vue3 uses the rich text editor wangEditor 5 to add a custom drop-down box and dynamically change the content of the drop-down box

Write a custom directory title here

    • official information
    • Show results
    • Preparation
      • Install
      • use
      • demo
      • Custom extension function (drop-down box)
        • First, define the menu class
        • Second, register the menu to wangEditor
        • Third, insert the menu into the toolbar
    • final code
      • selectTest.ts
      • editorDemo.vue

Official information

  • wangEditor official website

Effect display



Just follow the Vue3 Demo operation provided by wangEditor official website here. You can skip the following content directly.


yarn add @wangeditor/editor
# Or npm install @wangeditor/editor --save

yarn add @wangeditor/editor-for-vue@next
# Or npm install @wangeditor/editor-for-vue@next --save



    <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc">
        style="border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc"
        style="height: 500px; overflow-y: hidden;"


import '@wangeditor/editor/dist/css/style.css' // Import css

import {<!-- --> onBeforeUnmount, ref, shallowRef, onMounted } from 'vue'
import {<!-- --> Editor, Toolbar } from '@wangeditor/editor-for-vue'

export default {<!-- -->
  components: {<!-- --> Editor, Toolbar },
  setup() {<!-- -->
    //Editor instance, shallowRef must be used
    const editorRef = shallowRef()

    // Content HTML
    const valueHtml = ref('<p>hello</p>')

    // Simulate ajax to asynchronously obtain content
    onMounted(() => {<!-- -->
        setTimeout(() => {<!-- -->
            valueHtml.value = '<p>Simulate Ajax asynchronously setting content</p>'
        }, 1500)

    const toolbarConfig = {<!-- -->}
    const editorConfig = {<!-- --> placeholder: 'Please enter content...' }

    //When the component is destroyed, the editor is also destroyed in time.
    onBeforeUnmount(() => {<!-- -->
        const editor = editorRef.value
        if (editor == null) return

    const handleCreated = (editor) => {<!-- -->
      editorRef.value = editor //Record editor instance, important!

    return {<!-- -->
      mode: 'default', // or 'simple'


At this point we have a default rich text editor

Custom extension function (drop-down box)

Mainly refer to the SelectMenu documentation provided on the official website

First, define the menu class
import {<!-- --> IDomEditor, ISelectMenu } from '@wangeditor/editor'

class MySelectMenu implements ISelectMenu {<!-- -->
  // Built-in fields
  title: string
  tag: string
  //custom fields
  defineTitle: object //The name displayed in the drop-down box
  dataName: string //The drop-down box option value corresponds to the field name in the editor instance, and the value is set through editor[dataName]=[]
  options: any
  //When using the class, you need to accept a parameter dataName
  constructor(dataName: any) {<!-- -->
    this.title = 'select'
    this.tag = 'select'
    this.width = 60
    this.dataName = dataName
    this.defineTitle = {<!-- -->
      value: 'title',
      text: 'Insert field',
      styleForRenderMenuList: {<!-- --> display: 'none' }
  //Options for the drop-down box
  getOptions(editor) {<!-- -->
    //Here I store the value of the drop-down box option in the editor instance so that the option value can be dynamically changed.
    const displayOptions = editor[this.dataName].data || []
    this.options = [this.defineTitle, ...displayOptions]
    return this.options
  // Whether the menu needs to be activated (if bold text is selected, the "bold" menu will be activated), if not used, return false
  isActive(editor: IDomEditor): boolean {<!-- -->
    return false
  // Get the value when the menu is executed. If it is not used, it will return an empty string or false.
  getValue(editor: IDomEditor): string | boolean {<!-- -->
    return 'title' // In order not to change the title of the drop-down box, always return 'title'
  // Whether the menu needs to be disabled (if H1 is selected, the "Reference" menu is disabled), return false if it is not used
  isDisabled(editor: IDomEditor): boolean {<!-- -->
    return false
  // Function triggered when the menu is clicked
  exec(editor: IDomEditor, value: string | boolean) {<!-- -->
    //Insert selected items into rich text
Second, register the menu to wangEditor

Refer to the registration menu in the official website documentation to wangEditor

First define the menu configuration according to the menu class

const menu1Conf = {<!-- -->
  key: 'mySelect1', // Define menu key: ensure uniqueness and non-duplication (important)
  factory() {<!-- -->
    return new MySelectMenu() //This is the class we defined above

Then, register the menu to wangEditor.

import {<!-- --> Boot } from '@wangeditor/editor'

Third, insert the menu into the toolbar

Refer to the official website documentation for inserting menus into toolbars.

However, I configured it during initialization and did not insert it additionally. You can configure the menu you want in toolbarConfig.

const toolbarConfig = {<!-- -->
      toolbarKeys: [
        'mySelect1' //Your own extended drop-down box, but please note that you must register before you can write

Final code

Here, a new selectTest.ts file is created for the MySelectMenu class defined by myself, and the rest is stuffed into the editorDemo.vue file. Since I only added a custom configuration, many places were written to death…


import {<!-- --> IDomEditor, ISelectMenu } from '@wangeditor/editor'

class MySelectMenu implements ISelectMenu {<!-- -->
  // Built-in fields
  title: string
  tag: string
  //custom fields
  defineTitle: object
  dataName: string //The drop-down box option value corresponds to the field name in the editor instance, and the value is set through editor[dataName]=[]
  options: any
  constructor(dataName: any) {<!-- -->
    this.title = 'select'
    this.tag = 'select'
    this.width = 60
    this.dataName = dataName
    this.defineTitle = {<!-- -->
      value: 'title',
      text: 'Insert field',
      styleForRenderMenuList: {<!-- --> display: 'none' }
  //Options for the drop-down box
    getOptions(editor: any) {<!-- -->
    //Here I store the value of the drop-down box option in the editor instance so that the option value can be dynamically changed.
    const displayOptions = editor[this.dataName].data || []
    this.options = [this.defineTitle, ...displayOptions]
    return this.options // What is returned here is the value displayed on the drop-down box options
  // Whether the menu needs to be activated (if bold text is selected, the "bold" menu will be activated), if not used, return false
  isActive(editor: IDomEditor): boolean {<!-- -->
    return false
  // Get the value when the menu is executed. If it is not used, it will return an empty string or false.
  getValue(editor: IDomEditor): string | boolean {<!-- -->
    return 'title' // In order not to change the title of the drop-down box, always return 'title'
  // Whether the menu needs to be disabled (if H1 is selected, the "Reference" menu is disabled), return false if it is not used
  isDisabled(editor: IDomEditor): boolean {<!-- -->
    return false
  // Function triggered when the menu is clicked
  exec(editor: IDomEditor, value: string | boolean) {<!-- -->
    //Insert selected items into rich text
    editor.insertText(`${<!-- -->value}`)

export default MySelectMenu


  <div class="editorDemo">
    <div style="border: 1px solid #ccc; width: 800px">
        style="border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc"
        style="height: 400px; overflow-y: hidden"

  <a-space wrap style="margin-top: 20px">
    <a-button type="primary" @click="updateSelectOptionData(0)">Click me</a-button>
    <a-button type="primary" @click="updateSelectOptionData(1)"
      >Click me! </a-button
    <a-button type="primary" @click="updateSelectOptionData(2)"
      >Click me! </a-button

import "@wangeditor/editor/dist/css/style.css"; // Import css
import {<!-- --> onBeforeUnmount, ref, shallowRef, onMounted } from "vue";
import {<!-- --> Editor, Toolbar } from "@wangeditor/editor-for-vue";
import {<!-- --> Boot } from "@wangeditor/editor";
import MySelectMenu from "@/editor/selectTest";

export default {<!-- -->
  components: {<!-- --> Editor, Toolbar },
  setup() {<!-- -->
    //Editor instance, shallowRef must be used
    const editorRef = shallowRef();

    // Content HTML
    const valueHtml = ref("");

    //--------Register a custom extension menu, because there is only one, I just wrote it to death---------------
    const selectOption = ref({<!-- -->
      key: "mySelect1",
      dataName: "selectData",
      data: [
        {<!-- --> value: "Beijing", text: "Beijing" },
        {<!-- --> value: "Shanghai", text: "Shanghai" },
        {<!-- --> value: "Shenzhen", text: "Shenzhen" },
    const menu1Conf = {<!-- -->
      key: selectOption.value.key, // Define menu key: ensure uniqueness and non-duplication (important)
      factory() {<!-- -->
        return new MySelectMenu(selectOption.value.dataName);
    //------------------------------------------------ ----------------

    //Customize the menu configuration of the toolbar
    const toolbarConfig = {<!-- -->
      toolbarKeys: [
    const editorConfig = {<!-- --> placeholder: "Please enter content..." };

    //When the component is destroyed, the editor is also destroyed in time.
    onBeforeUnmount(() => {<!-- -->
      const editor = editorRef.value;
      if (editor == null) return;

    const handleCreated = (editor) => {<!-- -->
      editorRef.value = editor; // Record editor instance, important!
      // I saved the value of the drop-down box option in the editor instance
      editorRef.value[selectOption.value.dataName] = {<!-- -->

    const dataTest = [
        {<!-- --> value: "Beijing", text: "Beijing" },
        {<!-- --> value: "Shanghai", text: "Shanghai" },
        {<!-- --> value: "Shenzhen", text: "Shenzhen" },
        {<!-- --> value: "car", text: "car" },
        {<!-- --> value: "big car", text: "big car" },
        {<!-- --> value: "Super Big Car", text: "Super Big Car" },
        {<!-- --> value: "train", text: "train" },
        {<!-- --> value: "Shanghai", text: "Shanghai" },
        {<!-- --> value: "plane", text: "plane" },

    const updateSelectOptionData = (index) => {<!-- --> = dataTest[index];
      if (editorRef.value == null) return;
      // Mainly to update the value stored in the instance
      editorRef.value[selectOption.value.dataName] = {<!-- -->

    return {<!-- -->
      mode: "default", // or 'simple'
<style scoped>
.editorDemo {<!-- -->
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;