An overview of NLP syntax analysis: from theory to practical interpretation of PyTorch

This article comprehensively explores the theory and practice of syntactic analysis in natural language processing (NLP). From the definitions of syntax and grammar to various syntactic theories and methods, the article analyzes the multiple dimensions of syntactic analysis in detail. Finally, through practical demonstrations of PyTorch, we show how to apply these theories to specific tasks. This article aims to provide readers with a comprehensive, in-depth and practical guide to syntactic analysis.


1. Introduction

Syntactic Parsing is a key and indispensable task in natural language processing (NLP). If we think of natural language as a huge building, then syntactic analysis is like the blueprint of this building. It is precisely because of this blueprint that people can understand the structure of language and more accurately perform advanced tasks such as semantic analysis, sentiment analysis, or machine translation.

Syntactic analysis not only occupies an important position in academic research, but also plays a key role in many fields such as commercial applications, search engines, and robot dialogue systems. For example, advanced search algorithms use syntactic analysis to more accurately understand queries and return more relevant search results.

Although the importance of syntactic analysis is well known, its implementation and application are not easy to achieve overnight. It requires mathematical models, algorithms, and even a deep understanding of human language. This article will provide a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to the theoretical basis of syntactic analysis, and use the PyTorch framework to conduct practical demonstrations.

We will start from the definitions of syntax and grammar, explore their historical background and theoretical classification, introduce the two mainstream syntactic analysis methods of composition and dependency, and finally provide a practical code demonstration of PyTorch. I hope this article can provide you with strong support in theoretical learning and practical application.


2. Syntax and Grammar: Definition and Importance

What is syntax?

Syntax focuses on the study of language structures and rules, that is, how words, phrases, and sentences are combined into meaningful expressions. Simply put, syntax is like a “recipe” for building sentences, telling us how to combine words (ingredients) into complete, meaningful sentences (dish).


Consider a simple sentence: “The cat sat on the mat.” In this sentence, we can clearly see the subject (The cat), the predicate (sat), and the object (on the mat) are combined into a complete sentence through syntactic rules.

What is syntax?

Different from syntax, grammar is a broader term that includes syntax, phonology, semantics and other aspects. Grammar stipulates how to use language correctly and effectively, including but not limited to vocabulary choice, word order, tense, etc.


Consider again the sentence just now: “The cat sat on the mat.” If we change the word order, such as: “The mat sat on the cat,” the meaning is completely different. This is the role of grammar, making sure that sentences are not only structured correctly but also have clear meaning.

The importance of syntax and grammar

Syntax and grammar are integral components in language understanding and production. They provide a solid foundation for advanced NLP tasks such as machine translation, text summarization, sentiment analysis, etc.

The importance of syntax

  1. Interpretability: Syntactic structure can help us better understand the meaning of a sentence.

  1. Diversity: Syntactic rules make language richer and more diverse, increasing expressive power.

  1. Natural Language Processing Application: Syntactic analysis is the basis for various NLP tasks such as information retrieval, machine translation, and speech recognition.

The importance of grammar

  1. Correctness: Grammar rules ensure language standards and correctness.

  1. Complexity and depth: Good grammatical structure can express more complex and profound ideas and information.

  1. Cross-cultural communication: Understanding grammatical rules can help you communicate more accurately across languages and cultures.

3. Syntactic Theory: History and Classification

Syntax research has a long history, and different syntactic theories have different impacts on how we understand and analyze language structure. In this section, we will delve into the historical background and different classifications of syntactic theory.

Generative Grammar


Generative grammar was proposed by Noam Chomsky in the 1950s with the aim of generating (i.e. producing) all possible legal sentences through a limited set of rules.


In generative grammar, a sentence such as “John eats an apple” can be viewed as generated from a higher-level “S” (sentence) notation, where “S” can be decomposed into a subject (NP, noun phrase) and a predicate (VP, verb phrase).


Dependency Grammar


The core idea of dependency grammar is that words in a language depend on each other to convey meaning. This theory emphasizes the relationship between words, not just their position in a sentence.


In the sentence “John eats an apple,” “eats” depends on “John” as its performer, and “an apple” is the object of “eats.” These dependencies help us understand the structure and meaning of sentences.


Construction Grammar


Construction grammar focuses on how words or phrases are combined into larger structures in a specific context. This theory emphasizes the dynamics and flexibility of language use.


Consider the phrase “kick the bucket.” Although the literal meaning is “kick the bucket,” in certain cultures and contexts, this phrase actually means “to die.” Construction grammar can account for the semantic complexity in this specific context.

Categorial Grammar


Category grammar is a logic-driven grammatical system that uses mathematical logic to describe how lexical items are combined into more complex expressions.


In categorical grammar, a verb such as “run” can be viewed as a function from a subject (noun) to a predicate (verb). This can be clearly expressed using logical symbols.

4. Phrases and syntactic categories

Understanding phrases and syntactic categories is one of the key steps in syntactic analysis. In this section, we will introduce these two concepts in detail and their importance in syntactic analysis.


A phrase is a group of words that appear as a unit in a sentence and usually have specific grammatical and semantic functions.

Noun Phrase (NP)


A noun phrase usually consists of one or more nouns and their associated modifiers (such as adjectives or attributives).

  • “The quick brown fox” is a noun phrase in which “quick” and “brown” are adjectives that modify “fox.”

Verb Phrase, VP


A verb phrase contains a main verb and a possible series of objects or complements.

  • In the sentence “John is eating an apple”, “is eating an apple” is a verb phrase.

Syntactic Categories

Syntactic categories are abstract representations of the function of a word or phrase in a sentence. Common syntactic categories include nouns (N), verbs (V), adjectives (Adj), etc.

Atomic Categories


These are the most basic syntactic categories, usually including nouns (N), verbs (V), adjectives (Adj), etc.

  • “Dog” is a noun.

  • “Run” is a verb.

  • “Happy” is an adjective.

Complex Categories


Compound categories are composed of two or more basic categories combined through specific syntactic rules.

  • A noun phrase (NP) is a compound category that may consist of a noun (N) and an adjective (Adj), such as “happy dog.”

5. Phrase structure rules and dependency structures

Understanding the structure and composition of sentences usually involves two main aspects: phrase structure rules and dependency structures. Below, we will introduce these two concepts one by one.

Phrase Structure Rules

Phrase structure rules are a set of rules that describe how to generate the structure of a sentence or phrase from individual words.

Generation of sentences (S)


A common phrase structure rule is to combine a noun phrase (NP) and a verb phrase (VP) to form a sentence (S).

  • Sentence (S) = Noun Phrase (NP) + Verb Phrase (VP) “The cat” (NP) + “sat on the mat” (VP) = “The cat sat on the mat” (S)

Complexity of verb phrases


A verb phrase (VP) itself may also include other noun phrases (NP) or adverbs (Adv) as its components.

  • Verb phrase (VP) = Verb (V) + Noun phrase (NP) + Adverb (Adv) “eats” (V) + “an apple” (NP) + “quickly” (Adv) = “eats an apple quickly” ( VP)

Dependency Structure

Dependency structure focuses on the dependencies between words rather than how they are combined into phrases or sentences.

Core and dependent elements


In the dependency structure, each word has a “head” and a series of “dependencies” that are dependent on this head.

  • In the sentence “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”, “jumps” is the verb as the “head” element. “The quick brown fox” is the subject of this verb and is therefore the dependent element. “over the lazy dog” is the object of this verb and is also the dependent element.

Both structures have their own advantages and application scenarios. Phrase structure rules are often easier to match with formal grammars, facilitating sentence generation. The dependency structure emphasizes the relationship between words and makes it easier to understand the semantics of the sentence.

6. Syntax analysis method

Syntactic analysis is a crucial task in NLP that is used to parse the sentence structure in order to better understand the meaning and composition of the sentence. This section will introduce several mainstream syntax analysis methods.

Top-Down analysis



Start with the highest level of the sentence (usually the sentence (S) itself) and gradually break it down into smaller component parts (such as noun phrases, verb phrases, etc.).


In the sentence “The cat sat on the mat”, top-down analysis first identifies the entire sentence and then breaks it down into the noun phrase “The cat” and the verb phrase “sat on the mat”.

Bottom-Up analysis


Start with the words of a sentence and gradually merge them to form higher-level phrases or structures.


For the same sentence “The cat sat on the mat”, bottom-up analysis will first identify the words “The”, “cat”, “sat”, “on”, “the”, “mat” and then combine them into noun phrases and verb phrases, and ultimately into whole sentences.

Earley Algorithm


A more efficient syntactic analysis method suitable for more complex grammar systems.


If a sentence has multiple possible ways of parsing (i.e., there is ambiguity), the ear algorithm can effectively identify all possible parsing structures instead of finding just one of them.

Probabilistic Parsing based on statistics


Use machine learning or statistical methods to predict the most likely sentence structure.


When faced with ambiguous sentences, statistics-based methods can use pre-trained models to predict the most likely sentence structure instead of just relying on rules.

Transition-Based Parsing


Through a series of operations (such as push, pop, left, right, etc.), the dependencies of sentences are gradually constructed.


When processing the sentence “She eats an apple”, the transformation-based analysis will start from “She”, through a series of operations, gradually add “eats” and “an apple”, and establish the dependency relationship between them.

PyTorch practical demonstration

In this section, we will use PyTorch to implement the above syntax analysis methods. The following code snippet is written in Python and PyTorch and is thoroughly commented for easy understanding.

Top-Down analysis

Example code

The code below shows how to implement a simple top-down syntax analysis model using PyTorch.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Define model
class TopDownParser(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, hidden_size):
        super(TopDownParser, self).__init__()
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, hidden_size)
        self.rnn = nn.LSTM(hidden_size, hidden_size)
        self.classifier = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 3) # Assume there are 3 different phrase types: NP, VP, PP

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.embedding(x)
        x, _ = self.rnn(x)
        x = self.classifier(x)
        return x

# Example input: 5-word sentence (expressed as an integer)
input_sentence = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

#Initialize the model
model = TopDownParser(vocab_size=10, hidden_size=16)
output = model(input_sentence)

print("Output:", output)

Input and output

  • Input: a sentence represented by integers (each integer is an index of a word in the vocabulary).

  • Output: The phrase type (such as noun phrase, verb phrase, etc.) that each word in the sentence may belong to.

Bottom-Up analysis

Example code

# Also use the TopDownParser class defined above, but the training and application methods are different.

#Example input: 5-word sentence (expressed as an integer)
input_sentence = torch.tensor([6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

# Use the same model
output = model(input_sentence)

print("Output:", output)

Input and output

  • Input: A sentence expressed as an integer.

  • Output: Phrase types to which each word in the sentence may belong.

This is just a simple implementation example, actual applications may require more details and optimizations.

7. Summary

Syntactic analysis, as a key component of natural language processing (NLP), plays an important role in understanding and parsing the structure of human language. From historical background to theoretical classification to the understanding of phrases and dependency structures, we explore the multiple dimensions of syntactic analysis one by one. At the practical level, the application of PyTorch further reveals how to implement these theories in real-world tasks. By integrating theory and practice, we can not only gain a deeper understanding of language structure, but also handle various NLP problems more effectively. This interdisciplinary integration provides a solid foundation for more innovative applications and research in the future.

The article is reproduced from: techlead_krischang

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