ULID – A better solution than UUID!

The path to growth as a programmer Internet/Programmer/Technology/Data Sharing focus on This article should take approximately 4 minutes to read. From: blog.csdn.net/pushiqiang/article/details/117365290 Why not choose UUID ULID characteristics: ULID specification composition Application scenarios Usage (python) ULID: Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable IdentifierUUID: Universally Unique Identifier Why not choose UUID There are currently 5 versions of UUID: […]

In vue, convert formatted timestamp to standard time & get random id-uuid & random-m to n random number

In vue, convert the formatted timestamp into standard time & amp; obtain random id-uuid & amp; random-m to n random numbers src\utils\index.ts /** * @description formatting time * @param time * @param cFormat * @returns {string|null} */ export function parseTime(time: string | number | Date, cFormat: string) {<!– –> if (arguments.length === 0) {<!– –> […]

Two ways to get UUID in C++ (programming)

The first one, relying on WMI #define _WIN32_DCOM #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <comdef.h> #include <Wbemidl.h> #pragma comment(lib, “wbemuuid.lib”) int main(int argc, char **argv) { HRESULT hres; // Step 1: ——————————————— —– // Initialize COM. —————————————— hrs = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (FAILED(hrs)) { cout << “Failed to initialize COM library. Error code = 0x” […]

Hazel game engine (107) UUID unique identification

If there are errors in code, terminology, etc. in the article, please correct me. Article directory foreword Key code + code flow uuid of yaml-cpp BUG encountered by Cherno Foreword What is UUID Can be understood as a globally unique identifier Why use UUID to identify entities = for this program In order to click […]

Thoughts on existing distributed id generators id generator snowflake algorithm uuid

In the process of work, I have been exposed to many id generation strategies, but there are some problems Snowflake id Strongly dependent on the clock, it cannot be solved well for clock callback tinyid Didi open source, relying on mysql database, auto-increment, no business attributes uuid Generated is a string without order, and the […]

GR5526 128BIT UUID changed to 16BIT UUID

The following two macro definitions are added by me. Among them, the conditional compilation part of USING_128BIT_UUID is the native part of SDK, and the conditional compilation part of USING_16BIT_UUID is modified by me. Through such modification, 128BIT UUID is changed to 16BIT UUID. Don’t forget to change it if your broadcast/scan responses involve UUID. […]

In-depth analysis of why mysql does not recommend using uuid or snowflake id as the primary key

Foreword When designing tables in mysql, mysql officially recommends not to use uuid or non-continuous and non-repeated snowflake ids (long and unique, single-machine increments), but to recommend continuous self-increasing primary key ids. The official recommendation is auto_increment, so why? Uuid is not recommended, what are the disadvantages of using uuid? In this blog, we will […]

Using snowflake id and uuid as the primary key of MySQL was stunned by the leader

Source: cnblogs.com/wyq178/p/12548864.html Foreword When designing tables in mysql, mysql officially recommends not to use uuid or non-continuous and non-repeated snowflake ids (long and unique, single-machine increments), but to recommend continuous self-increasing primary key ids. The official recommendation is auto_increment, so why? Uuid is not recommended, what are the disadvantages of using uuid? In this blog, […]

Using snowflake id and uuid as the primary key of MySQL was stunned by the leader

Click to follow the official account, Java dry goodsDelivery in time Source: cnblogs.com/wyq178/ p/12548864.html Foreword When designing a table in mysql, mysql officially recommends not to use uuid or non-continuous and non-repeated snowflake id (long and unique, single-machine increment), but to recommend continuous self-incrementing primary key id, the official recommendation is auto_increment, so why not […]