DeepFaceDeployment 04Lightweight face recognition and facial attribute analysis framework deepface uses Docker to deploy two versions of CPU+GPU and cuDNN installation

Use Docker to deploy CPU + GPU

  • 1.CPU
  • 2.GPU
  • 3.cuDNN installation
    • 3.1 Prerequisites
    • 3.2 Download Linux version cuDNN
    • 3.3 Installation


This description is based on DeepFace’s Docker image file deepface_image.tar.

# 1. Import image
docker load -i deepface_image.tar

# 2. Create a model folder [and upload the downloaded model file]
mkdir -p /root/.deepface/weights/

# 3. Start the container
# Network isolation is affected but performance is good
docker run --name deepface --privileged=true --restart=always --net="host" -v /root/.deepface/weights/:/root/.deepface/weights/ -d deepface_image
# General use
docker run --name deepface --privileged=true --restart=always -p 5000:5000 -v /root/.deepface/weights/:/root/.deepface/weights/ -d deepface_image
# Use the latest code for container startup
docker run --name deepface_src --privileged=true --restart=always --net="host" \
-v /root/.deepface/weights/:/root/.deepface/weights/ \
-v /opt/test-facesearch/deepfacesrc/:/app/deepface/ \
-d deepface_image

Warning message:

# Execute command
docker run --name deepface --privileged=true --restart=always --net="host" -p 5000:5000 -v /root/.deepface/weights/:/root/.deepface/weights/ - d deepface_image

# warn
WARNING: Published ports are discarded when using host network mode

This warning usually occurs when using Docker’s host network mode, because in this mode, the container and the host share the same network namespace, so the ports in the container will be mapped directly to the host without the need for port forwarding. Therefore, using the -p option to publish a container port has no effect and will result in a warning message. To resolve this issue, you can try the following:

  1. If you don’t need to map the container port to the host, remove the -p option.
  2. If you need to map container ports to the host, use Docker’s other networking modes (such as bridge mode).
  3. If you do need to use host networking mode, consider using the host IP address to access services in the container rather than using port forwarding.


First, start the container installation tensorrt:

pip install tensorrt -i

Startup command after installation:

docker run --name deepface --privileged=true --restart=always --net="host" \
-e PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.2/bin:$PATH -e LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.2/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \
-v /root/.deepface/weights/:/root/.deepface/weights/ \
-v /usr/local/cuda-11.2/:/usr/local/cuda-11.2/ \
-v /opt/xinan-facesearch-service-public/deepface/api/ \
-d deepface_image

Test fastmtcnn to mount the latest code into the directory:

docker run --name deepface_gpu_src --privileged=true --restart=always --net="host" \
-e PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.2/bin:$PATH -e LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.2/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH \
-v /root/.deepface/weights/:/root/.deepface/weights/ \
-v /usr/local/cuda-11.2/:/usr/local/cuda-11.2/ \
-v /opt/test-facesearch/deepfacesrc/:/app/deepface/ \
-v /opt/xinan-facesearch-service-public/deepface/api/ \
-d deepface_image

Differences from CPU deployment:

  1. Two environment variables are set -e PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.2/bin:$PATH -e LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.2/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  2. Added a mounting directory -v /usr/local/cuda-11.2/:/usr/local/cuda-11.2/
  3. Added a mounting file -v /deepface/api/

The content of the file /deepface/api/ is as follows:

import tensorrt as tr
import tensorflow astf
from flask import Flask
from routes import blueprint

def create_app():
    available = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
    print(f"available:{<!-- -->available}")
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app

Before calling tensorflow, you need to introduce tensorrt.

3.cuDNN installation

Official website installation documentation:
cuDNN support matrix:

The NVIDIA CUDA? Deep Neural Network library (cuDNN) is a GPU-accelerated library of primitives for deep neural networks. cuDNN provides highly tuned implementations for standard routines such as forward and backward convolution, attention, matmul, pooling, and normalization.

Installation Environment:

[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)

3.1 Prerequisites

You need to install 1.GPU Driver and 2.CUDAToolkit first


# search result
 +------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- +
| NVIDIA-SMI 460.27.04 Driver Version: 460.27.04 CUDA Version: 11.2 |
|---------------------------------- + ----------------- ----- + ---------------------- +

and 3.zlib

yum list installed | grep zlib

# search result
zlib.x86_64 1.2.7-18.el7 @anaconda
zlib-devel.x86_64 1.2.7-18.el7 @base

3.2 Download Linux version cuDNN

To download cuDNN, you need to first register for the NVIDIA Developer Program: Download page: Select the platform and corresponding version to download. This time The downloaded file is cudnn-11.2-linux-x64-v8.1.1.33.tgz and the size is 1.2G. Browser downloads tend to fail. You can copy the browser download link and download on the Linux server [Tencent Cloud Server Speed 12MB/s]:

wget --2jJ9iEfgtFbqfMGX0I1XD6BIksPkVIiU9F3ttrupv_oYvURaZX1dV71EIqEI767WbG5svvSMBElcaVrqZl15UEOUORNWbYwKZDyxidGmwHmG44XiEo6yyM1Rt7ct6NGlVXnxx0etcI9pNJ1 PiaHYddY86Lc_yaBLdJwy9hqku4TW6NSNr7XfuCYXvGOPvOmraR4EOfg6Q= & amp;t=eyJscyI6IndlYnNpdGUiLCJsc2QiOiJkZXZlbG9wZXIubnZpZGlhLmNvbS9jdWRhLTEwLjItZG93bmxvYWQt YXJjaGl2ZT90YXJnZXRfb3M9TGludXgifQ==

3.3 Installation

The following steps describe how to build a cuDNN dependent program. Choose the installation method that meets your environment needs. For example, the tar file installation applies to all Linux platforms. The Debian package installation applies to Debian 11, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, and 22.04. The RPM package installation applies to RHEL7, RHEL8, and RHEL9. In the following sections:

  • your CUDA directory path is referred to as /usr/local/cuda/
  • your cuDNN download path is referred to as

You can choose the appropriate installation method according to different platforms. The tar file is suitable for all Linux platforms. The installation steps are:

  1. Unzip the installation package
tar -xvf cudnn-linux-$arch-8.x.x.x_cudaX.Y-archive.tar.xz
  1. Copy the following files into the CUDA toolkit directory
$ sudo cp cudnn-*-archive/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda/include
$ sudo cp -P cudnn-*-archive/lib/libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda/lib64
$ sudo chmod a + r /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudnn*

The installation file is cudnn-11.2-linux-x64-v8.1.1.33.tgz. The actual steps are:

# 1. Unzip
tar -zxvf cudnn-11.2-linux-x64-v8.1.1.33.tgz

# 2. Copy and empower
#The unzipped folder name is cuda
# inculde【18 files】
cp ./cuda/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda/include
# lib64 [8 files 15 soft links] -P option means to retain the attributes of the source file or directory
cp -P ./cuda/lib64/libcudnn* /usr/local/cuda/lib64
# Grant read permission to all users
chmod a + r /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudnn*

The installation file of another version is cudnn-linux-x86_64- The steps are:

# 1. Unzip
tar -xvf cudnn-linux-x86_64-

# 2. Copy and empower inculde【18 files】lib【13 files 20 soft links】
cp ./cudnn-linux-x86_64-*.h /usr/local/cuda/include
cp -P ./cudnn-linux-x86_64-* /usr/local/cuda/lib64
chmod a + r /usr/local/cuda/include/cudnn*.h /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudnn*