Anaconda and pycharm installation, and python interpreter environment configuration


  • 1. Uses of Anaconda
  • 2. Anaconda installation
  • 3. pycharm installation
  • 4. pycharm + Anaconda creation environment and configuration

1. Uses of Anaconda

1. Environment management: Anaconda allows users to easily create and manage different Python environments. These environments can contain specific versions of the Python interpreter as well as different packages and libraries relevant to the project. This helps isolate dependencies between different projects, avoid version conflicts, and ensure project portability.

2. Package management: Anaconda provides a package management tool called “Conda” for installing, upgrading, and uninstalling various data science and machine learning-related packages and libraries. Packages managed by Conda usually come from the Anaconda distribution, which are tested to ensure compatibility.

3. Data science tools and libraries: Anaconda includes many popular packages for data science, machine learning, and scientific computing, such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, Jupyter Notebook, etc. These libraries provide the basic tools needed to process data, perform analysis and machine learning modeling.

4. Integrated development environment (IDE): Anaconda provides Anaconda Navigator, a graphical user interface that contains a variety of tools and IDEs, including Jupyter Notebook, Spyder and other IDEs, to facilitate development and analysis.

5. Cross-platform support: Anaconda is available on multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, enabling data scientists and researchers to work on different platforms.

6. Big Data and Deep Learning: Anaconda also includes tools that support big data processing, such as Dask and Apache Spark, and deep learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.

2. Anaconda installation

1. First uninstall python that has been installed on the computer, and check whether python is completely deleted (there is no installed python version in the environment variable)

At this point you can be sure that python has been completely uninstalled!

2. The download from the official website is too slow, please go directly to Tsinghua source to download.

Download Anaconda3-2022.10-Windows-x86_64.exe

3. Installation steps

(1) Click next
(2) Click I Agree
(3) Select the second All Users

(4) Set the installation path yourself

(5) Select the second item, use the python version by default, and manually add environment variables later, click Install< img src="//" >

(6) Formal installation

(7) The installation is complete, click next

(8)) If you don’t check both boxes, click finish.

9. Configure environment variables

11. Inspection, win + R


conda --version

12. Open Anaconda

  • The following interface appears, indicating that the installation is successful!

12. Change the Tsinghua source and verify it

Open Anaconda Prompt(Anaconda3)

//Tsinghua Source
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels
conda config --add channels

//Set the channel address to be displayed when searching
conda config --set show_channel_urls yes

conda config --show channels//Check whether the channel is repaired

3. pycharm installation

1. Download the installation package, download address
Select 2022.3.3-Window (exe) here

2. Double-click the installation package and click next

3. Customize the installation path

4. Select all

5. Click install

6. Click finish

4. pycharm + Anaconda creation environment and configuration

1. Use anaconda to create a virtual environment

conda create -n demo_env python=3.9

Created in C drive by default

2. Open a new project in pycharm and set the code location to D:\Code\pythonProject

3. Set the interpreter path to the path where you installed Anaconda3.
Open the settings in the file, find the python interpreter, Add interpreter → Add local interpreter