[Linux process communication] shared memory

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Detailed explanation of shared memory

What is shared memory?

How shared memory works

Why use shared memory?

Advantages of shared memory

Limitations of shared memory

Shared memory and process communication

Shared memory compared to other communication methods

some commands




system call

Real machine demonstration

in conclusion


In computer science, process communication and shared memory are key concepts in operating systems and multitasking. They provide a key mechanism for data exchange and collaborative work between different processes. This article will explore these two concepts in depth, providing you with a comprehensive understanding from basic concepts to practical applications.

What is process communication?

Process communication refers to the process of transferring data and information between different executing processes in the operating system. Process communication allows these processes to work together to achieve more complex tasks and goals. Process communication mechanisms cover a variety of methods that allow processes to exchange information, synchronize operations, and share resources.

Process Overview

In computer science, a process is an instance of a program running in a computer system. Each process has its own independent memory space, including code, data and stack, as well as a process control block (PCB) to track its status. Processes usually execute independently, but sometimes need to work together to complete complex tasks, which requires process communication.

Why do processes need to communicate?

There are many reasons why processes need to communicate with each other. Some of the main reasons include:

  • Data sharing: Different processes may need to access the same data or resources to achieve a common goal. Through communication, they can share data without copying or transmitting it.

  • Task coordination: Sometimes, one task requires the results of another task to continue execution. Process communication allows one process to wait for another process to complete and deliver the required data or signals.

  • Parallel processing: In a multi-core processor or distributed system, multiple processes can execute in parallel to improve performance. Process communication helps manage concurrent execution and data synchronization.

Shared memory detailed explanation

What is shared memory?

Shared memory is a mechanism for communication and data sharing between multiple processes. It allows different processes to access the same memory area in their address space to achieve data sharing. This shared memory mechanism is often used in high-performance and low-latency applications because it allows data to be exchanged between processes very quickly without the need for copying.

How shared memory works

Shared memory works by mapping a region of memory into the address spaces of multiple processes. This memory area is called a shared memory segment. When multiple processes are connected to the same shared memory segment, they can read and write data in the shared memory as if the data existed in their respective address spaces. This shared memory segment is usually created by one process and then connected by other processes.

Why use shared memory?

Shared memory has some important application scenarios, including:

  • High-performance data sharing: In applications that require high-performance data sharing, such as image processing, video streaming, database management, and scientific computing, shared memory allows large amounts of data to be shared between processes at very high speeds , without data copying.

  • Multi-process collaboration: Shared memory enables multiple processes to easily share intermediate results and status information, which is particularly useful in complex tasks and parallel computing.

  • Shared resources: Some resources, such as hardware devices or system configuration information, can be accessed by multiple processes through shared memory, rather than each process having a copy.

Advantages of shared memory

  • High performance: Shared memory is a high-performance method of process communication because data exists directly in memory without the need for copying. This makes data transfer very fast.

  • Data Sharing: Multiple processes can easily access the same data, which is useful for applications that require multiple processes to work together.

  • Low latency: Since data does not need to be copied, shared memory usually has low latency and is suitable for applications with high real-time requirements.

Limitations of shared memory

Although shared memory can be useful in certain situations, it also has some limitations:

  • Race conditions: Since multiple processes can access shared memory at the same time, special synchronization mechanisms are needed to handle race conditions to prevent data consistency issues.

  • Complexity: Implementing and managing shared memory requires careful handling because shared memory errors can lead to data corruption or process crashes.

Shared memory and process communication

Shared memory is a method of process communication that allows data to be shared between different processes. Compared to other process communication methods, such as pipes, message queues, and sockets, shared memory is an efficient way to transfer data, especially for applications that require large amounts of data exchange. However, shared memory is often more difficult to implement than other communication methods because more synchronization and management is required to ensure data consistency and security.

Comparison of shared memory and other communication methods

It is important to compare the advantages and disadvantages of shared memory versus other communication methods because different applications may require different communication methods. Here are some factors that compare shared memory to other communication methods:

  • Performance: Shared memory is generally high-performance because it does not require data to be copied. In contrast, communication methods such as pipes, message queues, and sockets can cause data to be copied, thereby reducing performance.

  • Complexity: Shared memory is generally more complex because of the need for explicit memory management and synchronization. Other communication methods may be easier to use, but may not perform as well as shared memory in some cases.

  • Data scale: If large amounts of data need to be transferred, shared memory is often more suitable because it is not limited by data copying. Other communication methods may be more suitable for small-scale data transfers.

  • Security: Shared memory requires more synchronization and management to ensure data consistency and avoid race conditions. Other communication methods may have better security because they often provide a higher level of abstraction.

Some commands


  1. ipcmk: This command is used to create IPC objects such as message queues, semaphores and shared memory. It allocates a new IPC object and returns the object’s identifier, which can be used in subsequent operations.
  2. ipcs: As mentioned before, it is used to display information about IPC objects.
  3. ipcrm: As mentioned before, it is used to delete IPC objects that are no longer needed.
  4. Different options for ipcs and ipcrm: In addition to the previously mentioned options, they also have other options to list or delete IPC objects in different ways.
  5. shmctl: This command is used to control the attributes and permissions of shared memory segments. You can use it to obtain or modify the status information of a shared memory segment, such as read and write permissions, owner, etc.
  6. msgctl: Used to control the properties and permissions of message queues. It provides methods to manage message queues, such as deleting queues or modifying queue properties.
  7. semctl: used to control the properties and permissions of the semaphore. You can use it to obtain or modify the status information of the semaphore, such as the semaphore value, operation, etc.

ipcs is a UNIX/Linux command line tool used to display information about inter-process communication (IPC) objects. IPC objects are mechanisms for sharing information and communication between processes, including message queues, semaphores, and shared memory. The ipcs command is typically used to diagnose and monitor IPC resources on a system.


ipcs is a UNIX/Linux command line tool used to display information about inter-process communication (IPC) objects. IPC objects are mechanisms for sharing information and communication between processes, including message queues, semaphores, and shared memory. The ipcs command is typically used to diagnose and monitor IPC resources on a system. Commands usually have the following options:

  1. -q: Display message queue information.

    • Example: ipcs -q

  2. -s: Display semaphore information.

    • Example: ipcs -s

  3. -m: Display shared memory information.

    • Example: ipcs -m

  4. -a: Display information about all IPC objects, including message queues, semaphores and shared memory.

    • Example: ipcs -a

  5. -c: Display details of processes attached to message queues, semaphores, or shared memory.

    • Example: ipcs -qc, ipcs -sc, ipcs -mc

  6. -t: Display the timestamp information of the IPC object. This will show the object’s creation time and last control command time.

    • Example: ipcs -t

  7. -u: Display detailed user information about IPC objects. It shows the user who created the object and the user the object is attached to.

    • Example: ipcs -u


It is a command line tool used to delete IPC (Inter-Process Communication, inter-process communication) objects from UNIX/Linux systems. IPC objects can include message queues, semaphores, shared memory, etc. ipcrm allows system administrators or appropriate users to delete IPC objects that are no longer needed to free up resources and ensure system stability.

The ipcrm command usually has the following options:

  1. -q: Delete the message queue. The identifier of the message queue needs to be specified.

    • Example: ipcrm -q

  2. -s: Delete the semaphore. The identifier of the semaphore needs to be specified.

    • Example: ipcrm -s

  3. -m: Delete the shared memory segment. The identifier of the shared memory segment needs to be specified.

    • Example: ipcrm -m

  4. -Q: Delete all message queues.

    • Example: ipcrm -Q

  5. -S: Delete all semaphores.

    • Example: ipcrm -S

  6. -M: Delete all shared memory segments.

    • Example: ipcrm -M


It is a UNIX/Linux system call used to control the properties and status of shared memory (Shared Memory) objects. The main functions include obtaining and modifying information about shared memory segments, and deleting shared memory segments that are no longer needed. shmctl allows a process to manage shared memory, such as setting access permissions, obtaining shared memory status information, and performing deletion operations.

The following is the general syntax and main usage of shmctl:

cCopy code#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
int shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf);
  • shmid: The identifier of the shared memory segment, which is returned by shmget when the shared memory segment is created.

  • cmd

    : Specifies the action to perform, which can take one of the following values:

    • IPC_STAT: Get the status information of the shared memory segment and store the information in buf.

    • IPC_SET: Set the attributes of the shared memory segment, using the information in buf.

    • IPC_RMID: Delete the shared memory segment.

  • buf: Pointer to a struct shmid_ds structure used to store or pass state information about the shared memory segment.

System call

  1. shmget(Shared Memory Get)

    • Description: shmget is used to create or obtain a shared memory segment. This interface allows you to specify the size, permissions, and other options of shared memory.

    • Syntax: int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg);

    • Parameters:

      • key: The key of the shared memory segment, usually generated using the ftok function to ensure uniqueness.
      • size: The size of the shared memory segment, in bytes.
      • shmflg: Creation flag, used to specify permissions and other options for shared memory, such as permission bits and creation flags. Common permission bits include IPC_CREAT (create a shared memory segment) and IPC_EXCL (return an error if the shared memory already exists).
    • Return value: Returns the shared memory identifier (shmid) on success, and -1 on failure.

    • Example:

      key_t key = ftok("/tmp", 'A');
      int shmid = shmget(key, sizeof(int), 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
      if (shmid == -1) {
  2. shmat (Shared Memory Attach)

    • Description: shmat is used to connect a process to a shared memory segment so that data in the shared memory can be accessed.

    • Syntax: void *shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflg);

    • Parameters:

      • shmid: Shared memory identifier, returned by shmget.
      • shmaddr: The preferred address to connect to shared memory, usually set to NULL to let the operating system choose the appropriate address.
      • shmflg: Connection flag, used to specify connection options, such as read and write permissions and other flags.
    • Return value: Returns a pointer to the shared memory segment on success, (void *)-1 on failure.

    • Example:

      int *shared_data = (int *)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
      if (shared_data == (int *)-1) {
  3. shmdt(Shared Memory Detach)

    • Description: shmdt is used to detach the process from the shared memory segment and stop accessing the shared memory.

    • Syntax: int shmdt(const void *shmaddr);

    • Parameters: shmaddr is the shared memory pointer returned by shmat.

    • Return value: Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.

    • Example:


Real machine demonstration

This example creates a shared memory segment and then shares an integer data between the parent and child processes. The parent process creates the shared memory segment and connects to it, then spawns the child process. The child process writes a value to shared memory, and the parent process reads and prints the value. Finally, the parent process detaches the shared memory and destroys it.

Please note that in actual applications, error handling and synchronization mechanisms usually need to be added to ensure data integrity and security. This example is mainly used to demonstrate basic shared memory interface usage.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>

int main() {
    key_t key = ftok("/tmp", 'A');
    int shmid = shmget(key, sizeof(int), 0666 | IPC_CREAT);

    if (shmid == -1) {

    int *shared_data = (int *)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);
    if (shared_data == (int *)-1) {

    pid_t child_pid = fork();

    if (child_pid == 0) { // child process
        printf("Subprocess writes data...\
        *shared_data = 42;
    } else if (child_pid > 0) { // parent process
        wait(NULL); // Wait for the child process to end
        printf("Parent process reads data: %d\
", *shared_data);
    } else {

    shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);

    return 0;


Process communication and shared memory are important in operating systems and multi-process applications because they provide critical mechanisms for data exchange and collaborative work between different processes. Here is a summary of their importance:

  1. Achieve multitasking and concurrency: Process communication and shared memory are key tools for achieving multitasking and concurrency. They enable multiple processes to run independently and interact and work together when needed to achieve more complex tasks.

  2. Resource Sharing: Shared memory allows multiple processes to access and share the same data and resources, thereby reducing the waste of resources. This is particularly important for applications that need to share large amounts of data, such as database management systems and graphics processing applications.

  3. Improving performance: Process communication and shared memory are generally more efficient than other inter-process communication methods because they avoid the copying of data. This is very beneficial for applications that require fast data transfer and low latency.

  4. Cooperative work: Shared memory and process communication are the basis for multiple processes to work together. They enable different processes to share intermediate results and state information, enabling more complex tasks.

  5. Resolving race conditions: Although process communication and shared memory can introduce race condition problems, they also provide tools for resolving them. Using appropriate synchronization mechanisms such as semaphores and mutexes ensures data consistency and security.

In summary, process communication and shared memory play important roles in modern computing, enabling multi-process applications to work together, share resources, and improve performance. Understanding how to use these mechanisms effectively is critical to developing complex multi-process applications, so they are fundamental concepts in the fields of operating systems and concurrent programming.