Vuex – Configuration and use of state management mode (state, mutations, getters)

Table of Contents

1. Vuex


1.1. Download and configure Vuex

1.1.1. Download Vuex

1.1.2. Configure Vuex

1.2. Use of Vuex

1.2.1. state attribute

1.2.2. mutations attribute

1.2.3. getters attribute

1.3. Practical development and application

1.3.1, Vuex and LocalStorage implement dynamic maintenance of login status



Vuex is a tool for unified state management.

In the past, if you need to share data from one component to other components, you need to use props, which can only be passed in one direction. Once the status of a certain shared data is modified, other components need to be notified to update, which is very inconvenient to operate. With Vuex, it is equivalent to having a center for sharing data, and the shared data is dynamically updated.

1.1, download and configure Vuex

1.1.1, download Vuex

Enter the following command to install (suitable version for Vue2):

npm install [email protected] 

1.1.2, Configure Vuex

a) Create a store folder in the src directory of the scaffolding project, create an index.js file inside to represent the entrance, and configure the following content:

import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex"

Vue.use(Vuex); //Configure vue to register vuex
export default new Vuex.Store({


Ps; the future shared data status is configured in Vuex.Store

b) Register state management in main.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import router from './router'

import store from './store'
Vue.prototype.$store = store;

Vue.config.productionTip = false

/* eslint-disable no-new */
    el: '#app',
    store, //Register vuex
    components: {App},
    template: '<App/>'

1.2, Use of Vuex

1.2.1, state attribute

state is used to define a series of shared data.

For example, there is a count data that needs to be shared among multiple components. The operation is as follows:

a) Define state in Vuex.Store

export default new Vuex.Store({
    state: { //Define public data. Use shared components: this.$store.state.count
        count: 1

b) Used in components that need to be shared

Use shared components: this.$store.state.count can also be abbreviated as $store.state.count

 <h1>Manual management list --- {<!-- -->{ this.$store.state.count }}</h1>

1.2.2, mutations attribute

Mutations are used to define modification methods to shared data.

For example, add + 1 and – 1 to the shared data count.

a) Mutations defined in Vuex.Store

export default new Vuex.Store({
    state: { //Define public data. Use shared components: this.$store.state.count can also be abbreviated as $store.state.count
        count: 1
    mutations: { //The methods defined here have a default parameter, which is the state above. You can get the parameters inside through the state.
        incrCount(state) {
            state.count + + ;
        decrCount(state) {

b) Used in components that need to be shared

Usage: this.$store.commit(‘method name’)

            <h1>Manual management list --- {<!-- -->{ this.$store.state.count }}</h1>

-------------------------------------------------- -----

    methods: {
        incr() {

1.2.3, getters attribute

Getters are used to write methods for calculating shared data, which are equivalent to computed in components.

Advantages: high efficiency, only calculated once (calculation result cache).

a) Getters defined in Vuex.Store

export default new Vuex.Store({
    state: { //Define public data. Use shared components: this.$store.state.count can also be abbreviated as $store.state.count
        count: 1
    mutations: { //The methods defined here have a default parameter, which is the state above. You can get the parameters inside through the state.
        incrCount(state) {
            state.count + + ;
        decrCount(state) {
    getters: { //Used to define a series of calculation methods for shared data (the methods defined here have a default parameter, which is the state above, and the parameters inside can be obtained through the state)
        countSqrt(state) {
            return state.count * state.count;

b) Used in components that need to be shared

Usage: this.$store.getters.countSqrt

 <h1>Manual management list --- {<!-- -->{ this.$store.getters.countSqrt }}</h1>

1.3, actual development and application

1.3.1, Vuex and LocalStorage realize dynamic maintenance of login status

Let’s first take a look at the difference between the two:

  1. What vuex saves is state, which is stored in memory; localStorage is an interface provided by the browser, which allows you to save the interface and save it locally in the form of a file.
  2. vuex is used to transfer values between components, and localStorage is mainly used to transfer values between pages.
  3. When the page is refreshed, the value stored by vuex will be lost, but localStorage will not

localStorage can replace vuex, and it is indeed possible for unchanged data. However, when two components are used together as a data source, if the data source in one component changes and you want the other component to respond to the change, you must choose to use vuex at this time.

For example, dynamically maintain login status:

The store of Vuex is as follows

Vue.use(Vuex); //Configure vue to register vuex
export default new Vuex.Store({
    //Define global data
    state: {
        //Maintain user login status
        user: {
            id: localStorage.getItem("id"),
            username: localStorage.getItem("username"),
            isAdmin: localStorage.getItem("isAdmin"),
            state: localStorage.getItem("state") //0 normal (default) 1 disabled
    mutations: {
        //Update login status
        login(state, user) {
            state.user.username = user.username;
            state.user.isAdmin = user.isAdmin;
            state.user.state = user.state;
            //Save to localStorage to prevent page refresh and loss of vuex data
            localStorage.setItem("username", user.username);
            localStorage.setItem("isAdmin", user.isAdmin);
            localStorage.setItem("state", user.state);
        //Delete all login status
        logout(state) {
            state.user = {};

The login request is as follows:

         * Log in
        login() {
            //1. Non-null verification
            if (this.user.username == null || this.user.username == '') {
                Message.warning("Username cannot be empty!");
                this.$refs.username.focus();//Get focus (improve user experience)
            if (this.user.password == null || this.user.password == '') {
                Message.warning("Password cannot be empty!");
            //2.Send request
  '/user/login', this.user).then(success => {
                if ( == 1000) { //The status code is defined here according to the backend (1000 means "operation successful")
                    //login successful
                    //1. Save Token to localStorage
                    const token =;
                    localStorage.setItem("token", token);
                    //2. Save the user login information status through vux and localStorage
                    //3. Prompt jump
                    Message.success("Login successful, you will be redirected to the homepage~");
                    this.$router.push({ name: "Index" });
                } else {
                    //Login failed
                    console.log(;//Get the failure information from the backend (the frontend can see it on the console)
                    Message.error("Account or password is wrong, please try again!");
            }).catch(error => {
                Message.error("Server exception, please try again later!");

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