Vuex: Helper functions: mapState, mapMutations, mapActions, mapGetters: VOA mode


Vuex provides four commonly used auxiliary functions: the purpose is to map the corresponding data and functions in state(), mutaions{}, actions{}, getters{} in vuex, so that we can be more flexible in the component. Simply use these data and functions

  1. mapState
  2. mapMutations
  3. mapActions
  4. mapGetters

Usage cases

/src/store/index.jsState Manager

import axios, { Axios } from 'axios';
import { CHANGE_APPISSHOW } from './type.js'
import { createStore } from 'vuex'

const store = createStore({
    state() {
        return {
            appIsShow: true,
            datalist: [],

    mutations: {
        //Parameter state: is automatically injected into us by vuex. We do not need to pass this parameter when calling, just pass the second parameter boolParams directly.
        //Parameter boolParams: It is the parameter we defined, and the user passes it in when initiating the call.
        changeAppIsShow(state, boolParams) {
            state.appIsShow = boolParams;
        dataListInit(state, arrParams) {
            state.datalist = arrParams;

    //Asynchronous + synchronous: action cannot directly modify the data in state(), it also submits data to mutations for modification.
    actions: {
        async getDataList(store) {
            const result = await axios({
                url: " & amp;ticketFlag=1 & amp;k=3777796",
                headers: {
                    'X-Client-Info': '{"a":"3000","ch":"1002","v":"5.2.1","e":"16992764191480200349024257","bc":"110100 "}',
                    'X-Host': ''
            console.log("Get data")
            //Synchronization: Submit data to mutations: trigger the dataListInit function and pass an array parameter to the function

    //getters: equivalent to vue's calculated properties. Why does Vue have computed properties, and why do we need to create a getter here? That's because the architect wants to put the data processing process into Vuex as much as possible. Vue is used as a place to display data to achieve pure business and data separation.
    //Getters: function parameters need to be placed in anonymous functions.
    getters: {
        filterDataList(state) { //This state is the data in state()
            return (intParams) => { //This intParams is passed by the caller (ourselves) who triggered the filterDataList function
                // return state.datalist.filter(item => {
                // return item.eTicketFlag === 0
                // })
                //Pay attention to the anonymous function item=>{return item.eTicketFlag === 0} in the above comment code: adding {} requires an extra return in it

                return state.datalist.filter(item =>item.eTicketFlag==intParams)

export default store

main.js registration status manager

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import './style.css'
import App from './App.vue'

//import store from "../src/store" //State manager js Note: If you only specify a folder router, the program will automatically go to the router folder to find index.js and import it.
//import store from "../src/store/index" //Import state manager js Note: .js can be omitted
//import store from "../src/store/myindex.js" //Import state manager js Note: If our state manager file is not index.js, then we have to specify a specific name

import store from "../src/store/index.js" //Import state manager js

var app=createApp(App)

app.use(store) //Register vuex plug-in: state manager


Used in components

    <select v-model.number="type">
        <option :value="0">App booking</option> <!--:value="0" In the form of data binding, its value is of numeric type -->
        <option :value="1">Redemption at the front desk</option>
            <!--Get data from store getters-->
            <!-- <li v-for="item in $store.getters.filterDataList(type)" :key="item.cinemaId">{<!-- -->{ }}</li> -->

            <!-- Use the auxiliary function instead: it is actually the filterDataList method expanded in...mapGetters(["filterDataList"]) -->
            <li v-for="item in filterDataList(type)" :key="item.cinemaId">{<!-- -->{ }}</li>

import { mapState, mapMutations, mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
    //hook function
    mounted() {
        //this.$store.commit("changeAppIsShow", false) code is written in the form of an auxiliary function:
        this.changeAppIsShow(false) //It is actually the changeAppIsShow method expanded in...mapMutations(["changeAppIsShow", "dataListInit"]).

        console.log("aa",this.appIsShow);//Output: false;

        // if (this.$store.state.datalist.length === 0) {
        if (this.datalist.length === 0) {
            //If the data is empty, trigger the getDataList method in actions to obtain the datalist data. The data in this.$store.state.datalist is stored in the content. Other places need this data to be fetched directly from the memory, which is equivalent to having a cache.

            //this.$store.dispatch("getDataList");The code is changed to the following auxiliary function writing method
            this.getDataList(); //It is actually the getDataList method expanded in...mapActions(["getDataList"])

    beforeUnmount() {
        //this.$store.commit("changeAppIsShow",false) code is written in the form of an auxiliary function:
        this.changeAppIsShow(false) //It is actually the changeAppIsShow method expanded in...mapMutations(["changeAppIsShow", "dataListInit"]).

    data() {
        return {
            type: 0,
    //Method: Mutations and Actions in vuex are placed in methods for expansion.
    methods: {
        ...mapMutations(["changeAppIsShow", "dataListInit"]), //Expand the Mutations function in the store and use it directly in the DOM: such as changeAppIsShow(), dataListInit(), which can also be used directly in <script> : Such as this.changeAppIsShow(), this.dataListInit()
        ...mapActions(["getDataList"]) //Expand the Actions function in the store. It can be used directly in the DOM: such as getDataList(). It can also be used directly in <script>: such as this.getDataList()
    //Computed properties: Getters in vuex, and State are placed in computed for expansion.
    computed: {
        ...mapGetters(["filterDataList"]), //Expand the Getters function in the store. It can be used directly in the DOM: such as filterDataList(). It can also be used directly in <script>: such as this.filterDataList()
        ...mapState(["appIsShow", "datalist"]) //Expand the State data in the store. It can be used directly in the DOM: such as appIsShow. It can also be used directly in <script>: such as this.appIsShow()
