Small function realization (11) Use ExcelUtil and e-iceblue to import Excel files into the database

1. Foreword

  • Initial: The reason is that the data needs to be imported into the database in the form of an Excel table, but because the previous people used the ExcelUtil tool class, in line with the principle of less changes, they did not use the POI method to operate the Excel table, but used The original tool class to operate
  • Overall function: Receive Excel files from the front end. Since ExcelUtil only supports xls format, if it is in xlsx format, you need to use e-iceblue to convert the format, and then take out the data in the Excel file and import it into the database
  • Disadvantages: A redundant intermediate file will be generated during the format conversion process using e-iceblue, and I have tried many methods but cannot delete it; the conversion process takes a certain amount of time; pom.xml needs to be updated, and it is easy to report errors
  • Subsequent optimization: try to use POI to operate Excel table import; batch insert, don’t insert one by one

2. Steps

  • ExcelUtil tool class

import jxl. Cell;
import jxl.Sheet;
import jxl. Workbook;
import jxl.write.Label;
import jxl.write.WritableSheet;
import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * excel tools
 * @since 0.1.0

public class ExcelUti {<!-- -->

     * @param listMap multiple data sources
     * @param out export stream
     * @MethodName : listToExcel
     * @Description : Export Excel (can be exported to the local file system or to the browser, the size of the worksheet can be customized)
    public static <T> void listMapToExcel(
            Map<Map<String,List>,LinkedHashMap> listMap,
            OutputStream out
    ) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        if (listMap == null || listMap. size() == 0) {<!-- -->
            // throw new Exception("There is no data in the data source");
        //Create a workbook and send it to the place specified by OutputStream
        WritableWorkbook wwb;
        try {<!-- -->
            wwb = Workbook. createWorkbook(out);
            for (Map.Entry<Map<String,List>, LinkedHashMap> entry : listMap.entrySet()) {<!-- -->
                System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue());
                Map<String,List> obj=entry. getKey();
                LinkedHashMap fieldMap = entry. getValue();
                for (Map.Entry<String, List> item : obj.entrySet())
                {<!-- -->
                    List list=item. getValue();
                    String sheetName = item. getKey();
// WritableSheet sheet = wwb. createSheet(sheetName, 0);
// fillSheet(sheet, list, fieldMap, 0, list. size() - 1);
                    double sheetNum = Math.ceil(list.size() / new Integer(65535).doubleValue());

                    //2. Create the corresponding worksheet and fill it with data
                    for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                        //If there is only one worksheet
                        if (1 == sheetNum) {<!-- -->
                            WritableSheet sheet = wwb. createSheet(sheetName, i);
                            fillSheet(sheet, list, fieldMap, 0, list. size() - 1);
                            //If there are multiple worksheets
                        } else {<!-- -->
                            WritableSheet sheet = wwb.createSheet(sheetName + (i + 1), i);

                            // get start index and end index
                            int firstIndex = i * 65535;
                            int lastIndex = (i + 1) * 65535 - 1 > list.size() - 1 ? list.size() - 1 : (i + 1) * 65535 - 1;
                            // populate the worksheet
                            fillSheet(sheet, list, fieldMap, firstIndex, lastIndex);
            wwb. close();

        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
            //If it is Exception, throw it directly
            if (e instanceof Exception) {<!-- -->
                throw (Exception) e;

                //Otherwise wrap other exceptions into Exception and throw
            } else {<!-- -->
                throw new Exception("Failed to export Excel");

     * @param list data source
     * Correspondence between the English attributes of the @param fieldMap class and the Chinese column names in Excel
     * If what is needed is the attribute of the reference object, the English attribute uses a format similar to the EL expression
     * For example: all the students are stored in the list, and there is a college attribute in the student, and we need the name of the college, we can write it like this
     * fieldMap.put("college.collegeName","College Name")
     * @param sheetName the name of the worksheet
     * @param sheetSize the maximum number of records in each worksheet
     * @param out export stream
     * @MethodName : listToExcel
     * @Description : Export Excel (can be exported to the local file system or to the browser, the size of the worksheet can be customized)
    public static <T> void listToExcel(
            List<T> list,
            LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldMap,
            String sheetName,
            int sheetSize,
            OutputStream out
    ) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        if (list == null || list. size() == 0) {<!-- -->
            // throw new Exception("There is no data in the data source");

        if (sheetSize > 65535 || sheetSize < 1) {<!-- -->
            sheetSize = 65535;

        //Create a workbook and send it to the place specified by OutputStream
        WritableWorkbook wwb;
        try {<!-- -->
            wwb = Workbook. createWorkbook(out);

            //Because 2003 Excel can have a maximum of 65536 records in a worksheet, 65535 records are left after removing the column header
            //So if there are too many records, they need to be placed in multiple worksheets, which is actually a paging process
            //1. Calculate how many worksheets there are in total
            double sheetNum = Math.ceil(list.size() / new Integer(sheetSize).doubleValue());

            //2. Create the corresponding worksheet and fill it with data
            for (int i = 0; i < sheetNum; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                //If there is only one worksheet
                if (1 == sheetNum) {<!-- -->
                    WritableSheet sheet = wwb. createSheet(sheetName, i);
                    fillSheet(sheet, list, fieldMap, 0, list. size() - 1);

                    //If there are multiple worksheets
                } else {<!-- -->
                    WritableSheet sheet = wwb.createSheet(sheetName + (i + 1), i);

                    // get start index and end index
                    int firstIndex = i * sheetSize;
                    int lastIndex = (i + 1) * sheetSize - 1 > list.size() - 1 ? list.size() - 1 : (i + 1) * sheetSize - 1;
                    // populate the worksheet
                    fillSheet(sheet, list, fieldMap, firstIndex, lastIndex);
            if (sheetNum == 0) {<!-- -->
                WritableSheet sheet = wwb. createSheet(sheetName, 0);
                fillSheet(sheet, list, fieldMap, 0, list. size() - 1);

            wwb. close();

        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
            //If it is Exception, throw it directly
            if (e instanceof Exception) {<!-- -->
                throw (Exception) e;

                //Otherwise wrap other exceptions into Exception and throw
            } else {<!-- -->
                throw new Exception("Failed to export Excel");


     * @param list data source
     * Correspondence between the English attributes of the @param fieldMap class and the Chinese column names in Excel
     * @param out export stream
     * @throws Exception
     * @MethodName : listToExcel
     * @Description : Export Excel (can be exported to the local file system or to the browser, the worksheet size is the maximum supported by 2003)
    public static <T> void listToExcel(
            List<T> list,
            LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldMap,
            String sheetName,
            OutputStream out
    ) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        listToExcel(list, fieldMap, sheetName, 65535, out);


     * @param list data source
     * Correspondence between the English attributes of the @param fieldMap class and the Chinese column names in Excel
     * @param sheetSize the maximum number of records in each worksheet
     * @param response Use response to export to browser
     * @throws Exception
     * @MethodName : listToExcel
     * @Description : Export Excel (export to browser, you can customize the size of the worksheet)
    public static <T> void listToExcel(
            List<T> list,
            LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldMap,
            String sheetName,
            int sheetSize,
            HttpServletResponse response
    ) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        //Set the default file name to the current time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
        String fileName = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss").format(new Date()).toString();

        //Set response header information
        response. reset();
        response.setContentType("application/"); //Change to output excel file
        response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName + ".xls");

        //Create workbook and send to browser
        try {<!-- -->

            OutputStream out = response. getOutputStream();
            listToExcel(list, fieldMap, sheetName, sheetSize, out);

        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->

            //If it is Exception, throw it directly
            if (e instanceof Exception) {<!-- -->
                throw (Exception) e;

                //Otherwise wrap other exceptions into Exception and throw
            } else {<!-- -->
                throw new Exception("Failed to export Excel");

     * @param list data source
     * Correspondence between the English attributes of the @param fieldMap class and the Chinese column names in Excel
     * @param response Use response to export to browser
     * @throws Exception
     * @MethodName : listToExcel
     * @Description : Export Excel (export to browser, the size of the worksheet is the maximum supported by 2003)
    public static <T> void listToExcel(
            List<T> list,
            LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldMap,
            String sheetName,
            HttpServletResponse response
    ) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        listToExcel(list, fieldMap, sheetName, 65535, response);

     * @param in : carrying the input stream of Excel
     * @param entityClass: the type of object in the List (each row in Excel must be converted to an object of this type)
     * @param fieldMap: Map of the correspondence between the Chinese column headers in Excel and the English attributes of the class
     * @param uniqueFields: Specify the combination of business primary keys (ie composite primary keys), the combination of these columns cannot be repeated
     * @return: List
     * @throws Exception
     * @MethodName : excelToList
     * @Description : Convert Excel to List
    public static <T> List<T> excelToList(
            InputStream in,
            String sheetName,
            Class<T> entityClass,
            LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldMap,
            String[] uniqueFields
    ) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        //Define the list to return
        List<T> resultList = new ArrayList<T>();

        try {<!-- -->

            //Create a WorkBook based on the Excel data source
            Workbook wb = Workbook. getWorkbook(in);
            // get worksheet
            Sheet sheet = wb. getSheet(sheetName);
// Sheet sheet = wb. getSheet(0);

            //Get the effective number of rows in the worksheet
            int realRows = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < sheet. getRows(); i ++ ) {<!-- -->

                int nullCols = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < sheet. getColumns(); j ++ ) {<!-- -->
                    Cell currentCell = sheet. getCell(j, i);
                    if (currentCell == null || "".equals(currentCell.getContents().toString())) {<!-- -->

                if (nullCols == sheet.getColumns()) {<!-- -->
                } else {<!-- -->

            //If there is no data in Excel, an error will be prompted
            if (realRows <= 1) {<!-- -->
                throw new Exception("There is no data in the Excel file");

            Cell[] firstRow = sheet. getRow(0);

            String[] excelFieldNames = new String[firstRow. length];

            //Get the column names in Excel
            for (int i = 0; i < firstRow. length; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                excelFieldNames[i] = firstRow[i].getContents().toString().trim();

            //Determine whether the required fields exist in Excel
            boolean isExist = true;
            List<String> excelFieldList = Arrays. asList(excelFieldNames);
            for (String cnName : fieldMap.keySet()) {<!-- -->
                if (!excelFieldList.contains(cnName)) {<!-- -->
                    isExist = false;

            //If a column name does not exist, an exception will be thrown, prompting an error
            if (!isExist) {<!-- -->
                throw new Exception("A necessary field is missing in Excel, or the field name is wrong");

            //Put the column name and column number into the Map, so that the column number can be obtained through the column name
            LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> colMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
            for (int i = 0; i < excelFieldNames. length; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                colMap.put(excelFieldNames[i], firstRow[i].getColumn());

            // Check if there are duplicate rows
            //1. Get the column specified by uniqueFields
            Cell[][] uniqueCells = new Cell[uniqueFields. length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < uniqueFields. length; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                int col = colMap.get(uniqueFields[i]);
                uniqueCells[i] = sheet. getColumn(col);

            //2. Find duplicate rows from the specified column
            for (int i = 1; i < realRows; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                int nullCols = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < uniqueFields. length; j ++ ) {<!-- -->
                    String currentContent = uniqueCells[j][i].getContents();
                    Cell sameCell = sheet. findCell(currentContent,
                            uniqueCells[j][i].getRow() + 1,
                            uniqueCells[j][realRows - 1]. getRow(),
                    if (sameCell != null) {<!-- -->

                if (nullCols == uniqueFields. length) {<!-- -->
                    throw new Exception("There are duplicate rows in Excel, please check");

            //Convert sheet to list
            for (int i = 1; i < realRows; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                // Create new object to convert
                T entity = entityClass. newInstance();

                // Assign values to the fields in the object
                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : fieldMap.entrySet()) {<!-- -->
                    //Get the Chinese field name
                    String cnNormalName = entry. getKey();
                    //Get the English field name
                    String enNormalName = entry. getValue();
                    //Get the column number according to the Chinese field name
                    int col = colMap.get(cnNormalName);

                    // Get the content of the current cell
                    String content = sheet. getCell(col, i). getContents(). toString(). trim();

                    //Assign value to object
                    setFieldValueByName(enNormalName, content, entity);

                resultList. add(entity);
        } catch (Exception e) {<!-- -->
            //If it is Exception, throw it directly
            if (e instanceof Exception) {<!-- -->
                throw (Exception) e;

                //Otherwise wrap other exceptions into Exception and throw
            } else {<!-- -->
                throw new Exception("Failed to import Excel");
        return resultList;

    /*<-------------------------Auxiliary private method--------------- ----------------------------->*/

     * @param fieldName field name
     * @param o object
     * @return field value
     * @MethodName : getFieldValueByName
     * @Description : Get the field value according to the field name
    private static Object getFieldValueByName(String fieldName, Object o) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        Object value = null;
        Field field = getFieldByName(fieldName, o.getClass());

        if (field != null) {<!-- -->
            value = field. get(o);
        } else {<!-- -->
            throw new Exception(o.getClass().getSimpleName() + "Class does not exist field name " + fieldName);

        return value;

     * @param fieldName field name
     * @param clazz the class containing the field
     * @return field
     * @MethodName : getFieldByName
     * @Description : Get the field according to the field name
    private static Field getFieldByName(String fieldName, Class<?> clazz) {<!-- -->
        // Get all the fields of this class
        Field[] selfFields = clazz. getDeclaredFields();

        //If the field exists in this class, return
        for (Field field : selfFields) {<!-- -->
            if (field. getName(). equals(fieldName)) {<!-- -->
                return field;

        //Otherwise, check whether this field exists in the parent class, and return if so
        Class<?> superClazz = clazz. getSuperclass();
        if (superClazz != null & amp; & amp; superClazz != Object.class) {<!-- -->
            return getFieldByName(fieldName, superClazz);

        //If there is neither this class nor the parent class, return empty
        return null;

     * @param fieldNameSequence attribute name with path or simple attribute name
     * @param o object
     * @return attribute value
     * @throws Exception
     * @MethodName : getFieldValueByNameSequence
     * @Description :
     * Get the attribute value according to the attribute name with path or without path
     * It accepts simple attribute names, such as userName, etc., and accepts attribute names with paths, such as, etc.
    private static Object getFieldValueByNameSequence(String fieldNameSequence, Object o) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        Object value = null;

        //Split fieldNameSequence
        String[] attributes = fieldNameSequence. split("\.");
        if (attributes. length == 1) {<!-- -->
            value = getFieldValueByName(fieldNameSequence, o);
        } else {<!-- -->
            / / Get the attribute object according to the attribute name
            Object fieldObj = getFieldValueByName(attributes[0], o);
            String subFieldNameSequence = fieldNameSequence. substring(fieldNameSequence. indexOf(".") + 1);
            value = getFieldValueByNameSequence(subFieldNameSequence, fieldObj);
        return value;


     * @param fieldName field name
     * @param fieldValue field value
     * @param o object
     * @MethodName : setFieldValueByName
     * @Description : Assign values to the fields of the object according to the field names
    private static void setFieldValueByName(String fieldName, Object fieldValue, Object o) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        Field field = getFieldByName(fieldName, o.getClass());
        if (field != null) {<!-- -->
            // get field type
            Class<?> fieldType = field. getType();

            //Assign a value to the field according to the field type
            if (String. class == fieldType) {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, String.valueOf(fieldValue));
            } else if ((Integer. TYPE == fieldType)
                    || (Integer. class == fieldType)) {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, Integer.parseInt(fieldValue.toString()));
            } else if ((Long. TYPE == fieldType)
                    || (Long. class == fieldType)) {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, Long.valueOf(fieldValue.toString()));
            } else if ((Float. TYPE == fieldType)
                    || (Float. class == fieldType)) {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, Float.valueOf(fieldValue.toString()));
            } else if ((Short. TYPE == fieldType)
                    || (Short. class == fieldType)) {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, Short.valueOf(fieldValue.toString()));
            } else if ((Double. TYPE == fieldType)
                    || (Double. class == fieldType)) {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, Double.valueOf(fieldValue.toString()));
            } else if (Character. TYPE == fieldType) {<!-- -->
                if ((fieldValue != null) & amp; & amp; (fieldValue.toString().length() > 0)) {<!-- -->
                    field.set(o, Character.valueOf(fieldValue.toString().charAt(0)));
            } else if (BigDecimal. class == fieldType) {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, BigDecimal.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(fieldValue.toString())));
            } else if (Date. class == fieldType) {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(fieldValue.toString()));
            } else {<!-- -->
                field.set(o, fieldValue);
        } else {<!-- -->
            throw new Exception(o.getClass().getSimpleName() + "Class does not exist field name " + fieldName);

     * @param ws
     * @MethodName : setColumnAutoSize
     * @Description : Set the automatic column width and the first row of the worksheet to be bold
    private static void setColumnAutoSize(WritableSheet ws, int extraWith) {<!-- -->
        // Get the width of the widest cell in this column
        for (int i = 0; i < ws.getColumns(); i ++ ) {<!-- -->
            int colWith = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < ws. getRows(); j ++ ) {<!-- -->
                String content = ws.getCell(i, j).getContents().toString();
                int cellWith = content. length();
                if (colWith < cellWith) {<!-- -->
                    colWith = cellWith;
            //Set the width of the cell to the widest width + extra width
            ws.setColumnView(i, colWith + extraWith);


     * @param sheet worksheet
     * @param list data source
     * @param fieldMap Map of the corresponding relationship between Chinese and English fields
     * @param firstIndex start index
     * @param lastIndex end index
     * @MethodName : fillSheet
     * @Description : Fill the worksheet with data
    private static <T> void fillSheet(
            WritableSheet sheet,
            List<T> list,
            LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldMap,
            int firstIndex,
            int lastIndex
    ) throws Exception {<!-- -->

        //Define an array for storing English field names and Chinese field names
        String[] enFields = new String[fieldMap. size()];
        String[] cnFields = new String[fieldMap. size()];

        // fill the array
        int count = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : fieldMap.entrySet()) {<!-- -->
            enFields[count] = entry. getKey();
            cnFields[count] = entry. getValue();
            count + + ;
        // fill header
        for (int i = 0; i < cnFields. length; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
            Label label = new Label(i, 0, cnFields[i]);
            sheet. addCell(label);

        if (list != null & amp; & amp; list. size() != 0) {<!-- -->

            // Fill content
            int rowNo = 1;
            for (int index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; index ++ ) {<!-- -->
                // get a single object
                T item = list. get(index);
                for (int i = 0; i < enFields. length; i ++ ) {<!-- -->
                    Object objValue = getFieldValueByNameSequence(enFields[i], item);
                    String fieldValue = objValue == null ? "" : objValue.toString();
                    Label label = new Label(i, rowNo, fieldValue);
                    sheet. addCell(label);


        //Set automatic column width
        setColumnAutoSize(sheet, 5);

  • Import e-iceblue in pom.xml

  • If the configured warehouse does not work, find the following location in the maven setting.xml file, and add !com.e-iceblue after the * of the mirrorOf location
    <name>Alibaba Cloud Public Warehouse</name>
  • Import body code
    public Object insertCableLineInfoByExcel(MultipartFile file){<!-- -->
        try{<!-- -->
            //Initialize the required parameters
            InputStream inputStream=file. getInputStream();

            //If the suffix is xlsx, you need to convert to xls first
            if (file.getOriginalFilename().endsWith("xlsx")){<!-- -->
                Workbook workbook=new Workbook();
                workbook.saveToFile(file.getOriginalFilename().substring(0,file.getOriginalFilename().indexOf(".")) + ".xls", ExcelVersion.Version97to2003);
                File fileTemp=new File(file.getOriginalFilename().substring(0,file.getOriginalFilename().indexOf(".")) + ".xls");
                inputStream=new FileInputStream(fileTemp);
                //Delete temporary excel
// FileUtil.del(fileTemp.getPath());
            //sheet name
            String sheetname="Sheet1";
            EvCablelineinfor evCablelineinfor=new EvCablelineinfor();

// Correspondence
            LinkedHashMap<String, String> fieldMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            fieldMap.put("Number", "id");
            fieldMap.put("Line ID", "loopid");
            fieldMap.put("Line name", "loopname");
            fieldMap.put("cable name", "cablelinename");
            fieldMap.put("start device", "startdevice");
            fieldMap.put("end device", "enddevice");
            fieldMap.put("cable length", "cablelength");
            fieldMap.put("arc type", "arctype");
            fieldMap.put("running status", "runstatus");
            fieldMap.put("cover type", "covertype");

//primary key
            String[] uniqueFields=new String[1];

//Convert to List
            List list = ExcelUti.excelToList(inputStream,sheetname,evCablelineinfor.getClass(),fieldMap,uniqueFields);
            int isSuccess=0;
            for(int i=0;i<list. size();i ++ ){<!-- -->
                isSuccess=evCablelineinforMapper.insertSelective((EvCablelineinfor) list.get(i));
            if(isSuccess<1){<!-- -->
                return ResultUtil.error("excel table import failed");
            return ResultUtil.success("excel table imported successfully");
        } catch (Exception e){<!-- -->
            return ResultUtil.error("Excel table format error");

