Graduation project source code of agricultural and sideline products logistics information system based on springboot

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Development background:

In today’s society, with the development of technology and the popularization of the Internet, the logistics industry is also constantly innovating and developing. Especially in the field of agricultural and sideline products, the application of logistics information systems is particularly important. This article will discuss how to design and implement a logistics information system for agricultural and sideline products based on the SpringBoot framework.

First, we need to clarify the functional requirements of the system. A basic agricultural and sideline products logistics information system should include functions such as merchandise entry, exit, inventory management, order processing, and logistics tracking. In addition, in order to improve the ease of use and user experience of the system, we can also consider adding data analysis and reporting functions so that administrators can understand the inventory status of goods and order processing progress in real time.

Next, we need to design the system. During the design process, we need to consider the system’s architecture design, database design, interface design, etc. In architectural design, we can use microservice architecture to split the system into multiple independent services, each service is responsible for a specific function. In database design, we need to design appropriate data tables and relationships according to the needs of the system. In interface design, we need to define a clear API interface to facilitate data interaction between the front end and the back end.

In the system development stage, we need to use the SpringBoot framework to develop various modules of the system. SpringBoot is a Java-based open source framework that simplifies the creation, configuration and deployment of Spring applications. By using SpringBoot, we can quickly develop an efficient and stable system.

In the system testing phase, we need to conduct comprehensive testing of the system, including functional testing, performance testing, security testing, etc. Only after passing all tests can our system be officially launched.

In general, the development of an agricultural and sideline products logistics information system based on SpringBoot is a complex process that requires detailed planning and design. However, as long as we persist, we will be able to develop an efficient and stable system. Research purposes:

The main purpose of this article is to research and design an agricultural and sideline products logistics information system based on SpringBoot. With the development of Internet technology and the advancement of agricultural modernization, the logistics demand for agricultural and sideline products is growing day by day. The traditional agricultural and sideline products logistics management methods can no longer meet the needs of modern agricultural product logistics. Therefore, developing an agricultural and sideline products logistics information system based on SpringBoot can effectively improve the logistics efficiency of agricultural and sideline products, reduce logistics costs, and improve user experience.

Development significance:

In recent years, with the advancement of my country’s agricultural modernization, the output and trading volume of agricultural and sideline products have continued to grow. However, due to the characteristics of agricultural and sideline products, such as seasonality and perishability, the logistics management of agricultural and sideline products has become very complicated. The traditional agricultural and sideline products logistics management method mainly relies on manual operations, which is not only inefficient but also error-prone. In addition, due to the lack of effective information technology, the supply and demand information of agricultural and sideline products is asymmetric, resulting in a waste of resources and a reduction in efficiency. Therefore, developing an agricultural and sideline products logistics information system based on SpringBoot is of great significance for improving the logistics efficiency of agricultural and sideline products, reducing logistics costs, and improving user experience.


1. Adopt microservice architecture: By splitting the system into multiple independent services, each service is responsible for a specific function, the scalability and maintainability of the system can be improved.

2. Use the SpringBoot framework: SpringBoot can simplify the creation, configuration and deployment of Spring applications, greatly improving development efficiency.

3. Introduce big data analysis: By analyzing the supply and demand data of agricultural and sideline products, we can provide users with accurate logistics services and improve the user experience.

4. Realize logistics tracking: By tracking logistics information in real time, users can understand the distribution status of goods in a timely manner, which improves the user’s shopping experience.

5. Introducing AI technology: Through AI technology, sales forecasts for agricultural and sideline products can be realized, helping users manage inventory in advance and reduce inventory costs.

6. Provide personalized services: Provide personalized product recommendations and services based on users’ historical purchase records and preferences to improve user satisfaction and loyalty.

Feasibility analysis:

1. Economic feasibility: The development and application of agricultural and sideline products logistics information systems can greatly improve the circulation efficiency of agricultural and sideline products, reduce logistics costs, and thereby improve economic benefits. At the same time, through big data analysis, it can provide users with accurate logistics services, improve users’ shopping experience, increase users’ willingness to purchase, and further improve economic benefits. Therefore, from an economic point of view, it is completely feasible to develop and implement an agricultural and sideline products logistics information system.

2. Social feasibility: With the development of Internet technology and the advancement of agricultural modernization, the logistics demand for agricultural and sideline products is growing day by day. However, the traditional agricultural and sideline products logistics management methods can no longer meet the needs of modern agricultural product logistics. Therefore, developing an agricultural and sideline products logistics information system based on SpringBoot can not only meet the needs of the market and improve social benefits, but also improve the circulation efficiency of agricultural and sideline products, reduce logistics costs, improve user experience, and further improve social benefits.

3. Technical feasibility: SpringBoot is a Java-based open source framework that simplifies the creation, configuration and deployment of Spring applications. By using SpringBoot, development efficiency can be greatly improved and development difficulty reduced. In addition, through big data analysis and AI technology, it is possible to predict the sales of agricultural and sideline products and provide personalized services. These technologies are currently mature technologies and have high feasibility. Therefore, from a technical perspective, it is completely feasible to develop and implement an agricultural and sideline products logistics information system. 1. User management: including user registration, login, modification of personal information and other functions.

2. Product management: including functions such as adding, deleting, modifying and querying products.

3. Order management: including functions such as order creation, modification, deletion and query.

4. Logistics information management: including functions such as entry, query and modification of logistics information.

5. Inventory management: including inventory query, modification and early warning functions.

6. Data analysis: including functions such as statistics, analysis and prediction of sales data.

7. Recommendation system: Recommend corresponding products based on the user’s purchase history and preferences.

8. Customer service: including functions such as user consultation, complaint and suggestion processing.

9. Report statistics: including functions such as generating and exporting various reports.

10. AI prediction: Use AI technology to predict the sales of agricultural and sideline products to help users manage inventory in advance. 1. User table (User)

| Field name (English) | Description (Chinese) | Size | Type | Primary key | Foreign key | Remarks |

| ————- | ————- | —- | —- | —– | — — | —- |

| id | User ID | int(11) | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | – | – | User ID, auto-increment |

| user_name | username | varchar(50) | NOT NULL, UNIQUE | – | – | username, unique |

| password | Password | varchar(50) | NOT NULL | – | – | User password, encrypted storage |

| email | Email address | varchar(50) | NOT NULL, UNIQUE | – | – | User email address, unique |

| phone | mobile phone number | varchar(20) | NOT NULL, UNIQUE | – | – | user mobile phone number, unique |

2. Product list (Product)

| Field name (English) | Description (Chinese) | Size | Type | Primary key | Foreign key | Remarks |

| ————- | ————- | —- | —- | —– | — — | —- |

| id | Product ID | int(11) | PRIMARY KEY, AUTO_INCREMENT | – | – | Product ID, auto-increment |

| product_name | Product name | varchar(100) | NOT NULL, UNIQUE | – | – | Product name, unique |

| category_id | Category ID (foreign key) | int(11)| FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ProductCategory(id)| -| -| -|

| price | price (primary key) | double(10,2)| NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY| -| -| -|

| stock | Stock quantity (primary key) | int(11)| NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY| -| -| -|

Generate MySQL table creation statement.

1. Create Java entity class

Suppose we have the following database table:

– User table (user)

– Product list (product)

– Order form (order)

– Logistics information table (logistics_info)

The corresponding Java entity class code is as follows:



public class User {

private Long id;

private String username;

private String password;

private String email;

// getter and setter methods



public class Product {

private Long id;

private String name;

private Double price;

private String description;

private String imageUrl;

// getter and setter methods



public class Order {

private Long id;

private Long userId;

private String orderNo;

private Date createTime;

private List productList;

// getter and setter methods



public class LogisticsInfo {

private Long id;

private Long orderId;

private String logisticsNo;

private String status;

// getter and setter methods



2. Generate MySQL table creation statement

Based on the above entity classes, we can generate the following MySQL table creation statement:



  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


CREATE TABLE `product` (

  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  `price` double NOT NULL,

  `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

  `image_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


CREATE TABLE `order` (

  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  `user_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,

  `order_no` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  `create_time` datetime NOT NULL,

  `product_list` json DEFAULT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),

  FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`)


CREATE TABLE `logistics_info` (

  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  `order_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,

  `logistics_no` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  `status` varchar(255) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),

  FOREIGN KEY (`order_id`) REFERENCES `order` (`id`)

