Python+requests+unittest execution interface automation test details

This article mainly introduces the details of automated testing of the Python + requests + unittest execution interface. The article provides a detailed introduction around the topic, which has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it.

1. Install requests, xlrd, json, unittest libraries

<1>Pip command installation:

pip install requests

pip install xlrd

pip install json

pip install unittest

2. Create six types of Python Packages

Use the Page Object Model design concept to create six types of Python Packages (can also be implemented according to project requirements)


3. Create a

First create a in the base package


<1>Import the module and create a Base class to encapsulate various request methods

import requests #Import requests module
    def method_post(self, url, params = None, data = None, headers = None, files = None):
        return = url,params = params,data = data,headers = headers,files = files)
    def method_get(self, url, params = None, data = None, headers = None, files = None):
        return requests.get(url = url,params = params,data = data,headers = headers,files = files)
    def method_put(self, url, params = None, data = None, headers = None, files = None):
        return requests.put(url = url,params = params,data = data,headers = headers,files = files)
    def method_delete(self,url,params = None,data = None,headers = None,files = None):
        return requests.delete(url = url,params = params,data = data,headers = headers,files = files

Because every request will have params parameters or data parameters, but it is impossible for both to exist, so None is used here, and so on.

<2>Adapted to the execution of interface use cases, when reading the Excel table, various types of requests are judged, and when they match which one, which one is executed

def requests_type(self, method, url, params = None, data = None, headers = None, files = None):
        if method =='post' or method =='POST':
            return self.method_post(url = url,params = params,data = data,headers = headers,files = files)
        elif method =='get' or method =='GET':
            return self.method_get(url = url,params = params,data = data,headers = headers,files = files)
        elif method =='put' or method =='PUT':
            return requests.put(url = url,params = params,data = data,headers = headers,files = files)
        elif method =='delete' or method =='DELETE':
            return requests.delete(url = url,params = params,data = data,headers = headers,files = files)

<3> Simply debug several requests. If the debugging is successful, then we can proceed to the next item


You can also encapsulate and save the interface that needs to get the cookie:

def Get_Login_cookie(self,data):
        res = self.method_post(url = "Request URL",data = data)
        return {"userId":str(res.json()['result']['userId']),"sessionId":res.json()['result'][ 'sessionId']}

After that, we need to clear these codes for base page verification, otherwise these interfaces will always be adjusted.

4. Create common class

Create the file under the common class and create the common class


<1> Encapsulation log method

Here I added a data package to store the xlrd table, as well as the html report storage path and log storage path.

log_path = r'D:\PycharmProjects\Automation Interface\Automation Interface Test\report\logs'
report_html = r'D:\PycharmProjects\Automation Interface\Automation Interface Test\report\html'
read_xlrd = r'D:\PycharmProjects\Automation Interface\Automation Interface Test\data'
class Common():
    #Encapsulation log method
    def get_logs(self,path = log_path):
        import logging,time
        logs = logging.getLogger()
        path = path + '/' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') + '.log'
        write_file = logging.FileHandler(path,'a + ',encoding='utf-8')
        set_logs = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(filename)s - %(funcName)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
        pycharm_text = logging.StreamHandler()
        return logs

<2> Encapsulate the method of reading Excel table and convert it into dictionary form to facilitate reading in json format

# Read Excel table method to facilitate subsequent reading of interface use case data
    def ReadExcelTypeDict(self,file_name,path = read_xlrd):
        path = path + '/' + file_name
        import xlrd
        work_book = xlrd.open_workbook(path) #Open Excel table
        sheets = work_book.sheet_names() # Get all sheets pages
        DataList = []
        for sheet in sheets:
            sheets = work_book.sheet_by_name(sheet)
            nrows = sheets.nrows
            for i in range(0,nrows):
                values = sheets.row_values(i)
        title_list = DatasList[0]
        content_list = DatasList[1:]
        new_list = []
        for content in content_list:
            dic = {}
            for i in range(len(content)):
                dic[title_list[i]] = content[i]
        return new_list #Finally returned in dictionary form with keys and values

Why do you need to convert the format?

This involves how to design an automation interface use case


The parameter values of the use case must be written in json format without spaces.
The expected result parameters must also be written in json format.
If there is no ‘ ‘ value, it must be wrapped with ” “

<3>Encapsulate a method of generating HTML reports

# Encapsulate an HTML report method
    def GetHtmlResult(self,suite,title,path = report_html):
        import HTMLTestReportCN,time
        path = path + '/' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') + '.html'
        with open(path,'wb + ') as f:
            run = HTMLTestReportCN.HTMLTestRunner(stream=f, description='User-related interface test report', tester='Xiaobai', title = title)

If there are others that need to be added, you can continue to add them. The three I have here are basically enough.

5. Read Excel data table for joint use

Create a test case under the case package, and call the request api we encapsulated in the base page and read the Excel data table in common for joint use.



<2> Import unittest, commons class under common class, ddt data driver, base_page page under Base

import unittest
import ddt
import automated interface testing.common.commons as common
from automated interface testing.base.Base_Page import Base

<3> Build the inside of the unittest framework and fill in the methods

import unittest
import ddt
import automated interface testing.common.commons as common
from automated interface testing.base.Base_Page import Base
r = common.Common().ReadExcelTypeDict('cezxhi .xlsx') # Get specific Excel table data
@ddt.ddt #Import ddt module
class TestLogin(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls) -> None: # setupclass class method is executed once before all use cases start
        cls.logs = common.Common().get_logs() # Import log method
        cls.logs.debug('Start writing interface automated test cases')
    def tearDownClass(cls) -> None:
        cls.logs.debug('Automation interface use case ends')
    def setUp(self) ->None:
        self.logs.debug('Start this interface use case')
    def tearDown(self) ->None:
        self.logs.debug('End this use case')*r) #Introduce the ddt module and read the obtained data
    def test_logins(self,pars): # The use case method name must start with the test pars parameter as the received table data value
        import json #Import json module
        dic = json.loads(pars['body parameter value']) # Convert parameter values in Excel data to json format
        url = pars['interface address'] # Get the request url
        yuqi = pars['Expected result'] # Get the expected result
        fs = pars['request method'] # Get the request method
        result = Base().requests_type(method = fs,url = url,data = dic) # Fill in the request api of the base page
        self.assertEqual(result.text,yuqi) # Make assertions to see if the use case passes

<4> Generate test report after executing the test case:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    load = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestLogin) #Use the loader loading method to find all use cases starting with test
    suite = unittest.TestSuite([load,])
    common.Common().GetHtmlResult(suite,'Login test case')

<5> Copy the path of the script currently to be executed and add it to the running mode of python





Finally let’s run it


The console looks like this


Why is there 400? Because some interfaces are abnormal, such as wrong url, few parameters or empty parameters are passed in, so errors will occur. This is common sense.

<6> Take a look at the generated test report

This is what happens in pycharm


Then we copy his path and view it in the browser



According to the information I tracked, the first failure was because the sessionId can change, and the value is different every time. I also hope that everyone can find the BUG and properly handle every problem.

This concludes this article about the details of automated testing of the Python + requests + unittest execution interface.

Take action, it’s better to be on the road than to wait and see. In the future, you will definitely thank yourself for working hard now! If you want to learn and improve but can’t find the information and there is no one to answer your questions, please join the group in time: 786229024. There are various test and development materials and technologies in which you can communicate together.

Finally: The complete software testing video tutorial below has been compiled and uploaded. Friends who need it can get it by themselves[Guaranteed 100% Free]

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