Python uses xlwt, xlrd, xlutils modules to operate Excel

Python uses xlwt, xlrd, xlutils modules to operate Excel

  • 1.xlrd, xlwt, xlutilsc.copy module overview
    • Developer: Simplistix
    • Project address:
    • GitHub open source:
  • 2.xlrd module
    • 2.1 Notes
    • 2.2 wb=xlrd.open_workbook(‘filename’, on_demand=True)
    • 2.3 Class
      • Property
      • Function
    • 2.4 Class xlrd sheet.Sheet
      • Property
      • Function
    • 2.5 Class xlrd.sheet.Cell
      • Property
      • Function
    • 2.6 example
  • 3.xlutils.copy module
    • nwb = copy(wb)
    • example
  • 4.xlwt module
    • 4.1 Notes
    • 4.2 xlwt.Workbook()
    • 4.3 Class xlwt.workbook.Workbook
    • 4.4 Calss xlwt.worksheet.Worksheet
    • 4.5 xlwt.XFStyle()

1.xlrd, xlwt, xlutilsc.copy module overview

Developer: Simplistix

Project address:

GitHub open source:

2.xlrd module

2.1 Note

The xlrd module is a module library used by Python to read Excel files in ".xls" and ".xlsx" formats.
The API we mainly use is xlrd.open_workbook(filename): used to open our Excel workbook file [that is, the workbook object]
The main objects/classes used are:, xlrd.sheet.Sheet, xlrd.sheet.Cell
Corresponding to Excel: workbook, worksheet[sheet], cell
The object mainly uses 1 attribute and 4 methods: see section 2.3 for details.
The xlrd.sheet.Sheet object mainly uses 3 attributes and 6 methods: see section 2.4 for details
The xlrd.sheet.Cell object mainly uses 2 attributes and 1 method: see section 2.5 for details.

2.2 wb=xlrd.open_workbook(filename’, on_demand=True)

 filename specifies the file path to open the file
  on_demand--True loads forms on demand/False loads all forms directly [can be omitted]

2.3 Class


Property Description
wb.nsheet The number of sheet objects contained in the workbook object


Functions Description
sheetlist[ ]=wb.sheets( ) Returns a list containing all sheet objects
sheetnamelist[ ]=wb.sheet_names() Returns the list of all sheet objects Name
sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0) Use serial number to index sheet object
sheet = wb.sheet_by_name(name) Index sheet objects by name

2.4 Class xlrd sheet.Sheet


Property Description Form name
sheet.nrows Maximum number of rows in the form
sheet.ncols Maximum number of columns in the form


Function Description
cell= sheet.cell (n,m) Returns the cell object of row n and column m
sheet.cell_value(n,m) Returns the value of the cell object in row n and column m
sheet.cell_type(n,m) Returns Type of cell object in row n and column m
cell_list[ ] = sheet.row(n) Return A list of Cell objects in the entire nth row
sheet.row_value() Returns the values of Cell objects in several columns in the specified row
sheet.row_type() Returns the type of Cell object of several columns in the specified row
cell_list[ ] = sheet.col(n) Returns a list of Cell objects in the nth column
sheet.col_value( ) Returns the value of Cell object in several rows in the specified column
sheet.col_type() Returns the value of several rows in the specified column The type of Cell object of the row

2.5 Class xlrd.sheet.Cell



Property Description
cell.value Return the value of the cell
cell.ctype Return the type of the cell
function Description
cell.dump() Print cell information

2.6 example

import xlrd

#Open workbbok
wb = xlrd.open_workbook("workbookname.xlsx")

#Check how many worksheets there are
print(f'workbook has {<!-- -->wb.nsheets} sheets')
print(f'The name of the sheet in Excel is: {<!-- -->wb.sheet_names()}')

#Three ways to get worksheet
sh1 = wb.sheet_by_index(0)
sh2 = wb.sheet_by_name('sheetname')
sh3 = wb.sheets()[0]

#View worksheet object

#Sheet name, how many rows and columns
print(f'The name of the sheet is {<!-- -->}')
print(f'sheet has {<!-- -->sh1.nrows} rows')
print(f'sheet has {<!-- -->sh1.ncols} columns')

#Get the value of Cell
print(f'The data in the first row and third column is {<!-- -->sh1.cell_value(0,2)}')
print(f'The data in the first row and third column is {<!-- -->sh1.cell(0,2).value}')

print(f'The cell type in the first row and third column is {<!-- -->sh1.cell_type(0,2)}')

#Get the value of row & col
print(sh1. col_values(1))

print(f'The cell type of the first row is {<!-- -->sh1.row_types(0)}')
print(f'The cell type of the second column is {<!-- -->sh1.col_types(1)}')

#Loop through all data
for r in range(sh1.nrows):
    for c in range(sh1.ncols):
        print(f'The data in row {<!-- -->r} and column {<!-- -->c} is {<!-- -->sh1.cell(r,c)}\ ')

3.xlutils.copy module

nwb = copy(wb)

Convert object to xlwt.workbook.Workbook object


import xlrd
from xlutils.copy import copy

#read workbook
wb = xlrd.open_workbook('workbookname.xlsx')

#Output the object type of workbook in xlrd
print(f"The object type of xlrd's workbook is: {<!-- -->type(wb)}")

#Convert the object type of workbook
nwb = copy(wb)

#Output the object type of the new workbook
print(f"The object type of newworkbook after conversion is: {<!-- -->type(nwb)}")

The output result is as follows:

4.xlwt module

4.1 Note

xlwt is used by Python to create and write Excel documents in '.xls' format.
The main API is xlwt.Workbook() used to create a workbook object.
Mainly use xlwt.XFStyle() to set the cell format, font, border, alignment, background and protection. See 4.5 for details.
The main objects/classes used are: xlwt.Workbook.Workbook, xlrd.Worksheet.Worksheet
Corresponding to Excel respectively: workbook, worksheet[sheet]
The object mainly uses three methods: see section 4.3 for details.
The xlrd.sheet.Sheet object mainly uses one method: see section 4.4 for details.

4.2 xlwt.Workbook()

 wb= xlwt.Workbook() #Create a new workbook object

4.3 Class xlwt.workbook.Workbook

function Description Save workbook object
wb.add_sheet(sheetname,cell_overwrite_ok=False) Create a new sheet object-cell_overwrite_ok=False[can be omitted ]
sheet=wb.get_sheet(index/sheetname) Get the sheet object based on the index or table name

4.4 Calss xlwt.worksheet.Worksheet

r - the row number of the cell
c - the column number of the cell
label - the data value to be written
style - the format applied to the cell [can be omitted]

4.5 xlwt.XFStyle()

#Set the height of the cell
sh.row(3).height_mismatch = True
sh.row(3).height = 10*256
#Set the width of the cell
sh.col(3).width = 20*256

#Method 2: Create font object
font = xlwt.Font()
#Set object properties = 'Microsoft Yahei' #Font format
font.colour_index= 4 #Font color
font.height = 12*20 #Font size *20 as unit
font.bold = True #Font bold
font.underline = True #Font underline
font.italic= True #Font italic
#Assign the font object to style
style = xlwt.XFStyle()
style.font = font

#Create Alignment object
#Set object properties
Alig.horz = 2 #Horizontal centering
Alig.vert = 1 #Vertically centered
#Assign the Align object to style1
style1 = xlwt.XFStyle()
style1.alignment = Alig

#Create border object
border = xlwt.Borders()
#Set object properties
border.left = 1
border.right = 1 = 1
border.bottom = 1
border.left_colour = 1
border.right_colour = 2
border.top_colour = 3
border.bottom_colour = 4
#Assign the Align object to style1
style2 = xlwt.XFStyle()
style2. borders = borders