Java export to Excel tool: JXLS

Introduction Introduce maven dependencies code behind Create template XLS expression jx:area jx:each is the most commonly used xls expression jx:mergeCells merge cells Dynamic columns-comprehensive use Summarize Introduction I believe that everyone can often encounter the export of various excels on projects. Simple excel formats can be exported using simple poi, easyExcel and other tools. However, […]

Java export to Excel tool: JXLS

Introduction Introduce maven dependencies code behind Create template XLS expression jx:area jx:each is the most commonly used xls expression jx:mergeCells merge cells Dynamic columns-comprehensive use Summarize Introduction I believe that everyone can often encounter the export of various excels on projects. Simple excel formats can be exported using simple poi, easyExcel and other tools. However, […]

jxls is exported according to template, application scenario: printing of various receipts

The project requires generating a receipt, which can be in excel, so I use the XLSTransformer method of jxls. Table of Contents Jar package preparation You can package the jar package into one transformXLS method, get the workbook, pass in the template and data String size check Excel template filling Generate an excel file after […]

The springboot project excel is exported according to the template: Jxls export excel

step1: Define excel export template Create an .xls file corresponding to the list construction template in the database. Be sure to add annotations Syntax reference in templates Use xls or xlsx template (jxls syntax) to export Excel_jxls1.0.6 corresponding documents_justry_deng’s blog-CSDN blog Create an xls file named: project_template Place it under the project directory: Add: comment […]

Java export to Excel tool: JXLS

The path to growth as a programmer Internet/Programmer/Technology/Data Sharing focus on This article should take approximately 4 minutes to read. From: Introduction Introduce maven dependencies code behind Create template XLS expression jx:area jx:each is the most commonly used xls expression jx:mergeCells merge cells Dynamic columns-comprehensive use Summarize Introduction I believe that everyone can often […]

Java export to Excel tool: JXLS

This is a community that may be useful to you One-to-one communication/interview brochure/resume optimization/job search questions, welcome to join the “Yudao Rapid Development Platform” Knowledge Planet. The following is some information provided by Planet: “Project Practice (Video)”: Learn from books, “practice” from past events “Internet High Frequency Interview Questions”: Studying with your resume, spring blossoms […]

Use Jxls to implement Java export Excel

1. Import the required jar package <dependency> <groupId>org.jxls</groupId> <artifactId>jxls</artifactId> <version>2.4.3</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.jxls</groupId> <artifactId>jxls-poi</artifactId> <version>1.0.14</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.jxls</groupId> <artifactId>jxls-jexcel</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>jexcelapi</groupId> <artifactId>jxl</artifactId> <version>2.6</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>net.sf.jxls</groupId> <artifactId>jxls-reader</artifactId> <version>1.0.6</version> </dependency> 2. Filter excel files when configuring compilation This configuration is to ensure that the prepared excel template can be opened normally after compilation. <plugin> […]