[Various modules of python] (2) Use xlrd and xlwt to operate Excel in python

Table of Contents

1 What are xlrd and xlwt

2 Import xlwt

3 xlwt related syntax

3.1 Create a new workbook

3.2 Create a new sheet

3.3 Save workbook

4 Form of table in python

4.1 Matrix

4.2 The data form of EXCEL == is completely equal to the numerical structure of the matrix

4.3 Matrix in python

5 specific codes related to xlwt

5.1 Code

5.2 Results

5.3 Issues to note

5.3.1 It cannot be an existing table, and an error will be reported: permission denied.

5.3.2 Save format

5.3.3 Path method

6 Import xlrd

6.1 Possible problems

6.2 After installing xlrd, you can check the installed version number

7 Related syntax of xlrd

7.1 Get the existing EXCEL file workbook

7.2 Get information about sheets under wb

7.2.1 Obtain the lower-level object array of wb and the sheets object array step by step

7.2.2 Directly obtain some properties of the lower-level sheets object of wb, using specific methods

7.2.3 Get a specific sheet

7.2.4 Get the number of rows and columns in a specific sheet

7.2.5 Get the cells in a specific sheet. What about the range content?

8 specific codes related to xlrd

8.1 A piece of experimental code

1 What are xlrd and xlwt

  • Generally speaking
  • xlrd is a module used to read excel
  • xlwt is a module used to write to excel

2 import xlwt

import xlwt

3.1 Create a new workbook

wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=’utf-8′)

3.2 Create a new sheet

sh = wb.add_sheet(“test”)

3.3 Save workbook

You must save it before you can see the modified results.

savePath = r’C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\1002.xls’

4 The form of the table in python

4.1 matrix

First recall the matrix Ai*j in mathematics

4.2 The data form of EXCEL == is completely equal to the numerical structure of the matrix

row = row of matrix

column = column of matrix

4.3 python matrix

The matrix is saved in the form like this

List: Generally refers to 1 row in the matrix,

Therefore the length of the list: generally refers to the number of rows of the matrix

The length of an element of the list: generally refers to the number of columns of the matrix

head = [‘Column 1’, ‘Column 2’, ‘Column 3’]
data = [[‘a11′,’a12′,’a13’],[‘a22′,’a22′,’a23’]]

5 xlwt related specific code

5.1 code

import xlwt
wb = xlwt.Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
sh = wb.add_sheet("test")
head = ['Column 1', 'Column 2', 'Column 3']
data = [['a11','a12','a13'],['a22','a22','a23']]
for i in head:
for i in range(len(data)):
    for j in range(len(data[i])):
        sh.write(i + 1,j,data[i][j])
savePath = r'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\1002.xls'

5.2 results

5.3 Issues to note

5.3.1 cannot be an existing table, an error will be reported: permission denied

5.3.2 Saved format

  • It can only be xls
  • Cannot be xlsx
  • Cannot be xlsm
  • The latter two types cannot be opened after being saved.

5.3.3 Path method

  • savePath = r’C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\1002.xls’
  • savePath = ‘C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\1002.xls’

6 Import xlrd

  • import xlrd

6.1 Possible Problems

  • There may be problems here. For example, the anaconda I use only has xlwt installed by default, but xlrd is not installed.
  • Import xlrd will report an error and the xlrd module cannot be found.
  • Then what
  • You need to use cmd or powershell in anaconda to run the command line
  • Enter conda list or pip show xlrd to find that there is no xlrd
  • Installation: pip install xlrd

6.2 After installing xlrd, you can check the installed version number

import xlrd

7.1 Get existing EXCEL file workbook

  • xlrd.open_workbook(path) returns the object of the corresponding wb file

import xlrd

##Create wb object and open the corresponding wb table object

7.2 Get information about sheets under wb

7.2.1 Obtain the subordinate object array of wb step by step, sheets object array

  • First of all, it is the same structure as EXCEL itself
  • The subordinate object of workbook is sheets object
  • sheets=wb.sheets() returns an object array [Sheet 0:, Sheet 1:, Sheet 2:]
  • Get the array length, len(sheets) , not sheets.count

#Get the sheet object under the wb object, and it is an object array
print(sheets.count) #Error sheets.count

  • After obtaining the sheets object, you can also obtain the properties of the sheet object, such as sheet.name, etc.

#How about directly obtaining the properties of the sheet object? Is it ok? Yes, but only sheet.name without sheets.name
for sh in sheets:

7.2.2 Directly obtain some attributes of the subordinate sheets object of wb, use specific methods

  • You can also directly get the name array of the sheets object under the wb object. This is not an object array, but a string array.
  • sheetnames=wb.sheet_names()
  • Directly obtained is a string array [‘sheet101’, ‘sheet102’, ‘sheet103’]

#You can also directly get the name array of the sheets object under the wb object. This is not an object array, but a string array.

7.2.3 Get a specific sheet

There are three ways to obtain a specific sheet

  • Method 1# Get a certain one in the sheet object array obtained by wb
  • sh1=wb.sheets()[0]
  • Method 2#Fetch according to the order of sheets
  • sh2=wb.sheet_by_index(1)
  • Method 3 #According to the specific sheet display name
  • The display name of the sheet in EXCEL is different from the real name or index inside the program
  • sh3=wb.sheet_by_name(“sheet101”)
  • Error handling
  • But please note that if you search according to these methods, you need to have a corresponding sheet, otherwise an error will be reported.
  • #sh4=wb.sheet_by_name(“sheet1001”) #Wrong sheet name will cause an error
  • Return content
  • #It should be noted that generally the sheet object is obtained. To obtain the object attributes, you need to use sh1.name, etc.

7.2.4 Get the number of rows and columns in a specific sheet

  • rows=sh1.nrows
  • columns=sh1.ncols #Write sh1.ncolumns and report an error…

columns=sh1.ncols #Write sh1.ncolumns and report an error…

print(“{0}This table has {1} rows and {2} columns”.format(sh1.name,rows,columns))
print(sh1.name,”This table has”,rows,”rows”,columns,”columns”)
print(f”The table sh1.name has rows and columns”)
print(“%sThis table has %d rows and %d columns” %(sh1,rows,columns))

7.2.5 Get the cells in a specific sheet, what about the range content?

8.1 A piece of experimental code

  • Open the EXCEL workbook
  • Find sheets, sheet_names(), or specific sheet
  • Get the contents of the sheet
import xlrd

##Create wb object and open the corresponding wb table object

#Get the sheet object under the wb object, and it is an object array
print(sheets.count) #Error sheets.count <built-in method count of list object at 0x00000205AD7AE5C0>

#You can also directly get the name array of the sheets object under the wb object. This is not an object array, but a string array.

#How about directly obtaining the properties of the sheet object? Is it ok? Yes, but only sheet.name without sheets.name
for sh in sheets:

##Get a specific sheet
#Get a certain one in the sheet object array obtained by wb
#Fetch according to the order of sheets
#According to the specific sheet display name (the display name of the sheet in EXCEL is different from the real name or index inside the program)
#sh4=wb.sheet_by_name("sheet1001") #Wrong sheet name will cause an error

#Get the object from the sheet array of wb. To obtain the object attributes, you need to use sh1.name, etc.

##Get the content in the sheet

columns=sh1.ncols #Write sh1.ncolumns and report an error...

print("{0}This table has {1} rows and {2} columns".format(sh1.name,rows,columns))
print(sh1.name,"This table has",rows,"rows",columns,"columns")
print(f"The table sh1.name has rows and columns")
print("%sThis table has %d rows and %d columns" %(sh1,rows,columns))


#Get the content in the sheet
Number of rows:" sheet1_data.nrows\
Number of columns:"sheet1_data.ncolumns)

#About the format settings of xlrd and xlwt, I don’t think it is important. You can check it when you need to use it