[In-depth analysis of the aux_source_directory command in CMake] The aux_source_directory command from file identification to best practices

Directory title

  • 1. Introduction to CMake (Introduction to CMake)
    • 1.1. Definition and Features of CMake (Definition and Features of CMake)
    • 1.2. Importance of CMake in Modern Development
  • 2. The `aux_source_directory` Command in CMake (The `aux_source_directory` Command in CMake)
    • 2.1. Basic Functionality of Commands
    • 2.2. Use Cases and Limitations (Use Cases and Limitations)
  • 3. File Recognition Mechanism
    • 3.1. How Source Files are Recognized (How Source Files are Recognized)
    • 3.2. Relationship between File Extensions and File Types (Relationship between File Extensions and File Types)
      • Table: Common programming languages and their file suffixes
  • 4. Handling Files in Mixed Projects
    • 4.1 Coexistence of C++ and Java Files (Coexistence of C++ and Java Files)
    • 4.2 How CMake Handles Different File Types (How CMake Handles Different File Types)
  • 5. Best Practices and Recommendations
    • 5.1 When to Use `aux_source_directory` (When to Use `aux_source_directory`)
    • 5.2 How to Effectively Manage Source Files (How to Effectively Manage Source Files)
      • Code example
  • 6. Conclusion
    • 6.1 The Value of CMake in Project Management (The Value of CMake in Project Management)
    • 6.2 Future Development Trends
  • Conclusion

1. Introduction to CMake (Introduction to CMake)

1.1. Definition and Features of CMake

CMake is an open source, cross-platform automated build system. It does not build software directly, but generates standard build files for various platforms, such as Makefiles or Visual Studio project files. This allows developers to use the same set of CMake description files to build their projects on different platforms and environments.

The main features of CMake include:

  • Cross-platform: CMake can run on a variety of operating systems and compilation environments, such as Linux, Windows, and macOS.
  • Flexibility: CMake supports multiple programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran.
  • Extensibility: CMake allows developers to write custom modules and commands to meet specific build needs.

As the great psychologist Carl Rogers said in “Self-Growth”: “A person’s value lies not in what he has, but in what he is.” This echoes the philosophy of CMake. CMake is more than just a tool, it represents a cross-platform, modular and extensible development philosophy.

1.2. Importance of CMake in Modern Development

In modern software development, projects are increasing in complexity. Developers need to test and deploy their applications on multiple platforms and environments. Manually writing build scripts for each platform is time-consuming and error-prone. CMake provides a unified solution that makes the build process simple, reliable and repeatable.

Additionally, CMake’s modular design allows it to be easily integrated with other tools and libraries. For example, developers can use CMake to find libraries installed on the system, or to download and build third-party dependencies.

In the philosopher Immanuel Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason”, he mentioned: “We know things because we shape them.” This echoes the core idea of CMake. Developers shape their build process with CMake to better understand and control their projects.

In this chapter, we have a preliminary understanding of the definition, function and importance of CMake. In the next chapters, we’ll take a deep dive into the aux_source_directory command in CMake and how to handle different types of files in hybrid projects.

2. The aux_source_directory command in CMake (The aux_source_directory Command in CMake)

2.1. Basic Functionality of Commands

In CMake, aux_source_directory is a very practical command that allows developers to automatically collect all source files in a specified directory. The basic format of this command is as follows:

aux_source_directory(<dir> <variable>)


is the directory you want to search, and is a variable that stores a list of all source files found.

For example, if you have a directory called src and want all the source files in it to be listed in a variable called MY_SOURCES, you would write:

aux_source_directory(src MY_SOURCES)

In this way, the MY_SOURCES variable will contain all source files in the src directory.

2.2. Use Cases and Limitations (Use Cases and Limitations)

Although the aux_source_directory command can be useful in some situations, it has some limitations. First of all, this command does not check the content of the file, it just collects the source file based on the file extension. This means that if you have other non-source code files in your directory but they have the same extension as a common source file extension, aux_source_directory will also treat them as source files and add them to List.

As Mencius said in “Mencius Gongsun Chou”: “Only when one understands the big picture can one speak of it.” (Only when one understands the big picture can one speak of it.) Here, we need to see aux_source_directory The big picture of is that its real purpose is convenience, but this also brings with it some potential problems. For example, when you simply add a file to a directory without modifying the CMakeLists.txt file, the resulting build system may not know that it needs to rerun CMake.

Additionally, since this command does not provide any custom rules to select or exclude specific source files, in large projects manually listing all source files may be a better option.

In programming, we often have to make trade-offs. As the Tao Te Ching says: “Holding on to it and filling it to the brim is not as good as stopping in time.” This means that although aux_source_directory provides convenience, but sometimes, for the sake of project stability and maintainability, it may be a wiser choice to abandon it.

Code example:

# Manually list source files
set(MY_SOURCES main.cpp util.cpp renderer.cpp)

# Use aux_source_directory
aux_source_directory(src MY_SOURCES)

In the code example above, we show two ways to list source files. The first method is to list manually, while the second method is to use the aux_source_directory command. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and developers should choose the most appropriate method based on the actual needs of the project.

3. File Recognition Mechanism

3.1. How Source Files are Recognized

In the programming world, file extensions are often used to distinguish different types of files. For example, .cpp represents a C++ source file, and .java represents a Java source file. CMake’s aux_source_directory command takes advantage of this feature to automatically collect source files through their file extensions.

# Sample code: using aux_source_directory command

In the above code, aux_source_directory will collect all recognized source files in the current directory and store their paths in the SRC_LIST variable.

However, this approach has its limitations. As Mencius said: “If the name is not correct, the words will not be correct.” Misunderstandings may result if a file’s extension does not match its content. For example, a file with a .cpp suffix might just be a text file and not actual C++ source code.

3.2. Relationship between File Extensions and File Types

The relationship between a file’s suffix and its content type is much like the way we name humans. As Zhuangzi said: “Name refers to things.” We name things to better identify and understand them.

In programming, the suffix of a file gives us a clue as to its contents. For example:

  • .c:C Language Source File
  • .h:Header File
  • .py: Python Script File
  • .js:JavaScript File

However, relying solely on suffix names may not be accurate enough. Sometimes we need to view the contents of a file or use other tools to determine its true type.

Table: Common programming languages and their file suffixes

Programming Language File Extension
C .c
C + + .cpp, .cxx, .cc
Java .java
Python .py
JavaScript .js

When exploring the process of file identification in depth, we can look at the problem from multiple perspectives. For example, from a file system perspective, a file’s file extension is just an identifier, while the actual file type may be stored in the file’s metadata. From a programming perspective, a file’s file extension helps the compiler or interpreter determine how to process the file.

But no matter which angle you look at it, the file extension is the key to understanding the content of the file. As Zhuangzi said: “Those who have mastered the Tao in the world all share the same skill.” Different programming languages and tools may have different methods, but they all aim to better understand and process files.

4. Handling Files in Mixed Projects

4.1 Coexistence of C + + and Java Files (Coexistence of C + + and Java Files)

In modern software development, different programming languages often coexist in the same project. For example, a project might contain both C++ code to handle the underlying logic and Java code to handle the user interface. This hybrid programming model provides developers with greater flexibility, but also brings some challenges, especially in the configuration of the build system.

When using CMake, the aux_source_directory command collects C/C++ source files such as .c and .cpp by default. But for .java files, this command will not be processed by default. This means that if there are both C++ and Java files in your project directory, only the C++ files will be automatically collected.

# Sample code
add_executable(MyProject ${SRC_LIST})

In the above code, the SRC_LIST variable will only contain C++ source files, while Java files will be ignored.

4.2 How CMake Handles Different File Types (How CMake Handles Different File Types)

CMake was originally designed to handle C and C++ projects, but over time it has added support for other languages, such as Fortran, Java, and Swift. But this doesn’t mean that all languages can be processed using the same commands.

For Java files, CMake provides specialized commands and modules for processing. For example, you can use the find_package(Java) and add_jar commands to work with Java projects.

# Sample code
find_package(Java REQUIRED)
add_jar(MyJavaProject Main.java)

In this example, Main.java is a Java source file that is compiled into a JAR file named MyJavaProject.jar.

As stated in “The Art of Programming”: “Programming is not just a technology, it is an art.” When working on hybrid projects, developers need to have a deep understanding of the features of each language and how the build tools work in order to Ensure successful project build.

Think deeply

When dealing with hybrid projects, we not only have to consider technical issues, but also the human element. Why do developers choose to use multiple programming languages? There may be a variety of reasons behind this, such as the skill background of the team, the needs of the project, or historical issues. As said in “Human Weakness”: “People always act for their own reasons, not for your reasons.” When choosing a technology stack, we should have a deep understanding of the needs and motivations of the team to ensure the success of the project. success.

In the next chapter, we’ll dive into CMake’s other commands and features, and how to effectively manage and organize source files.

5. Best Practices and Recommendations

5.1 When to Use aux_source_directory (When to Use aux_source_directory code>)

In project management, choosing the right tools and methods is crucial. aux_source_directory is a convenience command provided by CMake, but it is not always the best choice.

First, this command is great for small projects, especially if you’re sure the source files won’t change frequently. It can automatically collect all source files, reducing the workload of manually maintaining file lists.

However, for large projects, especially those involving multi-person collaboration, source files may change frequently, new files may be added, and old files may be deleted. In this case, using aux_source_directory may cause problems. Because when new files are added to the directory, the build system generated by CMake does not know that it needs to be re-run.

As Mencius said in “Mencius Gongsun Chou”: “Those who get the big ones can make full use of their ambitions, and those who get the small ones can make the most of their tasks.” This means that when we choose tools and methods, we should choose them according to the size of the project. and needs to make decisions.

5.2 How to Effectively Manage Source Files (How to Effectively Manage Source Files)

Effectively managing source files is key to ensuring project success. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Clear file structure: Make sure the project has a clear and logical file and directory structure. This not only helps with code management, but also helps team members understand and maintain the code.

  2. Manually manage file lists: Although it requires more work, manually listing source files ensures complete control over which files are included in the build.

  3. Use version control: Like Git, it can help track file changes and ensure team members are all on the same page.

  4. Avoid wildcards: In some build systems, wildcards such as * can automatically select all files. But this can also result in unexpected files being included.

  5. Code Reviews: Conducting regular code reviews ensures the quality of source files and helps team members stay up-to-date on the status of the project.

We should take human nature into consideration when managing source files. People tend to choose the simplest and most direct method, but this is not always the best method. As Zhuangzi said in “Zhuangzi·Xiaoyaoyou”: “The way of heaven is to make up for the excess of losses.” This means that we should strive to find a balance, pursuing efficiency while ensuring quality.

Code example

# Manually list source files
    # ... Other files

add_executable(MyProject ${SOURCE_FILES})

In this example, we list all source files manually instead of using aux_source_directory. This ensures we have full control over which files are included in the build.

6. Conclusion

6.1 The Value of CMake in Project Management (The Value of CMake in Project Management)

CMake, as a cross-platform build system tool, has become an important part of modern software development. It not only provides a simplified way to configure and generate build files, but also provides developers with a flexible and extensible framework to manage complex project structures. CMake’s true value lies in its ability to adapt to a variety of development environments and needs, from simple applications to large system-level projects.

As Friedrich Nietzsche said in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” This sentence can be used to describe the role of CMake in project management. It provides developers with a clear “why” (i.e. goal), allowing them to focus more on the “how” (i.e. implementation method).

6.2 Future Development Trends

As technology continues to advance and the field of software development changes, CMake is constantly updated and evolved. In the future, we can expect CMake to become more intelligent, able to automatically recognize and process more types of source files, and there may even be more plug-ins and extensions to support new programming languages and frameworks.

In addition, as the open source community grows, the CMake ecosystem will become richer and more diverse. Developers will be able to more easily share and use modules and tools created by others, further increasing development efficiency.

As Carl Jung said in “Man and His Symbols”: “The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves.” Things are accomplished not through intelligence but through the instinct of play arising out of an inner need. The creative mind plays with the object of its love). This is exactly what CMake provides us: a creative and fun development environment that allows us to play and create more freely.

In this era, the relationship between technology and human nature has become increasingly close. CMake, as a technical tool, is not only to meet our development needs, but also to satisfy our inner creative desire.


In our programming learning journey, understanding is an important step for us to move to a higher level. However, mastering new skills and ideas always requires time and persistence. From a psychological point of view, learning is often accompanied by constant trial and error and adjustment, which is like our brain gradually optimizing its “algorithm” for solving problems.

This is why when we encounter mistakes, we should view them as opportunities to learn and improve, rather than More than just an obsession. By understanding and solving these problems, we can not only fix the current code, but also improve our programming skills and prevent making the same mistakes in future projects.

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