When an error is reported Exception: Too many optimizations applied to query plan. Current limit 10000 SQL too many placeholders solution

Please indicate the source when reprinting: https://blog.csdn.net/men_ma/article/details/106847165.
This article comes from the blog of Little Yuanyuan who is not afraid of reporting errors but is afraid of not reporting errors.

When an error is reported Exception: Too many optimizations applied to query plan. Current limit 10000, solution to too many SQL placeholders

  • reason:
    • The original query SQL is as follows:
    • Solution:
    • The last modified SQL:


When I have the same interface and there are no problems in the test and UAT environment, the following error is reported when I go to production.

Code: 572. DB::Exception: Too many optimizations applied to query plan. Current limit 10000. (TOO_MANY_QUERY_PLAN_OPTIMIZATIONS) (version (official build))\\

The original query SQL is as follows:

 <select id="getStoreLevelCompareTable" resultType="com.datastory.gac.domain.vo.store.StoreLevelCompareVO">
            max(test.flowNum) AS flowNum,
            max(test.flowNumDay) AS flowNumDay,
            max(test.avgRetentionDay) AS avgRetentionDay,
            max(test.flowNumBatchDay) AS flowNumBatchDay
                    store_code AS storeCode,
                    SUM(count) AS flowNum,
                    0 AS flowNumDay,
                    0 AS avgRetentionDay,
                    0 AS flowNumBatchDay
                FROM gac_customer_flow hd
                <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                    left join
                    <foreach collection="storeHours" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator="union all">
                        select #{<!-- -->item.storeCode} as store_code, #{<!-- -->item.startTime} as startTime, #{<!-- -->item.endTime} as endTime
                    as temp on hd.store_code = temp.store_code
                    <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                        hd.public_time >= toDate(hd.public_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.startTime) and
                        hd.public_time & amp;lt; toDate(hd.public_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.endTime)
                    <if test="storeCodes != null and storeCodes.size > 0">
                        and hd.store_code in
                        <foreach collection="storeCodes" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")">
                            #{<!-- -->item}
                    and toDate(hd.public_time) BETWEEN #{<!-- -->startTime} and #{<!-- -->endTime}
                    AND hd.data_type = 0
                GROUP BY hd.store_code
                having toUInt64(flowNum)>0
            UNION ALL
                    store_code AS storeCode,
                    0 AS flowNum,
                    round( SUM ( timeTotalNum ) / COUNT ( * ) ) AS flowNumDay,
                    0 AS avgRetentionDay,
                    0 AS flowNumBatchDay
                    toDate(hd.public_time) AS timeFrame,
                    SUM(count) AS timeTotalNum
                    FROM gac_customer_flow hd
                    <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                        left join
                        <foreach collection="storeHours" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator="union all">
                            select #{<!-- -->item.storeCode} as store_code, #{<!-- -->item.startTime} as startTime, #{<!-- -->item.endTime} as endTime
                        as temp on hd.store_code = temp.store_code
                        <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                            hd.public_time >= toDate(hd.public_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.startTime) and
                            hd.public_time & amp;lt; toDate(hd.public_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.endTime)
                        <if test="storeCodes != null and storeCodes.size > 0">
                            and hd.store_code in
                            <foreach collection="storeCodes" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")">
                                #{<!-- -->item}
                        and toDate(hd.public_time) BETWEEN #{<!-- -->startTime} and #{<!-- -->endTime}
                        AND hd.data_type = 0
                    GROUP BY toDate(hd.public_time), hd.store_code
                    having timeTotalNum>0
                ) AS tmp
                GROUP BY store_code
        UNION ALL
                    temp.store_code AS storeCode,
                    0 AS flowNum,
                    0 AS flowNumDay,
                    round( ( SUM ( temp.value ) / COUNT ( * ) ) / 60, 2 ) AS avgRetentionDay,
                    0 AS flowNumBatchDay
                from (
                    SELECT store_code,
                    gsar.public_time AS xAxisName,
                    SUM(gsar.avg_retention) as value
                    FROM gac_store_avg_retention gsar
                        gsar.public_time BETWEEN #{<!-- -->startTime} and #{<!-- -->endTime}
                        <if test="storeCodes != null and storeCodes.size > 0">
                            and gsar.store_code in
                            <foreach collection="storeCodes" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")">
                                #{<!-- -->item}
                    GROUP BY store_code, xAxisName
                group by temp.store_code
        UNION ALL
                store_code AS storeCode,
                0 AS flowNum,
                0 AS flowNumDay,
                0 AS avgRetentionDay,
                round(SUM(personBatchNum) / COUNT(*)) AS flowNumBatchDay
                    toDate ( hd.stu_event_time ) as timeFrame,
                    COUNT( DISTINCT hd.batch_id ) AS personBatchNum
                    gac_batch_customer_flow hd
                    left join
                    <foreach collection="storeHours" item="item" open="(" close=")" separator="union all">
                        select #{<!-- -->item.storeCode} as store_code, #{<!-- -->item.startTime} as startTime, #{<!-- -->item.endTime} as endTime
                    as temp on hd.store_code = temp.store_code
                        <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                            hd.stu_event_time >= toDate(hd.stu_event_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.startTime)
                            hd.stu_event_time & amp;lt; toDate(hd.stu_event_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.endTime)
                        <if test="storeCodes != null and storeCodes.size > 0">
                            and hd.store_code in
                            <foreach collection="storeCodes" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")">
                                #{<!-- -->item}
                        and toDate(hd.stu_event_time) BETWEEN #{<!-- -->startTime} and #{<!-- -->endTime}
                    GROUP BY
                    having personBatchNum>0
                ) AS tmp
                GROUP BY store_code
                ) test
        GROUP BY
        <if test="ascOrDesc==1 and fieldName=='flowNum'">
            order by flowNum asc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==0 and fieldName=='flowNum'">
            order by flowNum desc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==1 and fieldName=='flowNumDay'">
            order by flowNumDay asc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==0 and fieldName=='flowNumDay'">
            order by flowNumDay desc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==1 and fieldName=='avgRetentionDay'">
            order by avgRetentionDay asc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==0 and fieldName=='avgRetentionDay'">
            order by avgRetentionDay desc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==1 and fieldName=='flowNumBatchDay'">
            order by flowNumBatchDay asc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==0 and fieldName=='flowNumBatchDay'">
            order by flowNumBatchDay desc
        limit 20

Since the same list parameter is used in multiple subqueries and a lot of foreach is used, the log is also very large when running SQL? (Placeholder) causes the SQL to be too long. For example: there are 700 or 800 business hours data in the storeHours collection, and there are more than 300 stores in storeCodes. Among them, I also used UNION ALL to perform a joint query, which is just a subquery. There are thousands of placeholders and four or five subqueries. The placeholders are directly flushed in the log, and the performance of the database will not support it.


Use Java to splice the parameters in the storeHours collection with direct parameters, and then use a temporary table to store the data. When using the temporary table, perform a joint query based on the store number, so that each subquery will not have a large number of placeholders.
The storeCodes collection is also spliced directly using java, using ${} SQL injection instead of #{}.
The code processing is as follows:

 //Splicing business hours SQL: Avoiding errors caused by too many placeholders in SQL traversal
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        if (ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(storeHours)) {<!-- -->
            for (int i = 0; i < storeHours.size(); i + + ) {<!-- -->
                StoreHourDto storeHour = storeHours.get(i);
                sql.append("SELECT '").append(storeHour.getStoreCode()).append("' AS storeCode,")
                        .append(storeHour.getStartTime()).append(" AS startTime,")
                        .append(storeHour.getEndTime()).append(" AS endTime");
                if (i < storeHours.size() - 1) {<!-- -->
                    sql.append(" UNION ALL ");
        //Splice store numbers to avoid errors caused by too many placeholders in traversal
        StringBuilder storeSql = new StringBuilder();
        List<String> storeCodes = levelCompareDto.getStoreCodes();
        String storeCodeString=null;
        if (ToolUtil.isNotEmpty(storeCodes)){<!-- -->
            for (int i = 0; i < storeCodes.size(); i + + ) {<!-- -->
                storeSql.append("'" + storeCodes.get(i) + "'");

                if (i < storeCodes.size() - 1) {<!-- -->
                    storeSql.append(", ");

Last modified SQL:

 <select id="getStoreLevelCompareTable" resultType="com.datastory.gac.domain.vo.store.StoreLevelCompareVO">
        WITH StoreHourseTable AS (
            item.storeCode as store_code,
            FROM (
                ${<!-- -->storeHourSql}
            ) as item
            max(test.flowNum) AS flowNum,
            max(test.flowNumDay) AS flowNumDay,
            max(test.avgRetentionDay) AS avgRetentionDay,
            max(test.flowNumBatchDay) AS flowNumBatchDay
                    store_code AS storeCode,
                    SUM(count) AS flowNum,
                    0 AS flowNumDay,
                    0 AS avgRetentionDay,
                    0 AS flowNumBatchDay
                FROM gac_customer_flow hd
                <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                    left join StoreHourseTable as temp on hd.store_code = temp.store_code
                    <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                        hd.public_time >= toDate(hd.public_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.startTime) and
                        hd.public_time & amp;lt; toDate(hd.public_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.endTime)
                    <if test="storeCodes != null and storeCodes != ''">
                        and hd.store_code in (${<!-- -->storeCodes})
                    and toDate(hd.public_time) BETWEEN #{<!-- -->startTime} and #{<!-- -->endTime}
                    AND hd.data_type = 0
                GROUP BY hd.store_code
                having toUInt64(flowNum)>0
            UNION ALL
                    store_code AS storeCode,
                    0 AS flowNum,
                    round( SUM ( timeTotalNum ) / COUNT ( * ) ) AS flowNumDay,
                    0 AS avgRetentionDay,
                    0 AS flowNumBatchDay
                    toDate(hd.public_time) AS timeFrame,
                    SUM(count) AS timeTotalNum
                    FROM gac_customer_flow hd
                    <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                        left join StoreHourseTable as temp on hd.store_code = temp.store_code
                        <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                            hd.public_time >= toDate(hd.public_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.startTime) and
                            hd.public_time & amp;lt; toDate(hd.public_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.endTime)
                        <if test="storeCodes != null and storeCodes != ''">
                            and hd.store_code in (${<!-- -->storeCodes})
                        and toDate(hd.public_time) BETWEEN #{<!-- -->startTime} and #{<!-- -->endTime}
                        AND hd.data_type = 0
                    GROUP BY toDate(hd.public_time), hd.store_code
                    having timeTotalNum>0
                ) AS tmp
                GROUP BY store_code
        UNION ALL
                    temp.store_code AS storeCode,
                    0 AS flowNum,
                    0 AS flowNumDay,
                    round( ( SUM ( temp.value ) / COUNT ( * ) ) / 60, 2 ) AS avgRetentionDay,
                    0 AS flowNumBatchDay
                from (
                    SELECT store_code,
                    gsar.public_time AS xAxisName,
                    SUM(gsar.avg_retention) as value
                    FROM gac_store_avg_retention gsar
                        gsar.public_time BETWEEN #{<!-- -->startTime} and #{<!-- -->endTime}
                        <if test="storeCodes != null and storeCodes != ''">
                            and gsar.store_code in (${<!-- -->storeCodes})
                    GROUP BY store_code, xAxisName
                group by temp.store_code
        UNION ALL
                store_code AS storeCode,
                0 AS flowNum,
                0 AS flowNumDay,
                0 AS avgRetentionDay,
                round(SUM(personBatchNum) / COUNT(*)) AS flowNumBatchDay
                    toDate ( hd.stu_event_time ) as timeFrame,
                    COUNT( DISTINCT hd.batch_id ) AS personBatchNum
                    gac_batch_customer_flow hd
                    <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                        left join StoreHourseTable as temp on hd.store_code = temp.store_code
                        <if test="storeHours != null and storeHours.size > 0">
                            hd.stu_event_time >= toDate(hd.stu_event_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.startTime)
                            hd.stu_event_time & amp;lt; toDate(hd.stu_event_time) + toIntervalSecond(temp.endTime)
                        <if test="storeCodes != null and storeCodes != ''">
                            and hd.store_code in (${<!-- -->storeCodes})
                        and toDate(hd.stu_event_time) BETWEEN #{<!-- -->startTime} and #{<!-- -->endTime}
                    GROUP BY
                    having personBatchNum>0
                ) AS tmp
                GROUP BY store_code
                ) test
        GROUP BY
        <if test="ascOrDesc==1 and fieldName=='flowNum'">
            order by flowNum asc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==0 and fieldName=='flowNum'">
            order by flowNum desc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==1 and fieldName=='flowNumDay'">
            order by flowNumDay asc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==0 and fieldName=='flowNumDay'">
            order by flowNumDay desc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==1 and fieldName=='avgRetentionDay'">
            order by avgRetentionDay asc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==0 and fieldName=='avgRetentionDay'">
            order by avgRetentionDay desc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==1 and fieldName=='flowNumBatchDay'">
            order by flowNumBatchDay asc
        <if test="ascOrDesc==0 and fieldName=='flowNumBatchDay'">
            order by flowNumBatchDay desc
        limit 20

If you have any better solutions, please leave a message in the comment area!