Python+requests interface automated testing practice

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python + request + unittest + HTMLTestRunner

First introduce the requests module of python:

Introduction to the use of requests: a quick start to requests

Environment Description:

1.WIN 7, 64 bit
2.Python3.4.3 (pip-8.1.2)
3. Requests -> pip install requests
4. The unittest -> unittest framework is the unit test framework that comes with python. Python2.1 and later versions have put unittest into the python development package as a standard block, so unittest does not need to be installed separately.
5. The test report is generated using HTMLTestRunner.

Test ideas:

1. Write a script test for each http interface one by one. (The submitted json string is directly placed in the data dictionary. Excel and other test cases are not used here to write test cases. The test cases are directly realized by scripts.)
2. After writing the test scripts of all the interfaces, since one interface has several test cases, all the py scripts of the same interface should be encapsulated into methods, and each interface should be encapsulated into an interface class.
3. Use testsuite to directly call these interface classes to construct a test set; or use unittest to automatically identify test cases, the discover() method provided in the TestLoader class.
(Naming rules: the interface name should start with test_XXX)
Just connect all the interface test cases to build automated tests.
4. Finally, use HTMLTestRunner to generate a test report.

PUT: Upload the specified URL, usually for modification, which can be understood as an update in the database.

DELETE: Delete the specified resource.

In interface testing, generally speaking, post creates data, get obtains all data after successful creation and the specified data, put can modify the data after successful creation, and delete is the specified resource.

Directory Structure:

An example of a single interface test:

post (modify)

import requests
import json

def get_token():
    url1 = "https://**********/Token/get"
    content = {'appId':'***','appSecret':'******'}
    web = requests.get(url=url1,params=content)
    print(web. text)
    ty = web.text
    a = json. loads(ty)
    b = a.get('Data')
    apptoken = b.get('Token')
    return apptoken

if __name__ == '__main__':
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import requests
import json

def test_qualification_add():
    url = "" #test interface url
    headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"}
    data = { #Parameters transmitted by the interface
        "token": "abcdefg",
        "id": 1,
        "param": {
    r = = url,json = data,headers = headers) #send request
    #return r.json
    print (r.text) #Get the response message
    print (r. status_code)

if __name__=="__main__":
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Among them, the two writing methods of and requests.request can realize the request.

In the process of interface testing, the incoming parameters are tested by testing methods such as boundary value testing, error derivation testing, and equivalence class testing. Then an interface requires many test cases.

The following is an example of encapsulation as an interface class:

(An interface addresses a class, and each method is a test case)
(The setUp() and tearDown() methods will act on the beginning and end of each test case respectively. If the setUp() and tearDown() in each class do the same thing, then you can encapsulate your own test class , such as the code:)\

import requests
import json
import unittest
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase): #The class that encapsulates the initialization and restoration of the test environment
    def setUp(self): # Put the code that can operate on the data, such as the initialization of mysql, momgodb, etc., the database is not operated here!
        print("start test")
    def tearDown(self): #relative to setUp()
        print("end test")
class test_xxx_get(MyTest): #Encapsulate this interface into a class, the following method is a specific test case
    '''Interface name: get qualification''' #This describes the interface name
    def test_xxx_get(self):
        '''Test case 1: Haha''' #This describes the interface use case name
        self.url = "" #request url
        self.headers = {"Content-Type":"application/json"} = { #request parameters
            "token": "abcdefg",
            "id": 1,
            "param": {
                "QuId": 14
        } #self. is used in method attributes, indicating that it is an attribute of the method and will not affect the attributes of other methods.
        r = requests. post(url = self. url, json = self. data, headers = self. headers)
        #return r.json()
        self.assertIn("true",self.r.text) #Assertion to judge whether the interface returns meet the requirements, you can write multiple assertions!

if __name__=="__main__":
    unittest. main()
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unittest provides a global main() method, which can be used to easily turn a unit test block into a test script that can be run directly;
The main() method uses the TestLoader class to search for all the test methods contained in the block that start with the name “test” and execute it automatically;\

The default order of executing methods is: load test cases according to the order of ASCII codes, and the order of numbers and letters is: 0-9, A-Z, a-z. So the test case method starting with A will be executed first, and the test case method starting with a will be executed later.
Therefore, each interface class and test case should be named after test*, as shown in the figure below:
(Test cases are placed in the same folder:)

How to write

import unittest
import json
import requests
from HTMLTestRunner import HTMLTestRunner
import time

#Load test files (load as many interfaces as there are, and add them one by one)
import test_creative_add
import test_creative_get
import test_qualification_add
import test_qualification_get
import test_qualification_reflesh

#Construct test set
suite = unittest.TestSuite() #Instantiation

The addTest() method of the #TestSuite class assembles the test methods in different test classes into the test suite.
#Add test case==》Interface file name. Interface class (method is other use cases of this interface), every test case must be added! ! !

suite.addTest(test_creative_add.test_creative_add("test_creative_add")) #Add creativity
suite.addTest(test_creative_get.test_creative_get("test_creative_get")) #Get creative
suite.addTest(test_qualification_add.test_qualification_add("test_qualification_add"))#Increase qualification
suite.addTest(test_qualification_get.test_qualification_get("test_qualification_get"))#Get qualification
suite.addTest(test_qualification_reflesh.test_qualification_reflesh("test_qualification_reflesh"))#Update qualification
if __name__=="__main__":
           testunit = unittest. TestSuite()
           testunit. addTest(suite)

           # Get the current time according to a certain format
           now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H_%M_%S")

           #Define the report storage path
           filename = './' + now + 'test_result.html'
           fp = open(filename,"wb")

           #define test report
           runner = HTMLTestRunner(stream = fp,
                                   title = "xxx interface test report",
                                   description = "Test case execution:")

           # run the test
           runner. run(testunit)
           fp.close() #Close the file object and write the data to disk
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If there are hundreds of test cases, it will be very troublesome to add test cases one by one in the runtest script. In fact, it can be done in one step with discover().
Discover function introduction:
discover(start_dir, pattern=’test*.py’, top_level_dir=None)

Find all test modules in the specified directory, and recursively find the test blocks in the subdirectory. Only the matching file names will be loaded. If the startup is not a top-level directory, then the top-level directory must be specified separately.
start_dir: The block name to be tested or the directory of the test case.
pattern=’test .py’: Indicates the matching principle of the use case file name. This matches all .py type files whose file name starts with test, and represents any number of characters.
top_level_dir=None : The top-level directory of the test block, if there is no top-level directory, the default is None.
The test cases here are all placed in the same directory, all in the form of test*.py! ! (as pictured above)\ writing method:

import unittest
import json
import requests
from HTMLTestRunner import HTMLTestRunner
import time

#Define the directory of the test case as the current directory
test_dir = './'
discover =, pattern = 'test*.py')

if __name__=="__main__":

    # Get the current time according to a certain format
    now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S")

    #Define the report storage path
    filename = './' + now + 'test_result.html'

    fp = open(filename,"wb")
    #define test report
    runner = HTMLTestRunner(stream = fp,
                            title = "xxx interface test report",
                            description = "Test case execution:")
    # run the test
    runner. run(discover)
    fp.close() #close report file
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Integrate automated testing to send test reports:

import unittest
import requests
from HTMLTestRunner import HTMLTestRunner
import time
import os
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.header import Header

#======Define sending mail========
def send_mail(file_new):
    f = open(file_new,'rb')
    mail_body = f. read()
    f. close()

    msg = MIMEText(mail_body,'html','utf-8')
    msg['Subject'] = Header('xxx Interface Automation Test Report','utf-8')

    smtp = smtplib. SMTP()
    smtp.login('[email protected]','xxx336..')
    smtp.sendmail('[email protected]','[email protected]',msg.as_string())
    smtp. quit()
    print('The mail has been sent! Pay attention to check.')

#====== Find the test directory and find the latest generated test report ======
def new_report(test_report):
    lists = os.listdir(test_report)
    lists.sort(key=lambda fn:os.path.getmtime(test_report + '\' + fn))
    file_new = os.path.join(test_report,lists[-1])
    return file_new

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_dir = "D:\dsp_testpro\test_case"
    test_report = "D:\dsp_testpro\test_report"

    discover =,
                                                   pattern = 'test*.py')
    # Get the current time according to a certain format
    now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-")

    #Define the report storage path
    filename = test_report + "" + now + 'result.html'
    fp = open(filename,'wb')
    #define test report
    runner = HTMLTestRunner(stream = fp,
                            title = "xxx interface test report",
                            description = "Test case execution:")
    # run the test
    runner. run(discover)
    fp.close() #close report file

    new_report = new_report(test_report)
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Mail as follows:

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has read my article carefully. Seeing the fans’ growth and attention all the way, there is always a need for reciprocity. Although it is not a very valuable thing, if you need it, you can take it away: strong>

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