Optimization of VBA material information query (involving referencing other tables, filtering, copying, assignment, format adjustment, progress bar, and connecting to SQLSERVER)

The material query function developed some time ago has been optimized according to the requirements of the using department.
1. When selecting a machine tool number, a window will pop up and you can choose whether to view all materials or materials that have not yet arrived.
2. Add several columns of data to the query summary interface
3. When closing and exiting, clear the data in the data table.
4. Reflect inventory

code show as below:
1. In query summary

The three button codes are changed as follows:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

   Dim rng As Range
   Dim rowsnum As Long
'If the "data" table is empty, call the refresh data function
' rowsnum = Worksheets("data").Range("A" & amp; Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    If IsEmpty(Worksheets("data").Cells(1, 1)) = True Then
        CommandButton2.Value = True ' Simulate click
        Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01") ' Wait one second to ensure that the click event has been triggered
        CommandButton2.Value = False 'Reset button state
    End If
'If the "inventory" table is empty, call the refresh data function
' rowsnum = Worksheets("Inventory").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Rows.Count
    If IsEmpty(Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(1, 1)) = True Then
        CommandButton3.Value = True ' Simulate click
        Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01") ' Wait one second to ensure that the click event has been triggered
        CommandButton3.Value = False 'Reset button state
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'Refresh button, copy data
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
End Sub

2. UserForm form
“Confirm button

Private Sub ButtonOK_Click()

Dim rng As Range
Dim RGE1 As Range
Dim RGE2 As Range
Dim RGE3 As Range
Dim RGE4 As Range
Dim RGE5 As Range
Dim jcbh As String
Dim rowsnum As Long
Dim JCROWS As Long
Dim JCROWS2 As Long
Dim JCROWS3 As Long
Dim JCROWS4 As Long
Dim JCROWS5 As Long
Dim JCROWS6 As Long
Dim JCROWS7 As Long
Dim JCROWS8 As Long
Dim visibleCells As Range

'Clear the original data of "query summary"
Sheets("Query Summary").Select
Range("A4:D8").Value = ""
rowsnum = ActiveSheet.Range("A10").End(xlDown).Rows
If rowsnum <> 0 Then
  Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A10:Z" & amp; rowsnum)
  rng.Clear 'Clear data
  rng.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone ' Remove borders
End If

    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False 'Unfreeze window

'Reselect data
'JCBH = InputBox("Please enter the machine tool number, try to enter it as completely as possible, do not make fuzzy queries")
 jcbh = Me.TextBox1.Value
If IsNull(jcbh) Or jcbh = "" Then
  MsgBox "Machine number cannot be empty"
  Exit Sub 'terminate code execution
  jcbh = UCase(jcbh)
End If


' ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.JCBH = Select window.TextBox1.Value

Sheets("data").Select 'Go to the "data" table
'If the filtering function is turned on, display all data
  If ActiveSheet.FilterMode = True Then
  End If

'Find whether column B contains JCBH, if so, filter and copy, if not, exit
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("B:B").Find(jcbh)

If Not rng Is Nothing Then

   'Fill in relevant data
        Dim RNG1 As Range
        Dim RNG2 As Range
   With Worksheets("data")
        Set RNG1 = .Columns("AC:AC")
        Set RNG2 = .Columns("AD:AD")
        JCROWS = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*") 'Contains the head office of JCBH
        JCROWS2 = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("Z:Z"), "/") 'Number of rows containing / , possibly a component
        JCROWS3 = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("Z:Z"), ">" & amp; DateAdd("d ", -999, Date)) 'The arrival date is the number of valid dates
        JCROWS4 = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("Z:Z"), ">" & amp; DateAdd("d ", -999, Date), RNG1, ">" & amp; Now() - 999) 'The delivery date is the number of valid dates
        JCROWS5 = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("Z:Z"), ">" & amp; DateAdd("d ", -999, Date), RNG1, "", RNG2, ">" & amp; Now() - 999) 'When the delivery date is empty, see the actual delivery date
        JCROWS6 = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("Z:Z"), "<>" & amp; "/" , .Columns("D:D"), "Machine Adding") 'Number of machine adding tasks
        JCROWS7 = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("Z:Z"), "<>" & amp; "/" , .Columns("D:D"), "Purchasing") 'Purchasing task quantity
        JCROWS8 = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("Z:Z"), "<>" & amp; "/" , .Columns("D:D"), "New core") 'Number of new core tasks
   End With
   With Sheets("Query Summary")
       .Range("C5").Value = JCROWS - JCROWS2 'Total number of material items
       .Range("E5").Value = JCROWS3 'Number of items that have arrived
       .Range("G5").Value = JCROWS4 + JCROWS5 'Delivered
       .Range("F5").Value = (JCROWS3 / (JCROWS - JCROWS2)) * 100 & amp; "%" 'Uniform rate
       .Range("H5").Value = ((JCROWS4 + JCROWS5) / (JCROWS - JCROWS2)) * 100 & amp; "%" 'Delivery rate
       .Range("A7").Value = JCROWS7 'Number of machining tasks
       .Range("E7").Value = JCROWS8 'Number of new core tasks
       .Range("G7").Value = JCROWS6 'Purchase task quantity

   End With

' 'Perform data filtering
' rowsnum = Worksheets("data").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Rows 'Total number of rows
' ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="*" & amp; JCBH & amp; "*" 'Select the 2nd column in the data range , filter value 1 is JCBH
' ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=26, Operator:=xlFilterValues, Criteria2:=Array(0, "12/31/1900")
' 'Operator:=xlFilterValues' refers to whether the filter value matches a specified set of values, and if the filter value is an array, select the 26th column in the data range

With Worksheets("data")
    rowsnum = .Range("A1").End(xlDown).Rows 'Total number of rows
    ''Statistics on the number of newly purchased nuclear machines that have not yet arrived
    'Dim SHOWCELL As Range
    'Dim LJTYPE As Range
    'Dim datesumcg As Long
    'Dim datesumsl As Long
    'Dim datesumjj As Long
    'ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*" 'Select the 2nd column in the data range , filter the data whose value 1 is JCBH
    ''Number of purchases yet to arrive
    'ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Purchase"
    'For Each SHOWCELL In ActiveSheet.Range("R1:R" & amp; rowsnum).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    ' If IsDate(SHOWCELL.Value) Then
    ' datesumcg = datesumcg + 1
    'End If
    datesumcg = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("D:D"), "Purchasing", .Columns("R: R"), "<2958465")
     Sheets("Query Summary").Range("C7").Value = JCROWS7 - datesumcg
    'ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=4
    ''Number of new cores yet to arrive
    'ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="New Core"
    'For Each SHOWCELL In ActiveSheet.Range("U1:U" & amp; rowsnum).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    ' If IsDate(SHOWCELL.Value) Then
    ' datesumsl = datesumsl + 1
    'End If
    datesumsl = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("D:D"), "New Core", .Columns("U :U"), "<2958465")
    Sheets("Query Summary").Range("F7").Value = JCROWS8 - datesumsl
    'ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=4
    ''The machine adds the unreached number
    'ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Machine plus"
    'For Each SHOWCELL In ActiveSheet.Range("Y1:Y" & amp; rowsnum).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
    ' If IsDate(SHOWCELL.Value) Then
    ' datesumjj = datesumjj + 1
    'End If
    datesumjj = WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(.Columns("B:B"), "*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*", .Columns("D:D"), "Machine Plus", .Columns("Y :Y"), "<2958465")
    Sheets("Query Summary").Range("H7").Value = JCROWS6 - datesumjj

  End With
' 'Perform data filtering and radio button selection. When OptionButton1 is selected, all materials are displayed. When OptionButton2 is selected, unissued materials are displayed.
'If the filtering function is turned on, display all data
  If ActiveSheet.FilterMode = True Then
  End If

   If Me.OptionButton2.Value = True Then
        ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*" 'Select the 2nd column in the data range, Filter value 1 is JCBH
        ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=26, Operator:=xlFilterValues, Criteria2:=Array(0, "12/31/1900")
        Sheets("Query Summary").Range("A9").Value = "Materials not arrived:"
   ElseIf Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
       ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*" 'Select the 2nd column in the data range, Filter value 1 is JCBH
       ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=26, Criteria1:="<>" & amp; "/"
       Sheets("Query Summary").Range("A9").Value = "All materials:"
    ElseIf Me.OptionButton3.Value = True Then
       ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="*" & amp; jcbh & amp; "*" 'Select the 2nd column in the data range, Filter value 1 is JCBH
       ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AJ$" & amp; rowsnum).AutoFilter Field:=29, Criteria1:="", Operator:=xlOr, Field:=30, Criteria1:="" '10.12 Add filtering Release undelivered materials
       Sheets("Query Summary").Range("A9").Value = "Undelivered materials:" '
   End If
''Select multi-region data

   If rowsnum > 0 Then
     Set RGE1 = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:H" & amp; rowsnum)
     Set RGE2 = ActiveSheet.Range("M1:M" & amp; rowsnum)
     Set RGE3 = ActiveSheet.Range("Z1:Z" & amp; rowsnum)
     Set RGE4 = ActiveSheet.Range("AC1:AC" & amp; rowsnum)
     Set RGE5 = ActiveSheet.Range("AF1:AF" & amp; rowsnum)
     Set RGE1 = Union(RGE1, RGE2, RGE3, RGE4, RGE5) 'Merge multiple regions
     RGE1.Select 'Select data area
     Selection.Copy 'Copy data
     Sheets("Query Summary").Select 'Go to the "Query Summary" table
     Range("A10").Select 'Select cell A4
     ActiveSheet.Paste 'Paste data
   End If
   'Get material inventory
    rowsnum = 0
    rowsnum = ActiveSheet.Range("A11").End(xlDown).Row
    ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value = "Real-time inventory"
' ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(RC[-7],Inventory!C[-12]:C[-7],6,FALSE),0)"
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IFERROR(sumif(stock!C[-12],RC[-7],stock!C[-7]),0)"
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("M11:M" & amp; rowsnum), Type:=xlFillDefault
      'Freeze line 11
     Sheets("Query Summary").Rows("11:11").Select
     ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True

' Leave the text box blank and hide the form
 Me.TextBox1.Value = ""
   MsgBox "Machine number" & amp; jcbh & amp; "Does not exist" 'Prompt
   Sheets("Query Summary").Select 'Return to the "Query Summary" table
   Exit Sub 'terminate code execution
End If
moformat.moformat jcbh 'Format settings pass JCBH

Worksheets("data").ShowAllData 'Show all data
Sheets("Query Summary").Select 'Return to the "Query Summary" table
End Sub

Clear button

Private Sub ButtonDEL_Click()
       Me.TextBox1 = ""
End Sub

“Exit” button

Private Sub ButtonEXIT_Click()
  Unload Me
End Sub

3. Add the following code to this workbook to clear data when exiting and delete data and inventory tables.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
' 'Specify the name of the worksheet to be cleared
' ThisWorkbook.Sheets("data").Cells.ClearContents

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Close prompt
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
       If ws.Name = "Data" Or ws.Name = "Inventory" Then
       End If
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'Turn on prompts
    'Close Excel
    'Exit the workbook
' ThisWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub

4. Insert the following code into calldata to modify the data

''' is used to get data from another worksheet
Sub GetDataFromAnotherWorkbook()
    Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim sourceWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim targetWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim sourceRange As Range
    Dim targetRange As Range
    Dim MAXRGN As Long
    Dim MAXRGN2 As Long
    Dim sheetname As String
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim i As Integer
''''''''''Check whether the worksheet exists, if not, create a new one
' ' Set the name of the worksheet to be checked
    sheetname = "data"
' ' Traverse all worksheets in the workbook and check whether a worksheet with the same name exists
' For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
' If ws.Name = sheetName Then
' I = 1
'End If
'Next ws
' 'If not, add it
'If I = 0 Then
' Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
' ws.Name = sheetName
'End If

    'Clear original data
     MAXRGN = Worksheets(sheetname).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    If MAXRGN <> 0 Then
      Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:AZ" & MAXRGN)
      rng.Clear 'Clear data
      rng.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone ' Remove borders
    End If
'Open the prompt box and perform data processing

UserForm2.Show 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Disable screen updating
Application.Interactive = False 'Prohibit user intervention in the execution of macro code
''''''''Get sales and service task information

    'Set source workbook, worksheet, range
    f = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & amp; "\2#2023After-sales Arrival and Delivery List.xlsx")
    If f = "" Then
        MsgBox "2# source file is not saved, please check"
        Exit Sub
        Set sourceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & amp; "" & amp; f) 'If there is a password, Password:="?"
    End If
' sourceWorkbook.Application.Visible = False ' Hide excel application
' Set sourceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & amp; "\2#2023After-sales Arrival and Delivery List.xlsx")
' Set sourceWorksheet = sourceWorkbook.Worksheets("23 years after-sales service")
    For Each sourceWorksheet In sourceWorkbook.Worksheets 'The original job name may not be used after the next year, so change it to fuzzy query
       If sourceWorksheet.Name Like "*years after-sales service" Then
        Set sourceWorksheet = sourceWorksheet
        Exit For
       End If
    Next sourceWorksheet

    'If the source worksheet has filtering, display all data
    If sourceWorksheet.FilterMode = True Then
    End If
    'Data source area
    Set sourceRange = sourceWorksheet.Range("A3:AJ3000")
    'Set target workbook, worksheet, range
    Set targetWorkbook = ThisWorkbook
    Set targetWorksheet = targetWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname)
    Set targetRange = targetWorksheet.Range("A1")
    'Copy data
    sourceRange.Copy targetRange
    'Close the source workbook without saving changes
    sourceWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
    'Hide worksheet
    'Sheets("Sheet1").Visible = False
     'Get the maximum value of valid cells
    MAXRGN = Worksheets(sheetname).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
' Worksheets("data").Range("d2:d" & MAXRGN) = "Sales Service"
  ''''''''Get machine tool task information
    'Set source workbook, worksheet, range
     f = Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & amp; "\1#2023 Arrival and Delivery List.xlsx")
    If f = "" Then
        MsgBox "1# source file is not saved, please check"
        Exit Sub
        Set sourceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & amp; "" & amp; f)
    End If
' sourceWorkbook.Application.Visible = False ' Hide excel application
' Set sourceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & amp; "\1#2023arrival and delivery list.xlsx")
    Set sourceWorksheet = sourceWorkbook.Worksheets("Machine Tool")
'If the source worksheet has filtering, display all data
    If sourceWorksheet.FilterMode = True Then
    End If
    'Data source area
    Set sourceRange = sourceWorksheet.Range("A3:AJ30000")
    'Set target workbook, worksheet, range
    Set targetWorkbook = ThisWorkbook
    Set targetWorksheet = targetWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname)
    Set targetRange = targetWorksheet.Range("A" & MAXRGN + 1)
    'Copy data
    sourceRange.Copy targetRange
    'Close the source workbook without saving changes
    sourceWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

Unload UserForm2
    'Hide worksheet
'Sheets("data").Visible = False

     'Get the maximum value of valid cells
     MAXRGN2 = Worksheets(sheetname).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

' Worksheets("data").Range(Cells(MAXRGN + 1, 4), Cells(MAXRGN2, 4)) = "Machine Tool"
''Set delivery date
' For i = 1 To MAXRGN2
' If (Cells(i, "AC").Value = "" Or IsNull(Cells(i, "AC").Value)) And Cells(i, "AD").Value <> "" Then
' Cells(i, "AC").Value = Cells(i, "AD").Value
'End If
'Next i

'Set delivery date and part task type
Dim WT As Integer 'Progress bar length

UserForm1.Show 0 'Open the progress bar
 WT = UserForm1.Label1.Width
 UserForm1.Label1.Width = 0
 UserForm1.Label1.Caption = "0%"
 UserForm1.Frame1.Caption = "Data is being processed, please wait patiently..."

    For i = 2 To MAXRGN2
    'Set the delivery date. When the delivery date is empty, get the actual delivery date.
     If (Cells(i, "AC").Value = "" Or IsNull(Cells(i, "AC").Value)) And Cells(i, "AD").Value <> "" Then
        Cells(i, "AC").Value = Cells(i, "AD").Value
     End If
     'Set the part task type, judge according to the task release date is not "/", priority machine add>new core>purchase
     If Cells(i, "P").Value <> "/" And Cells(i, "S").Value <> "/" And Cells(i, "W").Value <> "/" Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = "Machine plus"
     ElseIf Cells(i, "P").Value = "/" And Cells(i, "S").Value = "/" And Cells(i, "W").Value <> "/" Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = "Machine plus"
     ElseIf Cells(i, "P").Value = "/" And Cells(i, "S").Value <> "/" And Cells(i, "W").Value = "/" Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = "New Core"
     ElseIf Cells(i, "P").Value <> "/" And Cells(i, "S").Value = "/" And Cells(i, "W").Value = "/" Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = "Purchase"
     ElseIf Cells(i, "P").Value = "/" And Cells(i, "S").Value <> "/" And Cells(i, "W").Value <> "/" Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = "Machine plus"
     ElseIf Cells(i, "P").Value <> "/" And Cells(i, "S").Value = "/" And Cells(i, "W").Value <> "/" Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = "Machine plus"
     ElseIf Cells(i, "P").Value <> "/" And Cells(i, "S").Value = "/" And Cells(i, "W").Value = "/" Then
        Cells(i, "D").Value = "Machine plus"
        Cells(i, "D").Value = ""
     End If
     UserForm1.Label1.Width = (i / MAXRGN2) * WT
     UserForm1.Label1.Caption = Format(i / MAXRGN2, "0.0%")
    Next i
Unload UserForm1 'Close the progress bar
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Allow screen updating
Application.Interactive = True 'Allow users to intervene in the execution of macro code
'Application.Visible = True
    'Set the first row to filter
'''Go to the "Query Summary" table
    Sheets("Query Summary").Select
End Sub


5. Connect to SQLSERVER database to obtain inventory

 Sub GetDataFromSQL()

    Dim sqlstr As String
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim sheetname As String
    Dim i As Long, MAXRGN As Long
    Dim conn As ADODB.Connection 'Define data connection object, you need to add ADO reference Microsoft ActiviteX Data Objects 2.8 Library
    Dim dataset As ADODB.Recordset 'Define the recordset object, you need to add the ADO reference Microsoft ActiviteX Data Recordset Objects 2.8 Library

''''''''''Check whether the worksheet exists, if not, create a new one
' ' Set the name of the worksheet to be checked
    sheetname = "Inventory"
' ' Traverse all worksheets in the workbook and check whether a worksheet with the same name exists
' For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
' If ws.Name = sheetname Then
' i = 1
'End If
' 'If not, add it
'If i = 0 Then
' Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
' ws.Name = sheetname
'End If
    'Clear original data
     MAXRGN = Worksheets(sheetname).Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    If MAXRGN <> 0 Then
      Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:AZ" & MAXRGN)
      rng.Clear 'Clear data
      rng.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone ' Remove borders
    End If

    'Connect to the database and execute SQL statements
    Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
    conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=AIS20150813141843;User ID=sa;Password=Chr_2016"
    sqlstr = sqlstr + "SELECT t_icitem.fnumber part code, t_icitem.fname part name, t_icitem.fmodel part specification, t_Stock.FName warehouse position, "
    sqlstr = sqlstr + "t_StockPlace.fname position, convert(float,sum(icinventory.fqty )) quantity FROM icinventory "
    sqlstr = sqlstr + "inner join t_icitem on ( icinventory.fitemid = t_icitem.fitemid ) and t_icitem.fnumber not like '3.10.%' "
    sqlstr = sqlstr + "inner join t_item a on t_icitem.FItemID=a.FItemID "
    sqlstr = sqlstr + "inner join t_Stock on icinventory.FStockID=t_Stock.FItemID "
    sqlstr = sqlstr + "inner join t_StockPlace on icinventory.FStockPlaceID=t_StockPlace.FSPID "
    sqlstr = sqlstr + "WHERE 1=1 and icinventory.fqty<>0 group by t_icitem.fitemid, t_icitem.fnumber,t_icitem.fname, "
    sqlstr = sqlstr + "t_icitem.fmodel, t_Stock.FName,t_StockPlace.fname order by t_icitem.fnumber "

        'Execute the query and obtain the result set
    Set dataset = New ADODB.Recordset
    dataset.Open sqlstr, conn
    'Save the result set to the worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetname) '
    'Write title to worksheet
     For i = 0 To dataset.Fields.Count - 1
        ws.Cells(1, i + 1).Value = dataset.Fields(i).Name
     Next i
    ActiveSheet.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset dataset
    'Close the recordset and connection
    'Release object
    Set dataset = Nothing
    Set conn = Nothing
     'Set the first row to filter
 '''Go to the "Query Summary" table
    Sheets("Query Summary").Select

End Sub

6. moformat adjusts the format

Option Explicit

Sub moformat(ByVal jcbh As String)
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim lastrow As Long
    Dim lastcol As Long
    Dim STR As Variant
    Worksheets("Query Summary").Select
   With Sheets("Query Summary")
       .Range("A4").Value = "Task Number"
       .Range("A5").Value = jcbh
       .Range("C4").Value = "Total number of material items"
       .Range("E4").Value = "Number of items arrived"
       .Range("F4").Value = "Uniform rate"
       .Range("G4").Value = "Delivered"
       .Range("H4").Value = "delivery rate"
       .Range("A6").Value = "Number of procurement task items"
       .Range("C6").Value = "Purchasing has not arrived"
       .Range("E6").Value = "Number of new core task items"
       .Range("F6").Value = "The new core has not arrived yet"
       .Range("G6").Value = "Number of machine adding task items"
       .Range("H6").Value = "The machine has not arrived yet"
       .Range("A4:H7").Font.Size = 11
       .Range("A4:L7").Borders.LineStyle = True
       .Range("A4:H4").Interior.ColorIndex = 15
       .Range("A4:H4").Font.FontStyle = "bold"
       .Range("A4:H4").Font.Name = "official script"
       .Range("A4:H4").Font.Size = 13
       .Range("A6:H6").Interior.ColorIndex = 15
       .Range("A6:H6").Font.FontStyle = "bold"
       .Range("A6:H6").Font.Name = "official script"
       .Range("A6:H6").Font.Size = 13
   End With
    'Format of material list
    STR = ActiveSheet.Range("A11").Value
    If STR <> "" Then
        With ActiveSheet
            lastrow = .Range("A10").End(xlDown).Row
            lastcol = .Range("A10").End(xlToRight).Column
        End With
        Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(10, 1), Cells(lastrow, lastcol))
        rng.Borders.LineStyle = True
        Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(10, 1), Cells(10, lastcol))
        With rng
            .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
            .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
            .Font.Size = 11
            .Font.Bold = True
            .Interior.ColorIndex = 15
            .WrapText = True
        End With
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'Set line 10 to filter

End Sub

7. OPENFILE Some processing when opening a table

 Sub Auto_Open()

   MsgBox "Welcome to the task part query function!" & amp; vbCrLf & amp; _
   "The first query and data refresh will be slow, please be patient."
    Worksheets("Query Summary").Select
    ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.BackColor = RGB(255, 69, 0)
    ActiveSheet.CommandButton2.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 0)
    ActiveSheet.CommandButton3.BackColor = RGB(0, 191, 255)
    'Clear the original data of "query summary"
Dim rowsnum As Long
Dim rng As Range
Range("A4:Z7").Value = ""
rowsnum = ActiveSheet.Range("A10").End(xlDown).Rows
If rowsnum <> 0 Then
  Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A10:Z" & amp; rowsnum)
  rng.Clear 'Clear data
  rng.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone ' Remove borders
End If

    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False 'Unfreeze the window
End Sub

8. sheetexist, used to check whether there are the same tables, if not, add a new one

Sub sheetexist()
Dim sheetname As String
Dim i As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet

 i = 0
'''''''''Check whether the worksheet exists, if not, create a new one
    'Set the name of the worksheet to be checked
    sheetname = "data"
    ' Traverse all worksheets in the workbook and check whether a worksheet with the same name exists
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
        If ws.Name = sheetname Then
        End If
    Next ws
    'If not, add it
    If i = 0 Then
      Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
      ws.Name = sheetname
    End If

 i = 0

'''''''''Check whether the worksheet exists, if not, create a new one
    'Set the name of the worksheet to be checked
    sheetname = "Inventory"
    ' Traverse all worksheets in the workbook and check whether a worksheet with the same name exists
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
     If ws.Name = sheetname Then
     End If
    'If not, add it
    If i = 0 Then
      Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
      ws.Name = sheetname
    End If

End Sub