The fuse hystrix in springcould is combined with the remote call feign, and the problem that fallback does not take effect

When we finish learning hystrix, the first thing we think of is whether it can be combined with feign to play the role of remote call, and the answer is definitely yes. Let’s analyze this whole process step by step:

1. Chuangjie is a parent project springcould, in the parent project, the sub-module commons-interface of Chuangjie public interface, its directory structure is as follows


The bean package is the entity class package

The client package is a feign remote call package

The service package is the service layer interface of all providers

1.1 The main dependency of the pom.xml of the commons-interface module


        <!--Client feign depends on -->

1.2 Create an entity class object UserBean

public class UserBean implements Serializable {
    private Integer userId;
    private String userName;
    private Integer age;

1.3 Create UserService interface

public interface UserService {
    UserBean getUser();

1.4 Create a UserClient interface for Feign remote calls

The value attribute in @FeignClient is the name of the provider’s microservice, and the fallback attribute is the method class for the execution of the circuit breaker callback

@FeignClient(value = "provider",fallback = UserClientFeignFallBack.class)//The name of the service called
public interface UserClient {
    UserBean getOne();

1.5 Create a UserClientFeignFallBack class with a circuit breaker callback

public class UserClientFeignFallBack implements UserClient {
    public UserBean getOne() {
        UserBean userBean = new UserBean();
        userBean.setUserName("The server is busy, please try again later");
        return userBean;

2. Create the provider’s submodule provide01 in the parent project, and its directory structure is as follows:


The controller package is the provider’s control layer package

The service package is the provider’s service layer package

application.yml of 2.1provide01 submodule

  port: 8081
    name: provider #The name of the service
      server-addr: localhost:8848

pom.xml of the 2.2provide01 submodule



        <!--Unified interface specification-->

        <!-- nacos client dependency package -->
        <!--nacos configuration management dependencies -->

2.3 Create a UserController class in the controller package

public class UserController {
    private UserService service;

    public UserBean getOne(){
        return service. getUser();

2.4 Create the UserServiceImpl class in the impl package of the service package

public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
    public UserBean getUser() {
        return new UserBean(100,"Zhang San",18);

Provider01Application class of 2.5provide01 module

public class Provider01Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


3. Create a submodule userconsumer01 in the parent project, and its directory structure is as follows:


The controller package is the control layer for user consumers

3.1 application.yml of the userconsumer01 submodule

  port: 8083
    name: consumer
      server-addr: localhost:8848
      default: #default is all services are enabled, you can specify a service name (provider) to enable
        loggerLevel: FULL #Open log
    enabled: true # The fuse hystrix in feign is closed and needs to be opened manually
    enabled: true #Support httpclient switch
    max-connections: 200 #Maximum number of connections
    max-connections-per-route: 50 #The maximum number of connections per route
    enabled: true
#Set the Hystrix fuse timeout, theoretically the fuse time should be greater than the total connection timeout
            timeoutInMilliseconds: 6000

3.2 The pom.xml of the userconsumer01 submodule



        <!-- nacos client dependency package -->

        <!--Unified interface specification-->
        <!--Client feign depends on -->

        <!--Introduce httpclient dependency-->

        <!-- flow control sentinel dependency -->
        <!--Fuse (circuit breaker)-->


3.3 Create a UserController class in the controller package

public class UserController {

    private UserClient userClient;

    public UserBean getOne()
        return userClient. getOne();


3.4Userconsumer01Application class of the userconsumer01 module

@EnableCircuitBreaker //Enable the circuit breaker mechanism
@EnableFeignClients(basePackages = "com.neuedu.client") //Enable the client feign, specify the package to be accessed, and prevent the inconsistency of the paths of the two projects
public class Userconsumer01Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public RestTemplate getTemplate(){
        return new RestTemplate();

So far, the entire code implementation process of combining the fuse hystrix in springcould and the remote call feign has been completed. As for why the fallback does not take effect, the reason is that the following code was forgotten to be added in the application.yml of the userconsumer01 submodule:

    enabled: true

Because feign’s hystrix is false and closed by default, we need to open it manually