host to port 6379 of the container so that the outside world can access the Redis container through port 6379 of the host
-d runs the container in background mode, running in the background without blocking the terminal

  • Enter the redis container
sudo docker exec -it myredis /bin/bash

Use redis-cli to interact with the redis database


You can see that it is very simple for us to use docker to deploy a service. We only need to pull the image and run the container. And as long as we specify the image version, we don’t have to worry about environment inconsistencies.