Installation and command usage of Redis database and invocation of python

Introduction to Redis

Redis is completely open source and free, and is a high-performance key-value database.

Redis and other key-value cache products have the following three characteristics:

  1. Redis supports data persistence, which can save the data in the memory to the disk, and load it again when restarting.
  2. Redis not only supports simple key-value type data, but also provides storage of data structures such as list, set, zset, and hash.
  3. Redis semi-persistent, stored in memory and hard disk

The difference between Redis and MongoDB:

  1. Redis is a database that stores data completely in memory. It only uses disks for persistence purposes and regularly writes them to disks. When the memory is insufficient, you can choose the specified LRU algorithm to delete data. Persistence uses RDB or aof methods.
  2. mongodb is a document-type non-relational database, similar to MySQL, which supports field indexing and cursor operations. Its advantage is that it has a relatively powerful query function, is good at querying JSON data, and can store massive data, but does not support transactions.

Redis download and configuration

Download Address 1
Download link 2
After downloading and decompressing, enter the file

Set the database password on line 387

Modify the size of the maximum data heap (unit: byte)
Modify at line 469

Note: Add a line below the configuration file maxXXXX, different versions have different locations

Start the Redis database

Start the redis database server

Enter the file path in the command prompt window, and enter the following command:

redis-server.exe # Execute redis-server.exe and load the Windows configuration file

As shown in the figure, it means that the server starts successfully, and the window needs to be saved, and the server will be automatically closed when it is closed.

The client connects to the redis database

Open a command prompt in the file directory and enter the command:


The format of the input password is (the quotation marks must be added, because it is a string type):

auth 'your password'

Type of Redis value

  1. String String
  2. hash hash
  3. list list
  4. Collection set
  5. ordered set zset

Redis operation command

All commands for data operations:

View all databases:

config get databases

View all databases, databases start with 0, a total of 16
Select database:

select 1 #Enter database 1

Defaults to database 0
select num to switch the database

1. String

String is the most basic type of redis, which can store up to 512MB of data. The String type is binary safe, that is, it can store any data, such as numbers, pictures, serialized objects, etc.

A key corresponds to a value

1. Set key value

A. Set key value

set key value

set name "zhangsan"
B. Set the key value and expiration time, in seconds

setex key seconds value

setex name 10 'zhangsan'
C. Check the effective time, in seconds

ttl key

ttl name
D. Cancel expiration time

persist key

persist name
E. Set the value of the key only when the key does not exist

setnx key value

 setnx name 'a'
E. Set multiple key values

mset key value [key value…]

mset name 'zs' age 18

2. Key operation

A. Get the value according to the key, if the key does not exist, return None(null 0 nil)

get key

get name
B. Get multiple values based on multiple keys

mget key [key…]

 mget name age
C, return the subcharacter of the string value in the key

get range key start end

getrange name 0 4
D. Set the value of the given key to value and return the old value of the key (old value)

getset key value

getset name 'x'

3. Operation

Requirement: the value is a number of string type
A. Add 1 to the value corresponding to the key

incr key

incr age
B. Decrease the value corresponding to the key by 1

decr key

decr age
C. Add an integer to the value corresponding to the key

incrby key intnum

incrby age 10
D. Subtract the value corresponding to the key by an integer

decrby key intnum

decrby age 10
E, get value length

strlen key

strlen age

Key operation

A. Find all keys


B. Determine whether the key exists, if it exists, return 1, if it does not exist, return 0

exists key

exists name

C. View the value type corresponding to the key

type key

type name

D, delete key and corresponding value

del key [key…]

E. Set the expiration time in seconds

expire key seconds

expire age 10

F. Check the effective time, in seconds

ttl key

H, returns the remaining expiration time of the key in milliseconds

pttl key

I. Remove the expiration time of the key, and the key will remain persistent

persist key

J. Delete all keys

flushdb deletes all

flushall deletes all keys in the database

K. Modify the name of the key (rename the key to newkey only when newkey does not exist)

rename key newkey

L, move the key to the specified database

Move key db

move name 1 # move name to database 1
M. Randomly return a key

random key

Two, hash

hash is used to store objects
?name: “tom”,
? age: 18
Redis hash is a collection of key-value (key=>value) pairs.

1. Settings

a. Set a single value

hset key field value

redis> hset myhash name lucky
(integer) 1
redis> HGET myhash name
b. Set multiple values

hmset key field value [field value…]

hmset myhash a 1 b 2 c 3
C adds increment to the integer value of the specified field in the hash table key

hincrby key field incrment

hincrby hh age 10
D Only when the field field does not exist, set the value of the hash table field

hsetnx key field value

 hget hh name

2. Get

A. Get the value of an attribute

hget key field

hget name field1

B. Get the value of multiple attributes

hmget key filed [filed…]

C. Get all fields and values

hgetall key

D. Get all fields

hkeys key

E. Get all values

hvals key

F, return the number of data contained

hlen key

3. Other

A. Determine whether the attribute exists, return 1 if it exists, and return 0 if it does not exist

hexists key field

hexists a x

B. Delete fields and values

hdel key field [field…]

hdel a x y z

C, the string length of the return value, starting from version 3.2

hstrlen key field

3. List list

Redis lists are simply lists of strings, sorted by insertion order. You can add an element to the head (left) or tail (right) of the list

1. Settings

A, insert at the head

lpush key value [vlaue…]

lpush demo 2 3`
Insert a value into the head of an existing list, the operation is invalid when the list does not exist

Lpushx key val

lpushx list 'a'
B. Insert at the end

rpush key value [vlaue…]

rpush demo 2 1
Add value to an existing list

rpushx key val

rpushx mm 'a'

2. Get

A, remove and return the first element of the list corresponding to the key

lpop key

lpop demo
B. Remove and return the last element of the list corresponding to the key

rpop key

rpop demo
C. Return the elements of the specified range stored in the key list

lrange key start end

lrange demo 0 -1 #View all elements in the list

Note: start end starts from 0
Note: Offset can be negative

3. Other

A, cut list, change to a subset of the original set

ltrim key start end

ltrim demo 1 -1 #Cut out the elements with index 1 to -1

Note: start end starts from 0
Note: Offset can be negative

B. Return the length of the list stored in the key

llen key

C. Return the value corresponding to the index in the list

lindex key index

LINDEX mylist 0

Fourth, collection set

Unordered collection, the element type is String type, and the elements are unique and not repeated

1. Settings

A, add elements

sadd key member [member…]

sadd set 'a' 'b' 'c'

2. Get

A. Return all elements in the key collection

smembers key

smembers set
B. Return the number of collection elements

card key

scard set
C, remove and return a random element in the collection

spop key

spop set
D. Return one or more random numbers in the collection

srandmember key count

s set #return a random element
srandmember set 2 #return 2 random elements
E. Remove one or more members from the set

srem key member1 [memkber2]

srem set 'd' 'b'ss

3. Other operations of collection

A. Find the intersection of multiple sets

sinter key [key …]

 sinter m l # Find the intersection of set l and set m
B. Find the difference of multiple sets

sdiff key [key…]

sdiff m l #Seek the difference set Pay attention to the order of comparison
D. Determine whether the element is in the set, return 1 if it exists, and return 0 if it does not exist

sismember key member

sissmember m 'a' #Whether element 'a' exists in set m

5. Ordered collection zset

  • An ordered collection, the element type is String, and the elements are unique and cannot be repeated
  • Each element will be associated with a double type score (indicating weight), sorted by the size of the weight, the score of the elements can be the same

1. Settings

A, Add

zadd key score member [score member…]

zadd zset 1 a 5 b 3 c 2 d 4 e
B. In the ordered set, add increment to the score of the specified member

Zincrby key increment mcfaember

zincrby zset 10 'a' #Add 10 to the weight of a

2. Get

A, return the elements of the specified range

zrange key start end

zrange z1 0 -1
B, return the number of elements

zcard key

 zcard z1
C. Return the number of elements whose score is between min and max in the ordered set key

zcount key min max

D. Return the score value of the member member in the ordered set key

zscore key member

zscore l 'c' #s returns the weight of c
E, all values and weights of the current collection


F. Return the members in the specified score range in the ordered set, and the scores are sorted from low to high

ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES][LIMIT offset count]

interval and infinity

min and max can be -inf and +inf, so that you can use commands like ZRANGEBYSCORE without knowing the lowest and highest score values of the sorted set.

redis> ZADD myzset 1 "one"
(integer) 1
redis> ZADD myzset 2 "two"
(integer) 1
redis> ZADD myzset 3 "three"
(integer) 1
redis> ZRANGEBYSCORE myzset -inf + inf
1) "one"
2) "two"
3) "three"
redis> ZRANGEBYSCORE myzset 1 2
1) "one"
2) "two"

3. Delete

A removes one or more members from the sorted set

When the key exists, but it is not an ordered collection type, an error is returned.

ZREM key member [member…]

redis> ZADD myzset 1 "one"
(integer) 1
redis> ZADD myzset 2 "two"
(integer) 1
redis> ZADD myzset 3 "three"
(integer) 1
redis> ZREM myzset "two"
(integer) 1
redis> ZRANGE myzset 0 -1 WITHSCORES
1) "one"
twenty one"
3) "three"
4) "3"

Password security

Check whether password authentication is set. By default, the requirepass parameter is empty, indicating that you can connect to the redis service without password authentication.

CONFIG get requirepass

change Password

CONFIG set requirepass "123"

After setting the password, the client needs password verification to connect to the redis service, otherwise the command cannot be executed

Redis data backup and recovery

Create a backup of the current database


This command will create a dump.rdb file in the redis installation directory.

Restore data

If you need to restore data, just move the backup file (dump.rdb) to the redis installation directory and start the service.
To get the redis directory, you can use the following command:


Backup data

use command


Python operation redis


pip install redis


import redis

# Ordinary connection StrictRedis is recommended
# decode_responses=True to automatically decode
# The default database is 0
r = redis.Redis(host='',port=6379,password='123c456',db=0,decode_responses=True)
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='',port=6379,password='123456',decode_responses=True)

# connection pool
 Manage all connections to a redis server, avoiding the overhead of establishing and releasing connections each time.
 Each redis instance will maintain its own connection pool. You can directly create a connection pool and pass it to redis as a parameter, so that multiple redis instances can share a connection pool.
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host='',port=6379,db=0,password='123456',decode_responses=True)
r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)

# string
# set up
print(r. set("name", "sea"))
print(r. get('name'))

# Batch settings
print(r.mset({<!-- -->'name':'sea', 'age': 18}))
print(r. mget('name', 'age'))

# hash
# set up
print(r.hset("hash", "name", "sea"))
print(r. hget("hash", "name"))

# get all
print(r. hgetall('hash'))

# Batch settings
print(r.hmset("myhash",{<!-- -->"name":"sea", "age": 18}))

# Get all hash fields

# Get all the values of the hash

# list
# set up
print(r.lpush('list', 1, 2, 3))
print(r.rpush('list', 4, 5, 6))

# Obtain
print(r. lrange('list', 0, -1))

# number of elements
print(r. llen('list'))

# set
# add value
print(r. sadd('set1', 'a', 'b', 'c'))
print(r. sadd('set2', 'a', 'b', 'd'))

# get value
print(r. smembers('set1'))

# number of elements
print(r. scard('set1'))

# orderly set
# add value
print(r.zadd('zadd', {<!-- -->"a": 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}))
print(r. zcard('zadd'))
# return weight
print(r. zscore('zadd', 'a'))