6 years of experience in testing and development, from functional testing to test development, every step is carefully considered…

Suddenly looking back, in the past few years of software testing, the daily work was just a click of the mouse. I really didn’t know what to do. When I was free, I really doubted my existence value. In the bustling Shenzhen, you can’t eat enough or starve to death, and the future is at a loss…

Time flies, the longer I work, the more I understand that testing is not so simple. If you only click the mouse, you can’t go far, and your salary is gradually unable to meet the needs of life. My career started like most testers. It is a purely functional interface test. Later, I advanced to automated testing, and then to test development. Unknowingly, I have 6 years of test development experience, and my monthly salary has also exceeded 30k +. I was honored to stay in the Meituan test development framework team, building The meituan platuo test framework, the thrift test framework, and the automated test platform also made me familiar with python3, java, and vue. I have built automated test frameworks from 0 to 1 in many companies one after another, ensuring traffic of over 100 million Quality of service work. I hope you can get some inspiration from my article.

Testing is divided into four stages: Functional testing, automated testing, full-stack automated testing, and test development. This is a gradual improvement process. The initial job may be manual testing, which is what most testers are currently doing. Automated testing is the development trend of testing, and now there is an urgent shortage of automated testers, and their salaries are high.

The most scarce thing now is full-stack automated testers. At present, the salary of full-stack automated testers may be higher than that of developers with the same experience, because now full-stack automated testers are scarce, and test development is even more scarce than full-stack automated tests. , reaching this level is rare.

(1) Functional testing: Now it is relatively popular, and most of the tests are still in the functional testing stage.

(2) Automated testing: is a trend, but there are still relatively few automated tests currently used, and appropriate code writing is required. After doing a period of manual testing and accumulating a certain amount of experience, you can slowly enter the stage of automated testing.

(3) Full-stack automated testing: Full-stack automated testers are now scarce.

(4) Test development engineer: Very few have reached this level.

No matter when you started to contact the testing industry, you should first hear about functional testing. Use some testing methods to verify whether the developed code meets the requirements of the product? Of course, you also have your own understanding of functional testing, but in the past two years, it seems that functional testing is not very popular. At the same time, automated testing, test development and other things account for an increasing proportion. As a result, functional testing is getting more and more confused. This is why?

In recent years, automated testing has become a necessary testing method in many software companies. Even those companies that haven’t implemented automated testing methods are starting to plan. Every year, we can find from the various testing forums and summits held that automated testing and agile testing must be the protagonists of the conference. Looking at the recruitment market with the most barometer, the number of automated testing recruitment has surged, and the salary of testers who can write some codes must also rise. Functional testing pales in comparison.

Now I also found a lot of test friends, made a communication group for sharing technology, and shared a lot of technical documents and video tutorials we collected.
If you don't want to experience the feeling of not being able to find resources, no one answering questions, and giving up after a few days of self-study
You can join us to communicate. And there are many technical experts who have made achievements in automation, performance, security, test development, etc.
Share their experience, and also share a lot of live lectures and technical salons
You can study for free! Focus! Open source! ! !
Qq group number: 110685036

How to step up functional testing to automated testing or higher, and how to pay, has now become a problem that many testers care about.

I roughly divide it into 3 gears according to the salary:

  • Monthly salary 5-9k: From zero-based entry to being able to find a job
  • Monthly salary 15-25k: test on-the-job to get performance testing and automated testing
  • Annual salary 30W +: Get the test development done and enter the first-line factory

The first stage: 5-9k monthly salary, just entering the industry, learn functional testing first!

Maybe you are a fresh graduate, or maybe you are planning to switch to the software testing industry, so first of all, you must master the following basic theories:

Definition, life cycle, workflow, requirements analysis of software testing;

Design, write and review of test cases;

Basic knowledge of bugs and the use of Zen Tao;

Preparation of test plans and test reports;

Use of SVN and Git version control tools;

After completing the above basic necessary content, you already know that you can do specific actual combat content. At this time, it is best to find a web test project to do it. If you get a project, follow the Run the following set of procedures:

Release the project for project approval, and establish a project team for division of labor;

Requirements review, learn how to read requirements documents, conduct requirements analysis, and list test points;

Organize test points, write test cases, and then use case review;

Execute tests, such as function, interface, front-end and back-end, compatibility, database, and submit the found bugs to Zen Road;

Analyze, summarize and write test reports;

After running this process completely, I can only say that I have mastered the overall testing process, but it is still not enough to find a suitable job. If you want to learn to do functional testing, you must also master the following:

Linux, database, interface testing, APP testing, etc.

OK, that’s done, congratulations, you can send out your resume to find a testing job!

Well, it’s probably the above content. All of the above are theoretical and document skills. As long as you are willing to memorize and write, you can master them independently.

After knowing the above content, it can only be said that you can get a job, but now the industry has higher requirements for recruiting people. Only after automation or performance testing can you get a monthly salary of more than 10k.

The second stage: monthly salary of 15-25k, get the performance and automated testing done, be on your own!

Let’s talk about performance testing first. There are many misunderstandings and pain points in the industry:

  • It is only measured but not adjusted, and it is impossible to give implementation suggestions for R&D and operation and maintenance personnel
  • Unable to locate the problem, lack of clear logic and data to prove the value
  • Performance testing tools ≠ performance testing
  • The performance testing technology system is backward (loadrunner), and there is an urgent need to embrace open source software

If you want to solve these problems, then you have to learn performance testing like this:

Concept and process of performance testing: Analysis of common problems, popular tools, program design

Performance testing tools: The use and actual combat of jmeter tools; jmeter multi-protocol, expansion and customization; distributed pressure testing and task scheduling;

Performance monitoring: Performance monitoring system and monitoring data collection

Performance implementation: Distributed service pressure testing, scenario design, scenario execution; correlation analysis of test results, TPS, response time, thread correlation analysis, pressure and resource usage correlation analysis

Performance analysis and report: jvm debugging and system debugging; performance bottleneck analysis

If you can reach this level in performance testing, 15k is appropriate. If you can master the learning content of the automated testing below, you can directly hit a monthly salary of 25k!

If you want to master the Python or Java language, it is recommended to start with Python first, and learn the basic syntax of Python first.

Automated testing on the web side: selenium installation, recording, processing; web controls, JavaScript scripts, PO mode;

Mobile APP automated testing:appium use, recording, element positioning methods; APP control positioning, interaction, parameterized use cases; appium problem positioning analysis, source code analysis, secondary packaging;

Server-side interface automation testing: interface automation testing framework request; interface request construction, assertion; json/xml request, response assertion; headcookie processing, authentication system;

The third stage: a monthly salary of 30k +, benchmarking against major manufacturers, impact testing and development positions!

Proficient in performance and automation, it is easy to earn a monthly salary of 10k + or even 20k +, so how to hit 30k +? This requires the development of technical experts or management, but even for management, it is necessary Is the technical level required to be hard enough? Do you say that management does not require technical proficiency? Do you try to see if the people below will turn against you?

On the route of test development, more specialization and comprehensiveness are required:

Perfect testing technology system:Linux, docker, shell, SQL, Python/java

Build a solid foundation for automated testing technology:

web automated testing: selenium testing framework; PageObject design patterns, principles, drills;

APP automated testing:Android automated testing framework; appium advanced application principle analysis; APP automated testing practice; test framework package transformation; ios automated testing;

Mobile special testing: Robustness testing, weak network testing, crash detection, power consumption analysis, etc.; mobile terminal performance testing; mobile terminal security testing;

Interface automated testing: Interface protocol and packet capture, proxy technology and mock; interface automated testing framework, HTTPrunner testing framework; dubbo interface automated testing; interface management tool swagger, interface security testing

docker container technology: docker container, docker image;

Continuous integration/continuous delivery/devops:jenkins continuous integration; Jenkins continuous delivery;

Here, I would like to give some advice to friends who want to advance: many times, many things are not as simple as you imagined. Don’t think that it is simple and unwilling to do it. Many things can only be done by yourself. Only then will you realize that things are not as simple as you first thought.

In fact, there are only so many knowledge points in automated testing, and there are still so many things to ask in the interview. So there are no other tricks in the interview, it just depends on how much you know about these knowledge points. So, when you go out for an interview, just check which stage you have reviewed.

END’s humble strength

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has read my article carefully. Seeing the fans’ growth and attention all the way, there is always a need for reciprocity. Although it is not a very valuable thing, if you need it, you can take it away: strong>

These materials should be the most comprehensive and complete preparation warehouse for [software testing] friends. This warehouse has also accompanied tens of thousands of test engineers through the most difficult journey. I hope it can help you too!

Software testing interview applet

The software test question bank maxed out by millions of people! ! ! Who is who knows! ! ! The most comprehensive quiz mini program on the whole network, you can use your mobile phone to do the quizzes, on the subway or on the bus, roll it up!

The following interview question sections are covered:

1. Basic theory of software testing, 2. web, app, interface function testing, 3. network, 4. database, 5. linux

6. web, app, interface automation, 7. performance testing, 8. programming basics, 9. hr interview questions, 10. open test questions, 11. security testing, 12. computer basics

How to get it: