Python console list: pip list library saving to facilitate one-time installation errors

Original title
Use python to write code: pip list, list: pip install library 1 library 2 library 3..., to facilitate one-time installation errors

Completely solve the problem of pip installation library

Write code in python: pip list
List: pip install library 1 library 2 library 3 this output

The following is an example of using Python to write code to achieve output similar to pip list and pip install package1 package2 package3:

import pkg_resources

# List installed packages and versions
installed_packages = [p for p in pkg_resources.working_set]
for package in installed_packages:
    print(f"{<!-- -->package.project_name} ({<!-- -->package.version})")

#Install the specified package
packages_to_install = ["package1", "package2", "package3"]
for package in packages_to_install:
        print(f"{<!-- -->package} is already installed")
    except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
        print(f"Installing {<!-- -->package}...")
        # Execute the installation command, this is just a simulation output
        print(f"Successfully installed {<!-- -->package}")

In the above code, we use the pkg_resources module to get the list of installed packages and display their names and versions. We then loop through the list of packages to install and check if each package is already installed. If it has been installed, the corresponding information is displayed; otherwise, the simulation result of the installation command is output.

Please note that this is just a simple demonstration code, and the actual execution of the installation command requires the use of appropriate methods, such as using the subprocess module to execute the command line installation command.

/data/user/0/org.qpython.qpy/files/bin/qpy "/storage/emulated/0/qpython/" & amp; & amp; exit
python/" & amp; & amp; exit < certifi (2023.7.22)
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argon2-cffi (21.3.0)
packaging (21.3)
argon2-cffi-bindings (21.2.0)
virtualenv (20.24.5)
Faker (19.6.1)
rich (13.5.2)
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Markdown (3.4.4)
IDNA (3.4)
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Babel (2.12.1)
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python-dateutil (2.8.2)
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gTTS (2.3.2)
termcolor (2.3.0)
Flask (2.2.5)
Werkzeug (2.2.3)
QtPy (2.2.1)
itsdangerous (2.1.2)
MarkupSafe (2.1.1)
asttokens (2.1.0)
SciencePlots (2.1.0)
rembg (2.0.50)
mistune (2.0.4)
urllib3 (2.0.4)
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cleverbot (2.0.0)
mutagen (1.46.0)
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six (1.16.0)
cffi (1.15.1)
params (1.13.0)
sympy (1.12)
pyperclip (1.8.2)
Send2Trash (1.8.0)
ansi2html (1.8.0)
PySocks (1.7.1)
treelib (1.7.0)
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blinker (1.6.2)
nest-asyncio (1.5.6)
pandas (1.5.1)
pandocfilters (1.5.0)
kiwisolver (1.4.4)
pystacker (1.4.4)
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install (1.3.5)
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sniffio (1.3.0)
mpmath (1.3.0)
arrow (1.2.3)
tinycss2 (1.2.1)
outcome (1.2.0)
XMind (1.2.0)
wsproto (1.2.0)
schedule (1.2.0)
exceptiongroup (1.1.3)
et-xmlfile (1.1.0)
EasyProcess (1.1)
entrypoint2 (1.1)
xmindparser (1.0.9)
PyMsgBox (1.0.9)
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trio (0.22.2)
graphviz (0.20.1)
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future (0.18.3)
jedi (0.18.1)
EbookLib (0.18)
terminado (0.17.0)
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docxtpl (0.16.7)
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PyAutoGUI (0.9.54)
tabulate (0.9.0)
python-docx (0.8.11)
parso (0.8.3)
jeepney (0.8.0)
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backcall (0.2.0)
ipython-genutils (0.2.0)
PyRect (0.2.0)
ffmpeg-python (0.2.0)
PyScreeze (0.1.29)
prolog (0.1.10)
matplotlib-inline (0.1.6)
qbstyles (0.1.4)
MouseInfo (0.1.3)
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ffprobe3 (0.1.2)
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flowchart (0.0.1)
Installing package1...
Successfully installed package1
Installing package2...
Successfully installed package2
Installing package3...
Successfully installed package3

#[QPython] Press enter to exit ...

Ignore the second method

import subprocess
import re

# Execute the pip list command and get the output results
output = subprocess.check_output("pip list", shell=True).decode()

# Use regular expressions to match a list of library names
pattern = re.compile(r'^\S + ')
library_names = pattern.findall(output, re.MULTILINE)[2:]

# The list of spliced library names is pip install command
install_command = "pip install " + " ".join(library_names)

This includes a message: “A new release of pip available”. This appearsto be generated by the pip command during execution.
According to this prompt message, you can try upgrading pip first, and then get a list of library names.

?Enlarge move?

Query pip installed libraries

pip list

Save version of installed library list

pip list > /storage/emulated/0/datacenter/pipinstallation/pip_list.txt

Save the installed library address and remove the library version

xargs -n 1 pip install < /storage/emulated/0/datacenter/pipinstall/pip_list.txt

Direct installation

pip list | awk '!/^\-/{print $1}' > /storage/emulated/0/datacenter/pip installation/pip_list.txt

? Picture?