Installation of kali Linux reverse environment pyenv, Frida, objection, jadx,


1.pyenv installation and use

1.1 Introduction to pyenv

1.2 pyenv common commands

1.3pyenv installation and use

2. Frida installation

2.1 Introduction to Fraida

2.1 Fraida installation

2.2objection installation

2.3 objection commonly used commands

view log

View log information containing Frida

View the help command of objection

2.3.0 Enter objection REPL environment

2.3.1 Start the activity directly

2.3.2 Memory search DisplaySettings instance

2.3.3 How to View DisplaySettings Instance

2.3.4 Write js scripts on the DisplaySettings instance

2.3.5 Get all methods of a class

View currently available activities

View the so library files loaded by the current app

View the exported functions of the so library

Extract all or part of memory

Search the offset address of the entire memory

List all classes and methods in memory

Search for all classes containing the specified keyword

In-memory search for all methods that contain a string

Automatically generate hook script

hook specifies the class to monitor

2.4 Wallbreaker and frida-dexdump for objection plug-in installation

2.4.1 Use of Wallbreaker

2.4.2 Frida-dexdump shelling plug-in installation

3 install tool jadx

4 install vscode

1.pyenv installation and use

Introduction to 1.1pyenv

pyenv is a Python version management tool. it can:

1. Install multiple Python versions
2. Switch the global Python version
3. Specify a specific Python version for each project

1.2pyenv Common Commands

The main function of pyenv is to solve the problem of managing multiple Python versions on the same machine. How pyenv works is:

1. Install all Python in one directory (~/.pyenv/versions by default)
2. The main commands for switching different versions of Pythonpyenv by changing environment variables are:

– pyenv install: Install Python version, you can install multiple versions such as 2.x and 3.x
– pyenv versions: show all available Python versions
– pyenv global: set the global Python version
– pyenv local: set the local Python version for the directory
– pyenv rehash: recompile the Python version list
– pyenv uninstall: remove an installed version of Python

1.3pyenv installation and use

pyenv gihhub installation address:

pyenv installation environment

Home · pyenv/pyenv Wiki · GitHub


GitHub – pyenv/pyenv-installer: This tool is used to install `pyenv` and friends.

add path

pyenv download and install command:

Install the pyenv environment

sudo apt update; sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev curl \libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma- dev 

Download and install pyenv

proxychains4 git clone ~/.pyenv

add path

echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'command -v pyenv >/dev/null || export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc

Refresh the console to make the path take effect

exec "$SHELL"

Then check the version of Python3

pyenv install 3.


I install here

Python 3.10.11

proxychains4 pyenv install 3.10.11

After installation, view all versions of Python installation

pyenv versions

Switch to Python 3.10.11

pyenv local 3.10.11

At this point, the pyenv installation is over

2. Frida installation

2.1 Introduction to Fraida

Frida is a dynamic code emulation framework.

It can be used in many ways, the most commonly used are:

1. Android/iOS application analysis
We can use Frida to inject JS code on a real device or emulator to analyze, track and debug running applications.

2. API Monitoring and Simulation
We can use Frida to hook the call of an API, monitor or modify its parameters and return values, and analyze the application’s dependence on and use of the API.

3. Method Tracking
We can use Frida to track the running method of the application, monitor its calling and parameters, and track the execution process of the application.

4. Memory modification
We can use Frida to find the address of a value in the application’s memory, and then directly modify the value of the memory at runtime to affect the operation and logic of the application.

5. View environment variables
We can use Frida to view the list of environment variables that the application can access, as well as the value of each environment variable. This helps us understand the operating environment of the application.

Frida works by:

1. Through the custom JS API, users write JS scripts for analysis and interaction.

2. Inject a Frida agent between the real device/simulator and the application process.

3. The agent will load the JS script provided by the user, and the user can interact with the real machine application process through the JS API to achieve the purpose of code simulation and dynamic analysis.

4. The user communicates with the agent through the command line, sends his own JS script and instructions, and obtains the returned application information. Frida supports Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux and other platforms, and is an extremely powerful dynamic code analysis framework

2.1Fraida installation

Frida Version History: Releases · frida/frida · GitHub

Install the latest version command:

proxychains4 pip install -U frida frida-tools

Since the latest version of objection is 1.11.0, and the latest update time is 2021.4.6, you should also find a recently released Frida




Install Frida command

proxychains4 pip install "frida==14.2.14" "frida-tools==9.2.2"

Check the device model of the emulator, here is x86_64

adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi

Then find and download ffrida-server-14.2.14-android-x86_64.xz on GitHub, decompress it and rename it to fd, and push it to the emulator with the command

Connect the emulator and turn off the anti-virus software to prevent the port from being occupied

adb connect

push to emulator

adb push '/root/desktop/fd' /data/local/tmp/ 

Then start Frida to see if it is normal

adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp/
chmod 777 fd
./fda -l means any network, press Enter as shown below

If there is no error, it can be explained.

Available port forwarding

adb forward tcp:27042 tcp:27042

Then execute the following command in the win system to see if you can connect to the emulator, and list the emulator process information. The win system must also install frida and frida-tools to execute. is the emulator IP, otherwise an error will be reported.

frida-ps -H

It means that the win system has been successfully connected, so that one end of frida is turned on and multi-terminal is running

Then you can perform the injection operation

 frida -H -f your application package name -l the .js you want to inject --no-pause

2.2objection installation

objection historical version: Releases · sensepost/objection · GitHub

objection PyPI

Install objection command:

proxychains4 pip install objection==1.11.0 

Execute the following command to explore the emulator settings application:

The meaning of each parameter of this command is:

-N: Indicates not to redirect Frida log output. Keep the original terminal output.

-h Specify the IP address of the objection server as

-p 8888: Specify the port of objection server as 8888.

-g Specify the package name of the target application as

explore: It means to start application exploration and run various detection modules.

Therefore, the overall meaning of this command is: do not redirect the Frida log output, connect to the objection server with the IP address port 8888, detect the Android application, and run the exploratory detection module.

objection -N -h -p 8888 -g explore 

As shown in the figure below, it means that the installation is successful

2.3 Commonly used commands for objection

View Log

Enter the following command in the shell


View log information containing Frida

cat .objection/objection.log |grep -i frida

View objection help command

objection --help

2.3.0 enter objection REPL environment

objection -g explore

Or add to frida startup

objection -N -h -p 8888 -g explore 

2.3.1 Start activity directly

Note that some real machine system roms do not have the DisplaySettings class

 android intent launch_activity

Search DisplaySettings instance in memory, return 36485274

android heap search instances --fresh

2.3.3 Method to view DisplaySettings instance

android heap execute 36485274 getPreferenceScreenResId

2.3.4 Write js script on DisplaySettings instance

Enter the DisplaySettings instance

 android heap evaluate 36485274 

Enter the command, then press the Esc key, and then press Enter to execute the js just entered

 console.log("evaluate result:" + clazz) 

2.3.5 Get all methods of a class

android: Indicates that the operation object is an Android application.

hooking: Indicates the hook operation.

list: For enumeration, here is the list of classes and methods.

class_methods: Indicates that the objects to be listed are classes and methods. The class of concern is

Therefore, the overall meaning of this command is: in the Android Settings application, list all class and method information related to the class.

 android hooking list class_methods

View currently available activities

 android hooking list activities

View the so library files loaded by the current app

memory list modules

View the exported functions of the so library

View the export function of the library, and add j to save the data to the libart.json file –json /root/libart.json

memory list exports

Save the json file to the kali linux directory /root/libart.json

memory list exports --json /root/libart.json

Extract whole or part of memory

memory dump all from_base

After executing this command, objection will start to read the memory content from the base address of the current process, and save the dump result in the file `memory-all-from-base.dump`.

The effect of using the two options –string and –offsets-only during the memory search process:

–string option: Used to specify the string to search for. The memory search tool will search for instances of this string in memory, and return information about the memory region containing the string.

–offsets-only option: This option can be used when we only care about the offset address (offset) of the memory area where a string instance is located. This option will cause the memory search tool to return only the memory offset address of the string instance, rather than the complete memory region information.

These two options are usually used together. For example, to search for the offset address of the “password” string, you can use the following command:

memory search --string "display" --offsets-only 

List all classes and methods in memory

android hooking list classes

This command will use objection to search for all classes containing the specified keyword in the Android application.

The meaning of each parameter of this command is:

android: Indicates that the operation object is an Android application.

hooking: Indicates the hook operation, here is the search class.

search: Indicates that a search operation is to be performed.

classes: Indicates that the target to search for is a class.

Keyword: Indicates the character string to be searched, here it is replaced with the actual character string you are to search for.

Therefore, the overall meaning of this command is: In the current Android application, search for all classes whose class name contains the specified string

adnroid hooking search classes search for specified keywords
 android hooking search classes 

The meaning of each parameter of this command is:

android: Indicates that the operation object is an Android application.

hooking: Indicates the hook operation, here is the search method.

search: Indicates that a search operation is to be performed.

methods: Indicates that the target to search for is a method.

display: Indicates that the string to be searched is display.

android hooking search methods display

Automatically generate hook script

android hooking generate simple specifies the class to generate hook script

Use the android hooking generate command to specify the class name

objection will automatically analyze all the methods of the DisplaySettings class, and generate the corresponding hook script, named display setting hook.js.

android hooking generate simple

1. Use the android hooking generate command to specify the class name

2. objection will automatically analyze all the methods of the DisplaySettings class, and generate the corresponding hook script, named display setting hook.js.

3. The hook script can be used to hook all methods of the DisplaySettings class, monitor/modify parameters or return values, etc.

4. You can use the command objection run showing to set hook.js to execute the hook script.

5. After the script is executed, the method calls of the DisplaySettings class will be hooked by frida, which can achieve monitoring/modification purposes.

Therefore, the main function of this command is to automatically generate the hook script of the specified class, which is convenient for the user to execute the method of the hook class of the script to achieve the desired purpose.

hook specifies the class to be monitored

android hooking watch class specifies the class to monitor

Specify the class to monitor, here is `android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice`

android hooking watch class android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice

Through this output log, you can see all the method calls of BluetoothDevice, parameter values and other information, which is very helpful for the analysis and security testing of the Bluetooth protocol.

Therefore, the main function of this command is to use frida to monitor the method calls of the BluetoothDevice class and output related log information for protocol analysis and penetration testing.

Use the command to get the json ID 579414

job list

Then in Settings->Sound->Media player or Bluetooth switch, you can output the monitoring log of calling Bluetooth related methods below

Each system is different and may be slightly different

Wallbreaker and frida-dexdump installed in 2.4objection plugin

GitHub official website: hluwa (cucurbit baby) GitHub

Create a directory

mkdir -p plugins/

Enter the plugins directory and download it to the directory

d plugins
proxychains4 git clone plugins/Wallbreaker

2.4.1Wallbreaker use

enter objecttion

 objection -g explore 


 objection -N -h -p 8888 -g explore 

Execute plugin loading after entering objection

plugin load plugins/Wallbreaker

Print class full path

plugin wallbreaker classdump --fullname android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice

Here is the full path to print the bluetooth class

2.4.2 frida-dexdump shelling plug-in installation

 proxychains4 pip install frida-dexdump

After starting frida, the shelling command

 frida-dexdump -U -f package name

3 installation tool jadx

Create a directory

mkdir -p jadx/

Enter the jadx directory and download

cd jadx
proxychains4 wget 

Download and unzip

7z x *zip

Then enter the bin and start

cd bin





4 Install vscode

Official website: Running Visual Studio Code on Linux

Add to

proxychains4 sudo apt-get install wget gpg
wget -qO- | gpg --dearmor >
sudo install -D -o root -g root -m 644 /etc/apt/keyrings/
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64,arm64,armhf signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/] stable main " > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list'
rm -f

Download and install

proxychains4 sudo apt install apt-transport-https
proxychains4 sudo apt update
proxychains4 sudo apt install code # or code-insiders

The installation is complete

refer to

Practical FRIDA advanced: memory roaming, hook anywhere, packet capture

Frida advanced: shelling, automation, objection memory roaming, hook anywhere, Wallbreaker plug-in, packet capture, fridaUiTools_frida objection_Catch the thief first catch the king’s blog-CSDN Blog