Vuex: Helper functions: mapState, mapMutations, mapActions, mapGetters: VOA mode

Description Vuex provides four commonly used auxiliary functions: the purpose is to map the corresponding data and functions in state(), mutaions{}, actions{}, getters{} in vuex, so that we can be more flexible in the component. Simply use these data and functions mapState mapMutations mapActions mapGetters Usage cases /src/store/index.jsState Manager import axios, { Axios } from […]

JAVA tool class – generate getter and setter methods of beans (entity classes) and annotations of classes and methods

Function description This is a tool method that does the following. (1) Quickly generate getter and setter methods of entity classes; (2) Add comments to the class. Hovering the mouse on the class name after new can prompt the description of the corresponding class in the code assistant; (3) Add comments to the getter and […]

Vuex – Configuration and use of state management mode (state, mutations, getters)

Table of Contents 1. Vuex Preface 1.1. Download and configure Vuex 1.1.1. Download Vuex 1.1.2. Configure Vuex 1.2. Use of Vuex 1.2.1. state attribute 1.2.2. mutations attribute 1.2.3. getters attribute 1.3. Practical development and application 1.3.1, Vuex and LocalStorage implement dynamic maintenance of login status 一、Vuex Foreword Vuex is a tool for unified state management. […]

Vuex summation cases and mapstate, mapmutations, mapgetters

main.js import Vue from ‘vue’ import App from ‘./App.vue’ //Introduce vuex import Vuex from ‘vuex’ //Introduce store import store from ‘./store/index’ Vue.config.productionTip = false newVue({ el:”#app”, render: h => h(App), store, beforeCreate(){ Vue.prototype.$bus = this } }) App.vue <template> <div class=”container”> <Count/> </div> </template> <script> import Count from ‘./components/Count’ export default { name:’App’, components:{Count}, mounted(){ […]

Eleven: Vuex, getters, mapState, mapGetters, mapActions, mapMutations, multi-component shared data, vuex modularization

一.vuex 1.vuex introduction What is it? vuex is a vue plug-in that implements centralized state (data) management in Vue. Centralized is like a teacher teaching a group of students, and the state is data; Vuex centrally manages (read and write) the shared data of multiple components in Vue applications, and is suitable for communication between […]

Vuex core concepts – actions and getters

Article directory actions and getters 1. Function of actions purpose of usage: 2. Use of actions Execution principle Code example: 3. Auxiliary function mapActions in actions Code example: 4. Core-getters 1. What are getters? 2. The role of getters: 3. Two ways to access getters: 4. Use of getters: 5. Summary: actions and getters The […]

[Pinia State Management] Comparison between Pinia and Vuex; creating Pinia Store; Pinia core concepts State, Getters, Actions

Directory 1_Comparison between Pinia and Vuex 1.1_Introduction to pinia 1.2_The difference between Pinia and Vuex 2_Create Pinia’s Store 2.1_Installation and use 2.2_Store 2.3_Define a Store 3_Pinia core concept State 3.1_Understand and define State 3.2_Operation State 4_Pinia Core Concept Getters 4.1_Understanding 2.2_Access Getters 5_Pinia Core Concept Actions 5.1_Understanding 5.2_Actions performs asynchronous operations 1_Comparison between Pinia and […]

[Vuex State Management] Basic use of Vuex; basic use of core concepts State, Getters, Mutations, Actions, and Modules

Directory 1_Application status management 1.1_Status Management 1.2_Complex state management 1.3_Vuex state management 2_Basic use of Vuex 2.1_Installation 2.2_Create Store 2.3_Use store in components 3_Core concept State 3.1_Single state tree 3.2_Component acquisition status 3.3_Use mapState in setup 4_Core Concept Getters 4.1 Basic use of getters 4.2_getters second parameter 4.3_getters return function 4.4_mapGetters’ auxiliary functions 5_Core Concept […]