Latest solution: Unable to read consumer identityThis system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Managemen

In the Red Hat 8 system, the yum command installation error reports: Unable to read consumer identity This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management, You can use subscription-manager to register

Error reason:

The Rhel system does not give you permission. If you want to install it, you need to register and pay on the Red Hat official website

Problem background:

Most of the previous explanations used the Centos yum package for replacement (uninstall the “yum” that comes with RHEL, and install the “yum” in CentOS), But Since Red Hat stopped updating CentOS in 2022, each mirror station does not have CentOS8 “yum” package files

After stopping the update at the same time, the file structure of the CentOS package has changed (very unfriendly to a novice like me, I think it can help other novices, if that counts as a help)

The package files in some blogs that solve these problems have expired, or the image files have been canceled (Red Hat canceled the update of CentOS8)


Red Hat uses CentOS-Stream as a replacement for CentOS, making Rhel system rewriting an obscene position in Linux open source

This makes CentOS not fully synchronized with RHEL systems before, but we canuse the “yum” package in CentOS-Stream instead of RHEL.

1. First uninstall the original RHEL “yum”

#View installed yum

rpm -qa|grep yum

The “rpm -qa|grep yum” command is to check whether “yum” is installed. If the relevant package appears, it means that the uninstallation has not been completed.

#Uninstall installed yum

rpm -qa|grep yum|xargs rpm -e –nodeps

#View installed yum again

rpm -qa|grep yum

If no information appears after entering “rpm -qa|grep yum”, it means that the uninstallation has been completed

2. Use the new domestic CentOS-Stream yum package to replace the one that comes with redhat


You can download it directly on Linux, or you can download it directly using the following command:


#Download and install

rpm -ivh yum-4.4.2-11.el8.noarch.rpm

If there is an installation error, please check the relevant solutions below in this blog!

#Test whether yum installation is complete

rpm -qa|grep yum

3. Back up the repo file that comes with Redhat

For beginners, you don’t need to consider this section. You can directly find a mirror warehouse to use. If the original repo is very important, it is recommended to make a backup

[root@rhel-server etc]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d

[root@rhel-server yum.repos.d]# mv rhel-source.repo rhel-source.repo.bak

Follow-up questions:

If the downloaded “yum” package fails to install, the following problems will occur:

root@localhost mozilla asdo]# rpm -ivh yum-4.4.2-11.el8.noarch.rpmerror: Failed dependencies:
warning: yum-4.4.2-11.el8.noarch.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 8483c65d: NOKEY dnf = 4.4.2-11.el8 is needed by yum-4.4.2-11.el8. noarch

l warning: rpmts HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID*****

You can try the following to solve the problem

Add one-by-one to force one-node at the end of the installation command and ignore the error message for installation.
-force means forced installation
-nodeps means that dependencies are not checked during installation.

For example

rpm -ivh mysql-community-server-5.7.10-1.el5.i686.rpm –nodeps –force

The results are as follows, the installed yum can be used

But I asked the experts and said that there may be some problems with the “yum” compatibility between RHEL and CentOS-Stream. If you are a beginner learning, you can make do with it, but it is not recommended to be used in actual combat. .


This blog refers to some previous blogs of big guys to check the final results and can solve such problems in RHEL8. The specific reference blogs are as follows:

Solve the problem: This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management_Wang Zhexiao’s Blog-CSDN Blog When using the yum command to install software, the following error occurs: This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register. ..I checked and found out that using redhat’s yum source requires registration and payment. 1. Uninstall the yum package that comes with RedHat#View the installed yum…_this system is not registered to red hat subscription management. you can us 22%3A%22169443371216800227453871%22%2C%22scm%22%3A%2220140713.130102334.pc%5Fblog.%22%7D &request_id=169443371216800227453871 &b iz_id=0 &utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none-task -blog-2~blog~first_rank_ecpm_v1~rank_v31_ecpm-1-84942048-null-null.268^v1^koosearch & amp;utm_term=root@localhost Packages]# yum installteamviewer.x86 64.rpmUpdating Subscription Management repositories.Unable to read consumer identityThis system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management &spm=1018.2226.3001.4450

Solution to error: Failed dependencies encountered when installing rpm package in linux_Huanyu 001’s Blog-CSDN Blog Install MySQL[root@localhost src]# rpm -ivh mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpmerror: Failed dependencies: mysql57-community-release conflicts with (installed) mysql80-community-release-el7-1.noarc… 2C%22scm%22%3A%2220140713.130102334.pc%5Fblog.%22%7D & amp;request_id=169443949916800215049263 & amp;biz_id=0 & amp;utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-blog-2 ~blog~first_rank_ecpm_v1 ~rank_v31_ecpm-1-91810051-null-null.268^v1^koosearch & amp;utm_term=install rpm & amp;spm=1018.2226.3001.4450

It’s a long road, it would be great if I could leave something for my future classmates…