[C++] Operator overloading case – String class ② (overloading equal sign = operator | overloading array subscript [] operator | complete code example)

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  • 1. Overloading the equal sign = operator
    • 1. Equal sign = operator and copy constructor
    • 2. Overloading the equal sign = operator – the right operand is a String object
    • 3. Overloaded operator functions corresponding to different right operands
  • 2. Overloading the subscript [] operator
  • 3. Complete code example
    • 1. String.h class header file
    • 2. String.cpp class implementation
    • 3. Test.cpp test class
    • 4. Execution results

1. Overloading the equal sign = operator

1. Equal sign = operator and copy constructor

The function of the equal sign = operator is to use an existing object to assign a value to another existing object;

  • Note that it is different from the copy constructor. The copy constructor uses an existing object to initialize a new object;
  • In the following code, the equal sign operator and copy constructor are called respectively;
String s1, s2;
s1 = s2; // This is performed using the equal sign operator.
String s3 = s2; // This is using the copy constructor

2. Overloading the equal sign = operator – the right operand is a String object

Use member functions to implement overloaded equal sign = operator:

  • First, write the function name, The function name rule is “operate” followed by the operator to be overloaded,
    • 2


      Perform equal sign operation between two objects Student s1, s2, and use one existing object to assign a value to another existing object;

    • Usage is s1 = s2 ;
    • The function name is operator=;
  • Then, Write the function parameters according to the operands, Parameters are generally references to objects;
    • The equal sign operator is used as s1 = s2;
    • Left operand: The left operand is s1, It is called through this pointer, no declaration is required in parameters;
    • Right operand – case ①: The right operand is also a String object; The operand needs to be declared in Among the parameters, please note that ordinary data types are declared directly, and object data types need to be declared as reference types;
    • The above two are object types. Objects generally pass in pointers or references. Since they are basic data types, the basic data type is passed here; if it is an object type, then Pass in reference;
    • Right operand – case ②: Another case is the usage of s1 = "Tom", so that the right operand is of type char* string ;
operator=(const String & amp; s) // Pass in the String object and use const to modify the parameters to prevent the passed in object from being modified.
operator=(const char* p) // Pass in string value
  • Then, Perfect the return value according to the business, The return value can be a reference/pointer/element;
    • The return value here returns String & amp; object reference, which can be used for other chain calls;
    • If a String object is returned, it is a one-time anonymous object;
String & amp; operator=(const String & amp; s) // Pass in the String object and use const to modify the parameters to prevent the passed in object from being modified.
String & amp; operator=(const char* p) // Pass in string value
  • Finally, implement the function body, write specific operator operation business logic;
    • First release the memory allocated by this object;
    • Then perform the assignment operation;

3. Overloaded operator functions corresponding to different right operands

Overloaded operator functions corresponding to different right operands:

  • When the right operand is a String object:
// Overload the equal sign = operator, when the right operand is a String object
String & amp; String::operator=(const String & amp; s)
{<!-- -->
// First process the memory allocated by this object
if (this->m_p != NULL)
{<!-- -->
//Memory previously allocated using new
// To release memory, you need to use delete
//Memory allocated using malloc needs to be released using free
delete[] this->m_p;

// Set the pointer to null to avoid wild pointers.
this->m_p = NULL;

//Set the string length to 0
this->m_len = 0;

//Copy string length
// Note: The size of the memory space pointed to by the string pointer needs to be + 1, and the content is '\0'
this->m_len = s.m_len;

// Use the new keyword to allocate memory for the char* m_p; pointer
// For basic data types new is equivalent to malloc
this->m_p = new char[this->m_len + 1];

//Copy the string to the memory pointed to by m_p
strcpy(this->m_p, s.m_p);

cout << "Call the overloaded equal sign = operator function String & amp; String::operator=(const String & amp; s)" << endl;

return *this;
  • When the right operand is a string pointer:
// Overload the equal sign = operator, when the right operand is a string constant value
String & String::operator=(const char* p)
{<!-- -->
// First process the memory allocated by this object
if (this->m_p != NULL)
{<!-- -->
//Memory previously allocated using new
// To release memory, you need to use delete
//Memory allocated using malloc needs to be released using free
delete[] this->m_p;

// Set the pointer to null to avoid wild pointers.
this->m_p = NULL;

//Set the string length to 0
this->m_len = 0;

//Copy string length
// Note: The size of the memory space pointed to by the string pointer needs to be + 1, and the content is '\0'
this->m_len = strlen(p);

// Use the new keyword to allocate memory for the char* m_p; pointer
// For basic data types new is equivalent to malloc
this->m_p = new char[this->m_len + 1];

//Copy the string to the memory pointed to by m_p
strcpy(this->m_p, p);

cout << "Call the overloaded equal sign = operator function String & amp; String::operator=(const char* p)" << endl;

return *this;

2. Overloading the subscript [] operator

Use member functions to implement overloaded subscript [] operator:

  • First, write the function name, The function name rule is “operate” followed by the operator to be overloaded,
    • Subscript [] operator, the usage is s[10] ;
    • Overloaded subscript [] operator function name is operator[];
  • Then, Write the function parameters according to the operands, Parameters are generally references to objects;
    • Subscript operator is used as s[10] ;
    • Left operand: The left operand is the s object, here called through this pointer, no need Declared in parameters;
    • Right operand: The right operand is an int type index value;
operator[](int i)
  • Then, Perfect the return value according to the business, The return value can be a reference/pointer/element;
    • The return value here is of char type, and returns the char type character at the specified index of the specific string;
    • The char character is the value in an address in memory, and the reference type is returned here;
char & amp; operator[](int i)
  • Finally, implement the function body and write specific operator operation business logic;
// Overload the array subscript [] operator
char & String::operator[](int i)
{<!-- -->
// Directly return the corresponding i index character
return this->m_p[i];

3. Complete code example

1. String.h class header file

#pragma once

#include "iostream"
using namespace std;

class String
{<!-- -->
//Default parameterless constructor

// Constructor with parameters, receives a char* type string pointer
String(const char* p);

//Copy constructor, use String object to initialize object value
String(const String & s);

// destructor

// Overload the equal sign = operator, when the right operand is a String object
String & amp; operator=(const String & amp; s);

// Overload the equal sign = operator, when the right operand is a string constant value
String & amp; operator=(const char* p);

// Overload the array subscript [] operator
char & amp; operator[](int i);

// String length, excluding '\0'
//Memory space size = string length + 1
int m_len;

//String pointer, pointing to the string in the heap memory
char* m_p;

2. String.cpp class implementation

//Use strcpy function to report an error
// error C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe.
// Consider using strcpy_s instead.
// To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS.
// See online help for details.

#include "String.h"

//Default parameterless constructor
//Construct an empty string by default, the length of the string is 0
// However, the size of the memory space pointed to by the string pointer is 1 and the content is '\0'
m_len = 0;

// Use the new keyword to allocate memory for the char* m_p; pointer
// For basic data types new is equivalent to malloc
m_p = new char[m_len + 1];

//Copy the empty string to the memory pointed to by m_p
strcpy(m_p, "");

cout << "Call the parameterless constructor" << endl;

// Constructor with parameters, receives a char* type string pointer
String::String(const char* p)
if (p == NULL)
//Construct an empty string by default, the length of the string is 0
// However, the size of the memory space pointed to by the string pointer is 1 and the content is '\0'
this->m_len = 0;

// Use the new keyword to allocate memory for the char* m_p; pointer
// For basic data types new is equivalent to malloc
this->m_p = new char[this->m_len + 1];

//Copy the empty string to the memory pointed to by m_p
strcpy(m_p, "");
// Get the length of the incoming string
// However, the size of the memory space pointed to by the string pointer needs to be + 1, and the content is '\0'
this->m_len = strlen(p);

// Use the new keyword to allocate memory for the char* m_p; pointer
// For basic data types new is equivalent to malloc
this->m_p = new char[this->m_len + 1];

//Copy the string to the memory pointed to by m_p
strcpy(m_p, p);
cout << "Call the parameterized constructor" << endl;

//Copy constructor, use String object to initialize object value
String::String(const String & s)
//Copy string length
// Note: The size of the memory space pointed to by the string pointer needs to be + 1, and the content is '\0'
this->m_len = s.m_len;

// Use the new keyword to allocate memory for the char* m_p; pointer
// For basic data types new is equivalent to malloc
this->m_p = new char[this->m_len + 1];

//Copy the string to the memory pointed to by m_p
strcpy(this->m_p, s.m_p);

cout << "Call copy constructor" << endl;

// destructor
if (this->m_p != NULL)
//Memory previously allocated using new
// To release memory, you need to use delete
//Memory allocated using malloc needs to be released using free
delete[] this->m_p;

// Set the pointer to null to avoid wild pointers.
this->m_p = NULL;

//Set the string length to 0
this->m_len = 0;

// Overload the equal sign = operator, when the right operand is a String object
String & amp; String::operator=(const String & amp; s)
{<!-- -->
// First process the memory allocated by this object
if (this->m_p != NULL)
{<!-- -->
//Memory previously allocated using new
// To release memory, you need to use delete
//Memory allocated using malloc needs to be released using free
delete[] this->m_p;

// Set the pointer to null to avoid wild pointers.
this->m_p = NULL;

//Set the string length to 0
this->m_len = 0;

//Copy string length
// Note: The size of the memory space pointed to by the string pointer needs to be + 1, and the content is '\0'
this->m_len = s.m_len;

// Use the new keyword to allocate memory for the char* m_p; pointer
// For basic data types new is equivalent to malloc
this->m_p = new char[this->m_len + 1];

//Copy the string to the memory pointed to by m_p
strcpy(this->m_p, s.m_p);

cout << "Call the overloaded equal sign = operator function String & amp; String::operator=(const String & amp; s)" << endl;

return *this;

// Overload the equal sign = operator, when the right operand is a string constant value
String & String::operator=(const char* p)
{<!-- -->
// First process the memory allocated by this object
if (this->m_p != NULL)
{<!-- -->
//Memory previously allocated using new
// To release memory, you need to use delete
//Memory allocated using malloc needs to be released using free
delete[] this->m_p;

// Set the pointer to null to avoid wild pointers.
this->m_p = NULL;

//Set the string length to 0
this->m_len = 0;

//Copy string length
// Note: The size of the memory space pointed to by the string pointer needs to be + 1, and the content is '\0'
this->m_len = strlen(p);

// Use the new keyword to allocate memory for the char* m_p; pointer
// For basic data types new is equivalent to malloc
this->m_p = new char[this->m_len + 1];

//Copy the string to the memory pointed to by m_p
strcpy(this->m_p, p);

cout << "Call the overloaded equal sign = operator function String & amp; String::operator=(const char* p)" << endl;

return *this;

// Overload the array subscript [] operator
char & String::operator[](int i)
cout << "Call the overloaded subscript [] operator function char & String::operator[](int i)" << endl;

// Directly return the corresponding i index character
return this->m_p[i];

3. Test.cpp test class

#include "iostream"
using namespace std;

//Import custom String class
#include "String.h"

int main() {<!-- -->

//Call the parameterless constructor
String s1;

// Call the parameterized constructor
String s2("Tom");

// Call the copy constructor
String s3 = s2;

//Call the overloaded equal sign operator function, the right operand is a String object
s1 = s2;

//Call the overloaded equal sign operator function, the right operand is a string constant value, char* pointer type
s3 = "Jerry";

// Call the overloaded subscript operator function
char c = s3[3];

//The console pauses, press any key to continue execution backwards

return 0;

4. Execution results

Execution results:

Call the parameterless constructor
Calling a parameterized constructor
Call copy constructor
Call the overloaded equal sign = operator function String & amp; String::operator=(const String & amp; s)
Call the overloaded equal sign = operator function String & amp; String::operator=(const char* p)
Call overloaded subscript [] operator function char & String::operator[](int i)