Express framework development interface front-end classification navigation


const handleDB = require('../handleDB/index')
// Get all navigation
exports.allNav =async (req, res) => {
//Update or add navigation
exports.upNav =async (req, res) => {
//Delete based on id
exports.delNav = async(req, res) => {

2. Database design

aynsc turns the function into an asynchronous function and uses it with await, using the form of arrow function

Simplify(async funtion(){})

How to write an exception:

 try {
 } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error in upNav:', error);
        res.send({ code: 500, message: 'Internal server error' });

3. Get all front-end navigation categories

// Get all navigation categories
exports.allNav = async (req, res) => {

    let result = await handleDB(res, 'book_nav', "find", "Error querying database", { where: `status=0` })
    if (result. length == 0) {
        res.send({ code: 0, message: "Navigation list is empty" })
    const total = result.length;
    res.send({ code: 200, message: 'Get navigation list successfully', total: total, data: result })


4. Update or add navigation

//Update or add navigation
exports.upNav = async (req, res) => {
    try {
        // Deconstruct the request body
        const { navId, } = req.body;

        // Check if navId exists
        if (navId) {
            // If navId exists, update navigation information
            const result = await handleDB(res, 'book_nav', 'update', 'Update failed', `navId=${navId}`, data);

            // Check if the update is successful
            if (result.affectedRows !== 1) {
                return res.send({ code: 0, message: 'Failed to update navigation category data!' });

            res.send({ code: 200, message: 'Updating navigation classification data successfully' });
        } else {
            // If navId does not exist, add navigation information

            // 3. Query the database to see if this user name exists
            let result1 = await handleDB(res, "book_nav", "find", "Database query error", { where: `navName="${data.navName}"` })

            // 4. If it already exists, return the user name has been registered return
            if (result1.length > 0) {
                res.send({ code: 0, message: "The navigation category name has been registered, please change other navigation category names!" });
            const result = await handleDB(res, 'book_nav', 'insert', 'Add failed', data);

            // Check if the insertion is successful
            if (result.affectedRows !== 1) {
                return res.send({ code: 0, message: 'Failed to add navigation category data!' });

            res.send({ code: 200, message: 'Add navigation category data successfully' });
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error in upNav:', error);
        res.send({ code: 500, message: 'Internal server error' });

5. Delete based on id

//Delete based on id
exports.delNav = async (req, res) => {
    // console.log(11);
    const navId = req.params.navId;
    if (!navId) {
        res.send({ code: 0, message: 'The obtained parameter is empty' })


    // 3 Query the database according to the ID to see if the navigation category exists
    let result = await handleDB(res, "book_nav", "find", "book_nav query error", {
        where: `navId = ${navId} AND status = 0`
    // console.log(result);
    // 4 Check whether the navigation with the specified id exists
    if (result.length !== 1) return res.send({ code: 0, message: 'This category does not exist!' })
    let results = await handleDB(res, "book_nav", "update", "Error in querying data!", `navId= ${navId}`, { status: 1 });
    // 6 SQL statement is executed successfully, but the number of rows affected is not equal to 1
    if (results.affectedRows !== 1) return res.send({ code: 0, message: 'Failed to delete navigation category!' })
    res.send({ code: 200, message: 'Delete navigation category successfully', });


6. Get different book product lists based on id

// Get different book products based on different IDs
exports.getProduct = async (req, res) => {
    const id =;
    if (!id) {
        return res.send({ code: 0, message: 'The obtained parameter is empty' })


    // 3 Query the database according to the ID to see if the product exists
    let result = await handleDB(res, "book_product", "find", "book_product query error", {
        where: `product_id = ${id} AND status = 0`
    // console.log(result);
    // 4 Check whether the product with the specified id exists
    if (result.length == 0) return res.send({ code: 0, message: 'The product list is empty!' })
    const total = result.length
    res.send({ code: 200, message: "Getting product list successfully", total: total, data: result })